Blogs from Golden, British Columbia, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden August 26th 2019

After much discussion we decided to have breakfast at the hotel and be on the road by 7:30am. We have a massive day in front of us and we need to be on the road early. As it turn out, we set off on time for a change. There was no wondering when the uphill sections would start today. As soon as we left town the road pointed up and we started climbing. For the most part the gradient wasn't too bad but every so often we'd get a steep section of road that would last for a kilometer or so. The morning air was quite cool and although there was plenty of light the sun hadn't made it over the massive peaks in the east. We were riding about 30 meters above a river, with ... read more
Glorious views all day
Where's Home?

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden June 8th 2019

Saturday 8th June 2019 In 2003 two little orphan male bears were brought to Golden in the Kicking Horse River valley. Their mother had been shot by trophy hunters. Sadly, one died shortly after arrival but Boo survived and is still here today, living in his own twenty-acre reserve on the mountain above the town of Golden. This is the largest single-bear reserve in the world. Following his mating instincts, Boo has escaped a number of times but then always voluntarily returned to his “home” on the mountain, where he is cared for by experienced rangers who give informed tours to visitors. He is a happy bear, he hunts ground squirrels and other small mammals in his reserve, where two mountain streams provide him with fresh water and coniferous forest provides him seclusion when he wants ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden March 26th 2018

The town of Golden is our next stop but we don’t plan to spend years here, in fact only a couple of days. Although it is close (about 10 miles) from the ski resort of Kicking Horse the logistics of staying in town and skiing in Kicking Horse seems tricky, so after some debate we opt to spend only 3 nights here and longer in Banff, and see if we can figure out a way to get up to KH and if we can’t we won’t have lost much and we will find other things to do here. This turns out to be the right call. There is no shuttle bus from Golden to KH (there was until 2016 but none now). You can take a taxi (there is only 1 taxi company in town) but ... read more
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North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden July 20th 2017

Hung out at the yurt till 1 took Rainy to the vet to get her nails clipped and anal glands checked. Got another oil change and then to the brewery again. We would rate this one in the top 3. Had a plate of cheese, olives and almonds. Perfect appetizers. Finally getting some rain. Hopefully it will help with the forest fires. Grilled burgers for dinner. Hate to leave tomorrow. Changed our route back again to go thru Lake Louise and Banff. ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden July 19th 2017

Spent the day exploring beautiful Golden. Had a few errands to run. Very smokey out again today. Cleared off in the afternoon. Checked out the White tooth Brewery. Had a good selection but "Bruno's " brown ale was my favorite ?. Came home to BBQ pork chops. Still sitting outside sipping beers at 10 pm. Attached some pictures of the smoke over Golden today.... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden August 11th 2016

Geo: 51.2947, -116.963While most of the group hit the whitewater rafting excursion today, we decided to kick back and take care of some jobs, as well as ourselves. Sometimes, when we are travelling, in our eagerness to see everything, we forget that holidays are also about relaxing. So we took today to have a long lie in, enjoy double token showers (here the showers are timed to six minutes so 12 was a luxury!) and then wander into town with 2 of the others, Ayla and Alex who had also decided to enjoy a rest day.We had Doris and breakfast in a cute independent cafe in the town and then took care of our main job for the day - laundry. Chatting to the locals, and meeting the perkiest laundry assistant I have ever seen (although ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden August 10th 2016

Geo: 51.2947, -116.963After packing up our tents and bidding farewell to lovely Jasper, we drove into Yoho National Park, a vast area of hiking trails, waterfalls, rivers and mountains. We passed the spiral tunnels, an ingenious engineering device that allows the train to descend the steep slope known in the area as "Big Hill" - before the tunnel was created, there were times when the front of the train would have been 5 metres below the back as it traversed the tracks, and this caused many fatal accidents. We saw one train looping back on itself as it passed through the tunnels, like a giant snake coiling around on itself. We stopped off at falls, one of the tallest in Canada, where the water thundered down from a great height over seven levels. A wander in ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden March 7th 2016

For the third year running there has been no decent snow over here for cross country skiers, though you can see the ski hill is pretty popular with our young grandson.Yesterday we took a trip to Revelstroke to go to the pool. This is the most amazing pool with a lazy river and really realistic trees, eagles flying overhead, caves to hide out in, plus sauna, tub and steam room, a huge slide and regular pool too of course. This is the public facility and hugely popular, no wonder it was worth the long drive. We stayed for hours then hit a restaurant for lunch, spoilt for choices again. These small BC towns have really cashed into the valuable helicopter- skiing and backcountry opportunities. The amount of foreign ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden September 1st 2015

Nun sind wir schon einige Tage hier in Golden. Unsere Unterkunft ist sehr gemütlich. Es gibt jeden Morgen ein leckeres Frühstück mit Pancakes und Eiern oder Toast usw., es wird alles frisch für uns zubereitet. Wir sind mitten im Wald, man muss ca. drei Kilometer von der letzten Straße aus fahren, um hierher zu kommen. Es gibt in der Gegend wohl auch Bären, aber wir haben bisher noch nicht das Vergnügen gehabt einen zu sehen. An unserem ersten Tag hier, haben wir einen Ausflug zum Lake Emerald gemacht. Dieser liegt mitten in den Bergen, ist türkisblau und wunderschön. Man kann mit kleinen Booten über den See paddeln. Wir liefen erst eine Weile um den See, bis wir uns entschieden, nach oben zu wandern. Die Natur ist wunderschön, man kommt kaum einen Meter weiter, bis man schon ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Golden July 3rd 2015

It's 14.40 on 2nd of July. I had already spent an hour or two writing a pretty long entry about the next three days - Thursday, Friday, Saturday - but unfortunately my phone deleted my notes, so I lost everything. So, I guess all I can do is 'start again at my beginnings/ and never breath a word about my loss' in the words of the Rudyard Kipling poem on my wall at home. I probably won't write in quite as much detail this time around, however. So, Thursday. Thursday was Josh's birthday, so we all wished him a happy birthday in the morning - but it was still a normal working day for everyone as usual. In the morning, Matt, Josh and I begun by moving furniture and scrap wood around the site in the ... read more

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