Start! Trekking the Lycian Way (Turkey)

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April 12th 2008
Published: April 14th 2008
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(Day 8 on the road)The start to my travels was just fabulous. It began with a week of trekking with my very good friend Tino in the Turkish region of Lycia, a bit westwards of Antalya. We flew into Antalya and then took a bus to a city called Kas (about 4h west of Antalya by bus), from where we walked back to Antalya - well at least part of the way.

The Lycian Way is a 500km trekking-path around the coast of Lycia in southern Turkey (from Fethiye to Antalya). It is not very famous yet, which only adds to the beauty of it! I am sure it will become much more popular a the word spreads. If you want to read more about the walk, have a look at .

In the 6 days that we spent on the track, we met only three fellow hiker-groups. Apart from that it was just us, our tent, and quite a few sheep. The scenery of the walk is just stunning, most of the time we either walked right next to the coast-line by the sea, or on the mountains that rise next to the coast, watching the sea from above. We thoroughly enjoyed the trek, and for me it was the perfect start to my travels.

Apart from that, we were amazed by Turkey itself. Not really knowing much about Turkey but expecting a rather closed and somewhat prudish society, we rather found an open-minded and very modern country. Sitting in downtown Antalya on our last day and somewhat expecting head-scarfs and a male dominated atmosphere, we were stunned by women in (mini-) skirts and high-heels, people openly showing affections and so forth. This could be any European city indeed. To give a balanced view however, we did see quite some covered women in some of the more remoter little villages we passed on our hike.

Next stop: Berlin (Germany) for a short and final stopover.

To view my photos, have a look at And to read the full account of my journey, have a look at the complete book about my trip at Amazon (and most other online book shops).

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


14th April 2008

Beautiful Start!
What a beautiful start for your round-the-world trip. Looking forward to following your journey online! Good Luck! Niels
14th April 2008

Nice haircut ...
... or even better hair shaving ;-) Is that a demonstration of your sympathy for the Tibetan???
15th April 2008

Glad to hear u have a great start and an impressive hair style. Take care
15th April 2008

Hej, die Fotos sind ja schön geworden. Ich bin froh, dass deine Kamera wenigstens mit in den Rucksack durfte! Mama hat heute den Untersuchungstermin für ihr Knie! Ich werde dich informieren, wenn ich genaueres weiß! Und: Ich möchte gerne Postkarten, falls du dazu kommst:-)
15th April 2008

Hey, nice haircut!
Hey Ben, it seemed as if you had a great start of your big tour! Really great pictures! Good luck for your next stop! Greetings, Ines
17th April 2008

Marco Polo would be proud of you :-)
Great stuff man. But I would start to be worried if more people comment about your hairstyle.
7th April 2009

weiter geht's
Hallo, Herr Beiske, Klasse, dass Sie solch einen guten Start hatten! Das füllt die Battwerien für später und schafft schon mal gute erinnerungen, von denen Sie zehren können, wenn mal nicht so gute erlebnisse dazukommen. Weiterhin alles Gute, ALi
7th April 2009

Bye bye, Ben!
Ben, ich wuensche Dir alles Gute, unvergessliche Momente und spektakulaere Eindruecke auf Deiner Reise. Bin unfassbar neidisch und super gespannt auf Deine Berichte! Schade, dass ich bei Deinem Abschied hier in Mainz nicht dabei sein konnte, aber ich komme auf jeden Fall zu Deiner Welcome-back-Party :-) Liebe Gruesse Katharina
7th April 2009

Hey Ben! Ich wünsche Dir sooo viel Spaß draußen in der weiten Welt, genieße es und ich freu mich, von Deinen Erlebnissen zu lesen - bitte bündeln, damit mein Account überläuft und ich ganz bedröppelt über Berlin werde ;-) Grüße mir das Meer und Wasser, wo immer du es siehst! LG, Uli
2nd April 2010

Andrike Camping Demre
We are on the Lycian way in Andriake.We are ready for the new season and waiting for the Lycian way walkers to Demre..See you in Andriake Camping

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