Blogs from Ontario, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa February 18th 2024

We set out this morning from Ottawa around 11 am after Shelley did some morning work. I had finished my shift at Tunney’s Pasture at 2 am and woke up around 9 am or so. We were mostly packed and ready to go with just a couple of things to do before we left. We hit the road and made our way south. The weather was cold and we had received a fresh dumping of snow the previous evening. The roads were mostly bare though, which was nice. It was a very pleasant drive down towards the border. When we arrived, Shelley popped into the Duty Free to use the facilities. From experience, she knew that once we went around the bend, there was going to be a long line up of cars waiting to cross ... read more
Random truck

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls October 26th 2023

Let's just say we are glad we don't live anywhere near Toronto because of the traffic. We arrived here in Niagara Falls by 4. Had dinner with Ted & Jane Guthrie and Keith & Pauline Mueller in prep for tomorrow's Marriage Encounter. The weather was lovely - like 70 - so we walked down to the Falls after dinner. Hence these photos. This is probably the end of this blog. We will be WAY too busy with the M.E. event, having blessings heaped on us and, we pray, 11 couples, 2 anniversary couples, and the other 3 presenting couples. Back home on Sunday night.... read more
Falls 2

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa October 25th 2023

Rumor has it that today’s steps numbered 16500 (David did more, going up and down to the car just now). Boy, my tootsies need a rest. So we left Brigitte’s lovely little ski place around 9 am (oh yes, he did climbing up and down those steps more than I did too – but then he’s a golfer and is used to it!). We headed to Lac Simon, half way to Ottawa, as that was touted as a birding site. It was drizzling when we arrived, but the walk was sheltered in large pines and oaks. Just saw some hooded mergansers (everything looks quite different out of breeding colors, but it was an amazing place – obviously a very popular camping place. The end of the lake, as with so many in Quebec, is sandy, with ... read more
02 camp beach
02 keeping dry
02 the camp

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto October 10th 2023

Toronto was only one day of our two week itinerary, and our time was largely spent in its museums and restaurants. We started our day at the Royal Ontario Museum, the largest and most visited museum in Canada with exhibits of art, Canadian and world culture, and natural history, including dinosaurs! The ROM demanded a full day on its own but then we wouldn’t have been able to visit the Art Gallery of Ontario, the second largest art museum in Toronto, with outstanding works by Canadian, First Nations and Inuit artists, among others. A particular revelation was the artwork from the Group of Seven, once known as the Algonquin School, a group of Canadian landscape painters from 1920 to 1933. I didn’t understand Canadian art until my fourth trip to the country when I finally visited ... read more
Cathedral Church of St. James
Toronto Skyline from Planet Traveler Hostel
View from Planet Traveler Hostel

North America » Canada » Ontario » Kenora September 12th 2023

We skipped doing a canoe trip last year due to a variety of issues (covid, dock, boat lifts, funerals etc) so this year there were thoughts about going back to Dryberry Lake after our return from Ireland. However there were lots of dock and tree issues in June and we typically don’t do canoe trips in early summer due to mosquitos and flies. Our objective then became to do a four day trip at the end of August. Our inspiration to canoe Dryberry Lake originally came from Andy Miles back in 2020. Sadly Andy passed away last May. We also had Roy Ward on two of our trips but it also seems his overnight wilderness camping career is over. The list of people available for travel adventures grows ever shorter. However this year we were able ... read more
The perfect campsite
Evening view

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa August 26th 2023

Saturday, August 26 For the first time, we went to the Canadian War Museum. The museum is organized by eras. We skipped the earliest eras because two tour groups were just getting started there. I thought we could go back later, but we ran out of time. They were about the First Nations and the advent of Europeans; it would have been interesting to see how the history was written. Truthfully, throughout the main galleries much of the text on the signs was too generalized to be really informative, conveying only the broad strokes of accepted history. Women’s roles were faintly described, too often mentioning clerical positions in uniform and keeping up the home out of uniform. Missing entirely was the crucial role women played in ferrying all makes of aircraft from Canada to Britain. I ... read more
Field Command vehicle
Robert Simpson Park
  Post Office building 1891

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls July 30th 2023

The Niagara Falls After we left Toronto it meant that we were coming near the end of our visit in Canada. But we still had one thing left in Canada we wanted to see - the Niagara Falls. Well, you might argue that the Niagara Falls is not in Canada but rather on the border between Canada and the United States. But since we thought that the view of the waterfalls were much better from the Canadian side than from USA we feel that it is more Canadian than American. It is not often that Ake is overwhelmed by sites that he visits. But when he first saw the Niagara Falls he totally lost it and started to laugh because he found the site so amazing. The size and the amount of water and the scenery ... read more
Two falls in one
Horseshoe Falls
Horseshoe Falls

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto July 28th 2023

Toronto doesn't look like Manhattan. But we like it anyway We once heard that Toronto often is used as filming location for movies and TV-series where scenes from Manhattan are needed. Apparently it is very expensive to actually shoot in Manhattan. So instead they go to Canada, where it is far less expensive, and in Toronto it is possible to make it look like Manhattan. So when we arrived in Toronto we expected to find a city that looks like Manhattan. Our expectations weren't met because Toronto doesn't look like Manhattan at all. But it was a nice city anyway. Downtown and City Hall We wouldn't call Nathan Phillips Square, the Toronto sign and the city hall the city centre. But it... read more
The Toronto sign and the city hall
 Nathan Phillips Square
Queen station

North America » Canada » Ontario July 26th 2023

Crossing into Canada yesterday went smoothly. There was a $5 toll for the bridge, and they only needed to see our passports (I had packed things like the kids' birth certificates just in case, but we didn't need them). Then, we finished crossing the border, and the kids became international travelers! Immediately, Andrew's phone switched to giving us directions in meters. I'd turned off my phone before the bridge, and we'd set Andrew's up for a $5/day international plan that Verizon offered. Our plan was to stay the night at the Sheraton, but we decided to check out the falls first. Remember how parking at the falls in New York had cost us $20 for less than an hour? Well, parking in the falls in Canada was $35 Canadian (about $26 US). Niagara Falls has definitely ... read more
Niagara Falls
The Kids at Niagara Falls
Falls View Room

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa July 22nd 2023

Terry Fox is a big inspiration to runners and to non-runners After spending a few days in Montreal we were ready to leave. We decided to rent a car a few days to allow us some sightseeing outside the major cities. Here follows a short description of the various places we visited the next few days of our vacation. Brockville Our first stop was in the town Brockville, a small town south of Ottawa. We had heard that they in town have a spectacular railway tunnel, Brockville Tunnel. After we had seen some pictures of it we knew that we had to visit this tunnel. The tunnel is about half a kilometre long and begins and ends in central Brockville. It is the first railway tunnel in Canada and was in active use from 1860 to ... read more
Brockville Tunnel sign
Brockville Tunnel
Brockville Tunnel

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