Wet 'n' dry...

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May 30th 2017
Published: June 5th 2017
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Penycloddiau & Moel Arthur Hillforts

Monday was rainy so we had a lazy day. We headed out to visit a farm shop at Hawarden where we got some lamb to roast & stopped briefly at the airport fro Vix but there was only one large plane & a rather soggy pheasant. Vix & Chavaunne rode the ponies when the rain stopped in the afternoon & we slow roasted the lamb in the rayburn for supper.

Tuesday the weather was better so we did a warm up walk (in prep for Cadair Idris) along part of Offa's Dyke Walk via two ironage hill forts - Penycloddiau & Moel Arthur. Good wlk with lovely view but a bit stepper than planned at the start & end, & the walk wasn't helped by a farmer who had tied a gate sut along a bridleway! I made chilli wraps for supper which were well recieved.

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