Blogs from Petra, South, Jordan, Middle East


Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra April 11th 2024

It was, again, a very early start, as we needed to get to breakfast and be waiting at the hotel reception for a guide at 7.30 ready for our Petra tour. This time it wasn't Achmed, but a man called Khamal, who's obviously used to the British grasp of names and languages and was keen to stress that his name isn't Camel. We have been making some effort with Arabic, although those efforts have, so far, only stretched to "Salam" ("hello"), "Sabah El Khair" ("good morning") and "Shikran" ("thank you"). Khamal also introduced us to "Yalla Yalla", which means "get a move on". We were a bit dismayed to see all the coaches parked outside the Petra entrance. It's clearly going to be busy in there! Something that was also parked outside was the tourist police, ... read more
Breakfast Pastries
Petra Canyon
Reconstructed Dam

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra November 20th 2023

From the small town of Wadi Musa we travelled a short distance to Little Petra. It was an interesting introduction to the area. Here we found the old Nabataean structures which had been dug out of the sides of the canyon. These included a collection systems, steps and "shops" . He last section of the area involved a short but steep set of stairs which was an introductory test to the main Petra site. Next day up early to visit Petra. The first section, about 2.5 km long is through the Siq or narrow canyon. So interesting seeing the variety of carvings. Finally a glimpse of the Treasury! Astounding in size. Petra is much bigger than I imagined. Over the day, we walked about 16 km because we went up the 850 steps to the Monastery. ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra June 21st 2023

Today we visit Petra, a UNESCO World heritage site. Petra, like many other places on our tour required some preparation, so let’s start there. It is HOT in the Middle East in June, July, and August. In fact, the tourist season is winding down by June because it is HOT. September and October are great months to go. November and December as well as January and February are the wet season. In the high mountain areas it will snow! So the best time to go is late March through early June. Shoes. A word about shoes. You are not here to impress anyone if you are on tour so leave those dress shoes home. They add weight and are not at all necessary. Your best friend will be a good pair (I prefer 2) of walking ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra June 18th 2023

I apologize as I am a full day behind in the blog, but we traveled so long and saw so much that when I got to the hotel at 10:30 PM (we started at 8:30 AM) I was bushed and went right to sleep. Today we started out on the bus and headed towards Petra. Our first stop along the King's Highway was the city of Madaba. This is a very ancient city and boasts two major sites, The Greek Orthodox Church and Mt Nebo. The church is dedicated to St. George who slew the dragon. The current church is from the 18th century. The church was built on the site of a Byzantine Church from 560 AD. Although the church is relatively new, the builders uncovered a mosaic floor of profound importance. It was not ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra November 24th 2022

First off, Happy Thanksgiving! No turkey for us, but we are so thankful for all we have, including our wonderful family and friends. It seems like all roads lead to Petra, which is the biggest draw to Jordan. No matter that there are so many things to see and experience, it is always Petra. And today we get to find out why. I do feel that no matter what I write, it can't adequately describe the overall experience. There is just so much history and information, so anyone reading this will have to google to get the details. We had gotten advice from some fellow travelers while at the Dead Sea, that we should plan to leave the hotel by 7a to beat the tour busses. So, that is what we did. Our taxi driver was ... read more
Loving Jordan
The Treasury
The Treasury

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra July 3rd 2022

The next day started off with another car ride, this time to Petra. After settling into our hotel room, my sister, dad and I went to eat lunch- gyro meat for them and falafel for me- before adventuring through the ruins of Petra. We rode horses a part of the way there and continued on foot after reaching the start of the impressive towers of rock. Contributing to the magnificence were the carvings on the rocks- the broken pediment of that famous Petra temple, the rendering of a camel, and the tombs scattered throughout the mountains overlooking tables of knickknacks. We left by mode of a go-cart and went back to the hotel. We ended the night by eating at the “Cave Bar” which is supposedly the oldest bar in the world. The next morning we ... read more
Almost to the Treasury
Me and Maja
Obelisk Tomb

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra June 17th 2022

Here we are, the last blog of our little two weeks gorgeous Middle East trip. This is my third visit to Petra, but only the first one for Tanya. In the span of 20 hours in Petra, we actually visited 3 times the site! The drive from Wadi Rum to Petra is a pretty cool one. Some roads are super narrow and in the "hills" if you keep a good driving speed...just stay pretty aware of your surroundings. There are for me two options (actually three) to stay in Petra. We could have stay at the small Marriott....I hold top level with them, but the rate was a little steep for June. They also have two Movenpick hotels. I have stay in both on my last two stay. The Movenpick Petra has the perfect location, at ... read more
Back to one of the most beautiful spot in the world...
Dinner at the Movenpick...
The Treasury

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra March 28th 2020

21 mars à …. Je travaille en hôtellerie depuis longtemps, et des chambres de grands hôtels, j'en ai vu et revu souvent. Mais jamais j'aurais cru qu'un jour, je passerai autant de temps confiné à l'une d'entre-elles: la chambre 811 du Marriott Petra en Jordanie. Rideaux fermés, je pourrais tout autant me trouver à Melbourne qu'à Ouagadougou. Au centre de la pièce se trouve un lit king pour m'échouer en ange et devant, un téléviseur plus long qu'à la maison où tournera sans s'arrêter CNN ou Al Jazeera en bruit de fond. J'accroche ma casquette, mon masque et mes gants de caoutchouc refoulés sur le coin d'un cadre présentant le trésor de Petra au loin, en sépia. J'ouvre mes sacs-poubelle contenant mes affaires personnelles et reclasse par terre mon butin. Mélangé à mon linge, les cannages, ... read more
Chambre 811
Repas 1
Repas 2

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra March 26th 2020

20 mars Yeux bouffis, je reprend vie en angle-mort sur mon lit à crinque de l'hôpital de Wadi Musa. On nous a transféré de chambre au petit matin, libérant ainsi la chambre d'isolement commune pour possiblement d'autres cas douteux d'incubation. Couché sur le dos, le vieux John ronflotte, bras croisés sur sa chemise bleue pâle de bureaucrate tandis qu'Eugène le russe fait les cents pas dans la pièce. Il est 8 ou 9 heures, peut-être 10 heures AM lorsqu'on cogna à la porte. Je ne sais plus trop exactement: toutes ces heures sont maintenant identiques. Dans le corridor, un charriot laissé seul supporte des plats en styromousse et des oranges enfermées dans des sacs à poisson-rouges. On le tire à l'intérieur pour se refermer rapidement à notre contagion. Je me sens comme un gros singe dans ... read more
Fenêtre 811

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra March 25th 2020

19 mars (Deuxième Partie) Dans le bureau de la Tourist Police, l'interrogatoire s'organise comme un film noir alors qu'on nous observe sans mot dire, Eugène le russe et moi-même. Les agents se démasquent parfois, le temps de tirer une bouffée mate de cigarette qu'ils évacueront rapidement en soupir. Assis sur un divan mou et déformé par l'attente, on me cloue quelques questions sur mon arrivée en Jordanie, puis mon arrivé à Petra, puis sur mon logement et mes transports. Les policiers anonymes parlent peu anglais: leurs demandes se feront très souvent en un seul mot. ''Where? When? How?'' Derrière son cabinet, le policier en chef, sans camouflage, parle au téléphone en laissant perler une goûte de sueur le long de sa tempe grisonnante. Dans le cendrier, transformée en bâton d'encens, sa clope se consume en un ... read more
Prise de sang

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