Snow Day in London!

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February 2nd 2009
Published: February 2nd 2009
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Whilst I do live in London and therefore this is not strictly a 'travelblog', I couldn't resist putting up some photos from today's pretty exceptional events. London rarely gets snow, and it very rarely gets snow that sticks for more than 5 minutes. This has been one of those rare days!

Work was more or less called off, but I braved the cold and snow to walk in just to quickly turn on the computers before coming home again. On my way I took a detour to take some of these snaps.

I even got to build a snowman which is something I had little chance to do when I was young as we pretty much never had snow on the Welsh coast. I named him Snowy (well, I did once have a fish called 'fishy' and a hamster called 'hammy').

Days like this make me realise I am lucky to live in such a cool city. Both 'cool' and 'cold' when I think about it....

Additional photos below
Photos: 21, Displayed: 21


2nd February 2009

Leeds is full of it!
Also the same in Leeds and more heavy snow to come!
13th February 2009

Looks a bit like Alaska. You'll be needing crampons next!
17th April 2009

time to get back on the road what do you say?

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