Last Day at Work (Berlin, Germany)

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March 20th 2008
Published: March 23rd 2008
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(16 days until departure)Well, I guess that was that - the last day at work had finally arrived. What seemed like eternity back in January when I quit my job actually happened quite fast. Leaving the company after almost five years was much harder than I had expected, and I will certainly miss it all!

My boss held a very nice and well prepared speech - the part I liked the best was: "When I offered Ben the job, I told him that it would involve a lot of travelling across Europe. But apparently that was not enough for him, so now he is off to explore the world".

Anyway, too late to revert that decision now. New things lie ahead! My last two weeks in Germany have thus begun. I will be selling most of my possessions including my car and all of my furniture, and will be putting the rest into storage at my mum's house. The remainder of my time will be taken up with last preparations and saying goodbye to my friends and family. Very exciting, but also quite moving.

Next stop: Antalya (Turkey) for the start of my trip!

To view my photos, have a look at And to read the full account of my journey, have a look at the complete book about my trip at Amazon (and most other online book shops).


11th April 2008

Hey Ben! Wieso letzter tag? Ist ja jetzt auch ne Weile her, also wo steckst Du jetzt?? Muss ich neidisch sein??? LG, Conny
27th September 2010

"that was not enough"
Haha That is very funny that your boss said that at your speech! It means he had a sense of humor and let you go in a good note :)

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