Blogs from Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel, Middle East


Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 13th 2023

Jerusalem, an hour by train from Tel Aviv, is not only the holiest cities in Israel but the city with the most complex history. I spent a good amount of time in the Old City. This 1 Square Kilometre space, with three religions intertwined and intense political history is a fascinating place of faith and human beliefs. It is difficult to explain the magic of the Old City, you got to be here to experience it. Broadly, the Old City has four quarters (Armenian, Jewish, Christian and Muslim). For those who wonder why Armenian, well they were the first country to convert to Christianity and managed to get a space in the Old City. I prayed at the Western Wall (called Kotel locally, part of the Second Temple), went to the Church of Holy Sepulchre (where ... read more
Church of Holy Sepulchre
Western Wall
Jerusalem Old City

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 12th 2023

Today we began our day visiting the two most important museums in all of Israel. The first one is called Yad Vashem and is the Holocaust Remembrance Museum and the second is the Israel Museum. Both were spectacular and serve completely different purposes. The Yad Yashem is devoted to remembering the victims of the Holocaust. As we all know this was a terrible time in world history where a madman tried to wipe out an entire race of people. We all know and are appalled by the history of these events, but this fascinating museum is devoted to remembering the victims and those who committed these atrocities. The museum is a series of interconnected exhibits devoted to memorializing the memories of those who survived. There are photos, movies, and very emotional video testimonials of what people ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 9th 2023

Today was the first day of our tour. Last night we met our tour guide Evan and the other 23 people on the tour. One thing I love about touring is the people you meet. Our group is from all over the world. The U.S. (of course), New Zealand, Australia, and Singapore, to name a few. Most of us are of THAT CERTAIN AGE, so we have at least that in common. We do have some families, many couples, and a few single travelers, proving the point that anyone at any age can travel anywhere. Being alone is no reason to stop traveling. When you are on tour, you are with family, so don't fret. Get those airline tickets and get out there! I said earlier that touring is not a vacation. Today we got a ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 8th 2023

Well, today was the last day of our amazing Holy Land Vacation; tomorrow we start the tour. Now those of you who have been on a tour before know what I mean. On vacation you get up when you want, eat where you want, and are free to explore and go where you want, when you want. On tour you have no control for the most part. You are told when to get up, where to eat, where you are going, and what you will be doing. The difference is on tour you will learn a great deal from professional guides, will see and understand some of the world's most amazing sites, and not have to worry about anything. You may give up a little freedom but it is so worth it. Today we had another ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 7th 2023

This page is dedicated to photos from the last two days. All I can say is if you get the chance to visit Jerusalem.....DO IT! If you know anyone who would like to read this blog please send them an invite or give them the website. You can also hit the FOLLOW button and get a notice when a new blog is published.... read more
The Jerusalem City Walls
Jaffe Gate
Arab Restaurant for lunch

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 7th 2023

For a Christianity history buff like me today was nothing less than spectacular! First breakfast in our hotel, The Dan Panorama. Our included breakfast consisted of an endless choice of amazing and ecclectic nourishment options. There was 5 different kinds of bread from rolls to bagels to sliced bread you cut yourself. There were several European cereals, fresh cooked to order eggs, fresh cooked to order pancakes and fresh brewed coffee. Choices included espresso, latte, Americano, and a wide variety of teas. The cold foods tables consisted of a variety of cheeses, olives, dates, raisins, hummous, and more. Some of the odd choices included salads, tomato and cheese, tuna salad, peppers, pasta salad and on and on. If you left the table hungry, it was your own fault. Cathy and I had tickets for the Red ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 6th 2023

June 5 The journey began a little after 6 AM this morning. Our goal was to head out to the Detroit airport to catch our flight to Altanta no later than 7:30 am. Goal achieved! Surprising for a June Monday morning, there was relatively no traffic. We took our time and got the airport about 8:30 where our prepaid parking spot awaited us. In less than 15 minutes we were whisked off to the Delta terminal. There was no line at TSA and we breezed through in less than 10 minutes. Since we had a little more than an hour to kill, we went to the Delta Sky Club for a hot breakfast, steaming cappuchino and a very cold mimosa! Our flight boarded right on time and we took off for the 90 minute flight to ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 6th 2023

June 6 Our First Day in Jerusalem We arrived in Tel Aviv right on time at 9:45 AM. Getting off the plane and through customs and getting your baggage can be daunting for the unprepared. Every airport has their own rules and means to govern passport control. If you make a misstep, you can be delayed for hours. It takes preparation, planning, and paying attention to the signs and directions provided to guide you smoothly through passport control. Here is what you need to know. First, your flight has 250 to 300 plus people on the plane, all of which are heading to the same place. You do not want to be in the middle of that crowd. Getting off the plane is your first project. I make sure I have limited carry on baggage unless ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 4th 2023

Can you believe it? Another year has passed and it's time for the next Farina Family Vacation Adventure! This time we reached deep into the travel bucket and came up with a winner...THE HOLY LAND! Now everyone should know by now I love all things history. What has MORE history than the Holy Land? Walking in the steps of history, seeing the sights many of us have only seen on TV, eating the local food and, of course, SHOPPING. This trip required planning and I suggest, if you are planning on any major tour, plan it and plan it well. We chose TRAFALGAR as out tour guide. They are a well established tour company and we have been on many tours with them and all were excellent. They take care of all the arrangements from airport ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem May 21st 2023

Shalom Israel and Palestine - Piprey on wheels Israel/Palestine is one of the most politically unstable regions of the world where the Jews and Muslims are still annoying each other despite standing together in the 21st century. The rife started centuries earlier with the tribes of Cannan, Philistines, Samarians etc living in the Judah and Israel region. David unified the northern kingdom of Israel and southern kingdom of Judah after capturing it from the Jebusites, local inhabitants to establish his capital. Actually, most of the buildings in the old city of Jerusalem were built by Herod, who was a prolific builder. There were the Ottomans (Walls of the old city) and Habsburg empire (Churches) among others. Jerusalem is an old vibrant city where religious identity is expressed strongly by most individuals. The values of peace, harmony ... read more
Jaffa gate
Al Aqsa/ Dome of the Rock
Jericho wall

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