Drive round Lake Geneva (Lake Leman) to visit Lausanne

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Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Lausanne
September 18th 2022
Published: September 26th 2022
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Really loving this location on Lake Geneva. This area on the north coast, eastern side is called the Riviera and it certainly has the feel of the French Riviera with a hint of Italian Lakes 😊

It was chilly in the night. The season definitely changed with the falling first snow of the year and the night temperatures from now on will be decidedly autumnal. Daytime is a different matter. Woke to glorious unclouded blue sky. Saw that several people on the campsite were pretty well dressed for winter but I took no notice and dressed in my sunny day outfit of suntop and shorts… and I didn’t need the cardigan I took out with me just in case 😊

We whizzed along the north shore of the lake towards Montreux and then carried on to Lausanne. Lovely drive though the Swiss traffic light system takes some getting used to with enormous left hand turn lights separate from the others. When that one is on red and your straight on and right are green you are lucky to be brave enough to move forward at all 😊

I spotted several little roads down to the lake in the villages we passed through which looked well worth a visit but will save our visits there for a couple of days’ time. The road follows the lake but goes quite a way from it in places and goes through several miles of vineyards which rise way up above the road. The vines face due south across the lake. The Swiss / French border is across the middle of the lake so where we could see to the other side and the mountains behind it was France we were seeing.

Lausanne is Big. It also had some signs saying the Big Bridge was closed and no access but as we didn’t know what the Big Bridge was we were as usual here in Switzerland completely perplexed by the diversions. Eventually we managed to find the old part of town, not helped at all by the non-existent tourist road signage, and found a spot in a car park.

We found the Cathedral though the road down to it from the carpark was not especially pleasant as the shops we walked past were full of rubbish and the route seemed to be lined with groups of youths hanging about all with bottles and beer cans in their hands. I can tell when I don’t feel 100% safe by the way I double hold my handbag close under my arm !

The inside of the Cathedral was light and airy with lovely stained glass windows but not really much else. We were pretty horrified to see 3 tourists (Not Brits, if they had been I would have shouted at them) climb up into the pulpit, take selfies of themselves and then stand laughing at themselves. It was So disrespectful.

Outside the cathedral really was rather a mess. Scaffolding at one end (we Always find scaffolding it follows us around the world) and lots of rubbish and other stuff waiting to be removed. Think there had been a recent event / concert there but it didn’t look too attractive really. We found our way down some pretty steep steps and slopes to the main square, Place de la Palud which has a clock tower with animation but we were looking for drinks and food and there was very little open in this older part of the city. Shops all firmly shut as Sunday and there were very few other tourists to be seen.

So we found our way back to the car and drove down to the lake side. Lake Geneva here is known as Lake Leman. We found Ouchy waterfront and a handy carpark with space for us. Excellent.

A super spot for a stroll and we were not alone. The waterside was full of people, families and couples and dogs out for a stroll in the sunshine. Stopped at the first restaurant we came to and found it a great decision. Tapas was an excellent choice and we were so lucky as only served from 3pm and we arrived at just 5 minutes to 😊
Then a stroll along the waterside admiring boats and swans and the water and trying to work out which mountain was which on the other South side of the lake. Mont Blanc is not visible from Lausanne, need to go another 10 of so kilometres round to Morges to see it but we may get the chance when we leave for France on Wednesday as will be going that way.

So back to the car. The Swiss car parks are superb. All so automated that after I had paid at the caisse on the way out and my ‘franked’ ticket was still in my hand, the barrier lifted, presumably as my barcode was read before I even put it near the scanner !

Just back in time to take photos of the sunset across the lake and arrange with campsite reception to make sure we have wifi tomorrow as we will be staying put in the motorhome to watch the Queen Elizabeth the Great’s funeral.

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