Blogs from Tombstone, Arizona, United States, North America


North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone January 25th 2024

Today was sunny at last, but still chilly. We aimed for Whitewater Draw, an area where thousands of sandhill cranes have been gathering since the late 60s in their migration to Nebraska and parts north. They leave the wetlands for the fields at day break and return around noon, so we knew we didn’t need to rush there. Still, it was going to be a two hour drive…. So we stopped in famous Tombstone for a looksee. My oh my it was so commercial, but would indeed have needed an hour to do it all. Our aim was the 25 min historical overview at 10, but we are out of season and it wouldn’t start till noon. So we bought a ticket to see the OK corral anyway – where metal cut out figures of Wyatt ... read more
OK Coral
Cranes coming in for landing
Cranes flying for a rest

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone February 15th 2018

The ride into Arizona from El Paso was clear, sunny, but very windy. So much so that it was a lot like sailing a boat, keep the steering wheel pulled sharp left to lean the rig into the wind then quickly adjust when wind stops. It was a little tiring with 30-40 MPH cross winds steady throughout the 290 mile wrist and shoulder knew I had been in a fight that evening. Other than the wind, the drive was much like the rest of the high desert we've travelled over the past couple weeks. That is until we entered the Texas Canyon in all of a sudden there is a whole valley of large granite-like boulders precariously stacked upon each other. The Texas Canyon Rest Stop has become a tourist attraction in its own ... read more
Statue Paying Honor to Scouts
Texas Canyon

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone January 30th 2016

Geo: 31.7128, -110.067Tombstone Arizona is the reason you do a road trip in the United States. Tombstone has a colourful, if somewhat violent and lawless, history that has been exaggerated in ways only Hollywood can do. It's the quintessential wild west story of the early days of the taming of the American frontier. Hardened men chasing the dream, unbridled patriotism, rough justice, and a boatload of guns- it just doesn't get any more American than this. The Town Too Tough To Die exists today largely to provide a Disney-like experience for adults looking to clomp along the wooden boardwalks in cowboy boots and hats, working the squinty eyes, striking a match against a three-day growth, and with a toothpick dangling ominously- all the while looking for a chance to pick a fight with Doc Holiday (or ... read more
We're Into Arizona
Stopped To See 'The Thing'
Might Have Been Hitlers Car?

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone September 19th 2014

Départ très tôt pour Tombstone (Fameuse ville ou eu lieu la bataille Ok Corral) ou nous nous essayons au tir sur cible avec des Colts. Nous enfilons ensuite des vêtements d’époques pour prendre la pose (Jo en Doc Holiday et Moi en Wyatt Earp). Apres avoir quitté la ville des Cow-Boys nous allons visiter la ville des Mineurs Bisbee. Nous allons faire la visite d’une mine sur un petit train et ensuite nous allons admirer la mine à ciel ouvert un peu plus loin. Ensuite nous quittons déjà l’Arizona (mais nous y reviendrons plus tard) pour rejoindre le Nouveau Mexique et la encore nous nous heurtons à un fichu temps pourri avec pluies intense et brouillard. Mais nous sommes arrivées vivant !! Steph... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone August 7th 2014

THE TOWN TOO TOUGH TO DIE The plan for today is just a quick trip down the road to a little town called Tombstone. Before we leave the big city though we thought we would make a stop into the local motorcycle shop to see what new toys we could find for the bikes. The decision to stop was triggered by yesterday’s stop at the boneyard for the U.S. air force. I felt that if the Government of the United States could just throw away 4,000 slightly used airplanes worth billions of dollars, we could update the toys we play with too. So at this shop Helli found a new mesh jacket that would keep her cooler in the summer heat and a new pair of gloves. I found the best pair of sun glasses with ... read more
Worst pie on this trip - The Cafe, Sonoita Arizona
Route 82 Sonoita, Arizona
Route 82 Sonoita, Arizona

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone June 12th 2013

Nestled in the San Pedro Mountains, Tombstone, Arizona. A ½ hour drive from our campsite. We started our Tombstone visit at “Boot Hill.” Lots of grave sites. Many grave stone pictures thinking you would enjoy the epitaphs. What a fun place – a real, old western town housing the “OK Corral”. Enjoyed a ½ hour Historama of Tombstone – using dioramas and video. The dioramas were made by California artisans, who displayed really spectacular workmanship. Then to the “OK Corral” to witness the ‘live “gunfight between Doc Holliday and the Earps and the Mc Laury brothers and Billy and Ike Clanton. A wonderful ½ hour. Show at noon, outside – 100 degrees, whew. Walked Allen Street, “The” street and ate lunch at the Crystal Palace Saloon. Stage Coaches and folks in period dress completed the ... read more
Boot Hill Graveyard
Boot Hill Graveyard
Boot Hill Graveyard

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone March 6th 2013

NEWMAN HAYNES CLANTON Newman was known, somewhat derisively, as “Old Man” Clanton. It is a term that may have originated with his cowardly son, Ike. Newman raised a passel of kids over near Port Hueneme in Ventura County, California. He got himself into a land dispute there that was made worse by Ike’s loud mouth and the whole family was advised to leave the area. The older kids settled in other areas of California and were well respected throughout their lives. Newman took the remaining kids over to Arizona and attempted to start up a community called Clantonville on the Gila River near where Maxey was later built. It was pestilent area of the river and the community failed due an outbreak of malaria. He then acquired a ranch on the San Pedro River a few ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone March 3rd 2013

THE ORIENTAL SALOON As the year of 1880 was drawing to a close the Oriental Saloon had already developed a bit of an unsavory reputation. Wyatt Earp maintained that the trouble was caused by thugs hired by rival saloon keepers who were jealous of popularity enjoyed by the Oriental. Almost anyone could set up and run a drinking and gambling establishment in those days but few succeeded. In Tombstone not a single saloon operator listed in the 1880 census appears in the business directory three years later. The Crystal Palace, formerly the Eagle Brewing Company, was situated directly across 5th Street from the Oriental and was fiercely competitive. The Crystal Palace had a faro set up run part time by Napa Nick who was a respected judge in California when he was not gambling in Tombstone. ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone March 1st 2013

BLONDE MOLLIE Blonde Mollie Williams was a Tombstone Prostitute who had taken up a living arrangement with Buckskin Frank Leslie on a ranch belonging to Milt Joyce out near the south end of the Swisshelm Mountains in Cochise County. Things went along smoothly enough for the happy couple as long as Buckskin Frank could manage to stay sober. He was one of those mean drunks and the drunker he was the more treacherous he got. Staying at the ranch helped with his sobriety but he would sometimes get fearful thirsty. Whenever that happened to him a trip to Tombstone was required. On July 11, 1889 Buckskin Frank had just returned home from a week long toot in celebration of the Fourth of July Festivities. Sometimes it takes a thirsty man a whole week to get his ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tombstone February 28th 2013

MIKE KILLEEN Sometime in the spring of 1880 Buckskin Frank Leslie arrived in Tombstone from San Francisco where he was a bartender. Probably he was using an assumed name. He claimed to have been an army scout and he did indeed have skills along those lines, but no record of service has ever been found of an army scout using that name. A man named Frank Leslie published a popular magazine in those days and Buckskin Frank may have chosen to assume that name. Presumably he left California two jumps ahead of the law and folks back there were glad enough to see him go. In any event, Buckskin Frank took a room in the Cosmopolitan Hotel where a woman named Mary Killeen was a housekeeper. Mary was the wife of Mike Killeen but the couple ... read more

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