The funeral of our beloved British Queen Elizabeth ll

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September 19th 2022
Published: September 27th 2022
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Today was all about the funeral of our wonderful Queen Elizabeth ll. We couldn’t be there but we have the laptop and I made sure we had a reliable wifi signal (thanks to the kind campsite reception who supplied me with a special sign on 😊) so we could watch the broadcast by the BBC.

Before it began I took a stroll along to the little marina just by the campsite. An absolutely stunning morning which surely lifted the soul.

We spent nearly all the day watching the funeral. The procession to Westminster Abbey, the service there and then the procession from there to Windsor Castle. Just paused our watching while the Royal hearse was travelling to Windsor, while I nipped along to the campsite restaurant for a superb takeaway Rosti which we shared. Then we watched again until the end of the interment service there.
So very moving and surely the most magnificent spectacle we will ever see. It was watched by about 4 billion people worldwide and as well as celebrating the most beautiful 70 year reign of our beloved British Queen it also very definitely made sure that there is a Great in Britain. I took photos off the laptop screen as my momento of this truly memorable event which I will remember for ever. With so much sadness that our Queen has now gone but with pleasure that she enjoyed such a fantastic life and was so beloved by so many.

Our day ended with a stroll along the lake. This really is a lovely spot with the gorgeous views across the water and the mountains which rise up all around us. We plan a boat trip across the lake tomorrow and the weather forcast is for sun, sun and more sun again so should be brilliant.

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