Blogs from County Londonderry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, Europe


This morning we pulled out onto the N15 and inserted ourselves into a convoy of vintage Citroens beetling along the highway. We were in the middle of a group of four of them for a few kilometres before coming aside a layover where they started to pull in just as the leading members of their group, who we presume had been waiting for them, started to pull out. Aargh! Vintage Citroens going everywhere. Thank goodness that soon after they decided to pull out onto a local road. It’s always a bit awkward getting caught up in groups travelling together. That goes for caravan convoys crossing the Nullarbor and the 2CV6 Club on tour in Ireland! Today we are going over road already travelled again. We thought we were heading from Sligo to Letterkenny and we are ... read more
Gweebarra River viewpoint
The Bristi
Bristi Cliffs

We are in Northern Ireland. We came via a night in Donegal, that included a visit to Donegal Castle and some fun picture taking. We left Donegal first thing in the morning to go to Derry and the UK. Derry's a city I was really interested in experiencing and did that. Spent 2 hours on a walking tour with a survivor, Jimmy Toye, of Bloody Sunday. He relived that day, more than 50 years ago, moment by moment, taking us to the spot where the British soldiers stood when they fired at the young Irish protestors, and where each of his friends had fallen. It was very moving and intense, too much for some. I learned a lot...the connections with the civil rights movement in the 60s is a strong one. The civil rights issue here ... read more
Street in a Derry where the trouble started
Derry murals
Derry murals

Derry is one of the best example of a walled city in Europe, and the only remaining city in Ireland with virtually complete walls surrounding the inner core. The walls were erected early in the 17th century as defenses against encroaching English and Scottish settlers. Like most places in Northern Ireland, they saw their share of trouble during "The Troubles". The walls were a good 12 feet wide and originally had only four entrances, all of which met at one central square. When the walls were first built, the river came up to the edge of one wall. Land has since been 'reclaimed' and the Guildhall, a waterfront, roads and parks are on the land that was once water. We looked out onto 'bogside' which was the Catholic part of town during the Troubles; the IRA ... read more
Derry Wall Gate

Today was a very full day: Carrickfergus Castle;Bushmills Distillery, Portrush, Giant's Causeway. Carrickfergus Castle: in the town of Carrickfergus: over 800 years old, sitting on the point so surrounded by water on three sides. In the 1100s, there was no ability to attack from water so thick walls and a thicker door with portcullises was the answer. Sounds good but the castle surrendered the three times it was actually attacked! Bushmills Distillery: only the water from the spring in town is used to make this whiskey. Nice tour and tasting (and gift shop) at the end. Bucketed down rain while we were in the packing area which had a metal roof but then let up as we were ready to move to the next building. Lunch in Portrush, a seaside resort which was packed despite the ... read more
King Billy
BelfasttoDerry0430 004
Slit windows for arrows

Ireland the North.Day11.Portstewart Another good day in Ireland with untypical weather I believe. The first ferry at Rathmullen was a treat to most people and was easy to ride to. The last time we did this tour we took some minor roads only to find that they were very steep and torture to some, so this time we took the easier route which actually gave us a better view of the coastline. Luckily there was a coffee kiosk at the ferry terminal which gave us the necessary caffeine rush ready for our journey up into the hills. What! Hills? There was a long hill over the moors but luckily we had a tail wind which helped somewhat. We met another couple of cyclists up on the moor who told us it was all downhill from there. ... read more

MON, 01 AUG 2022 – “Day 2: Fionn MacCool Giants Causeway and the walled city of Derry - The Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge is not for the faint hearted. Swaying 30 meters above the churning Atlantic, we’ll walk the creaking wooden slats to tiny Carrick Island. Then it’s off to the Giant’s Causeway, a natural world heritage site, formed by a volcanic eruption, 60 million years ago. Learn about the legend that was the burly giant, Fionn MacCool. It’s on to Derry, the last walled city to be built in Europe and home to some very famous walls such as the Bogside Murals and Free Derry Corner. Explore the city by night as the lights shimmer on the River Foyle, before heading for a cocktail in Granny Annie’s or some toe-tapping jazz, in Bennigans. Estimated driving time: ... read more
Carnlough Village, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK
Carnlough Village, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK
Carnlough Village, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK

July 21 Today we had an earlier day that is usual. We had to be on the bus at 8 and breakfast was at 7:00. It meant getting up at 6:00, which wax no problem. Our first goal today was the Northern Ireland town of Derry or Londonderry. Derry/Londonderry is the second biggest city of Northern Ireland, after Belfast. It's a walled city, and there is so much history within the walls. The city was originally named Derry, from the Irish “Daire“, meaning “oak tree”. It was then anglicized to “Derry”. In 1613,  the name was changed to Londonderry. The name of the city is now a topic of dispute between Irish nationalists (using Derry) and unionists (using Londonderry). In Northern Ireland, the religious differences are what turned into a political split; Catholics predominantly consider themselves Irish ... read more

The rooster crows each morning with the first light. He has a distinct sound that pierces the cold morning air and the stone walls of the barn we call home. He will not stop until we give up on our dreams and the warmth of our thick blankets and start our day. The dogs come to the glass kitchen door when they see us turn on the light. We name them Scruffy and Old Tom and they don't seem to care what we call them as long we give them treats. After a couple of days, we decide it is okay if they come into the house. The painted cement floors of the barn have permanently embedded dog prints so the owner must have been alright with them entering at one time. Scruffy knows where we ... read more
Mussenden Temple
Dunluce Castle
The Dark Hedges

Dear All And so here is my third and final blog entry on my amazing mid-winter trip to Northern Ireland in February. As mentioned, although the trip was only four days in length, I feel I packed so much into it, that I am so glad to be able to write three separate blog entries about it. Upon booking my trip, it was quite easy for me to make the decision of spending one day in Belfast and one on the Causeway Coast. It was not so easy to decide what to do on my third day. My initial thoughts lay with visiting the nearby town of Antrim, which sits close to Lough Neagh, the largest lake both in the United Kingdom and also in Ireland. I could take a quick train trip down to the ... read more
Wall Mural
City Walls
Me, Peace Bridge

30 septembre 2016 : Nous arrivons à Londonderry pour voir son mur, sa tour-musée et le Bogside (quartier catholique lieu d'une vériteble bataille en 1969. Nous partons ensuite pour Enniskillen et son château avec musée. Nous quittons ensuite l'Irlande du Nord pour rentrer dans un premier temps à Wiklow.... read more

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