Enjoying the sun in Dubrovnik

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July 17th 2009
Published: July 28th 2009
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Time is not on my hands these days. I would love to be able to blog as much as I did when we were travelling for a year, but it is just not possible! Therefore, our recent few days in Dubrovnik, followed by a week in Montenegro will exist in these two short (but sweet?!) blogs...

Some of the highlights of our couple of days in Dubrovnik included:

* the weather! I loved the blue skies and sunshine. We had perfect weather for our entire trip. If anything, it was too hot, hitting around 35 degrees on most days. This meant that culture was mostly out of the question, so instead we found other sun-friendly ways to amuse ourselves.

* walking the city walls at sunset. The perfect time to capture the light on the red roofs, as well as it not being too hot to take more than 3 steps without needing a litre of water!

* boat trip to Lokrum Island. A lovely place, just 10 minutes or so by boat from Dubrovnik. We hiked all over the island, saw the ruins of a fort, and finally found our way to a little boulder beach, where we realxed for an hour or two, ate a picnic and jumped into the cool Adriatic.

* the Buza cafes (I and II), situated just outside the city walls, right next to the sea. These places offered good drinks with amazing views and a relaxed atmosphere. The perfect place to while away an hour or two. Sitting in the first Buza cafe also gave us an opportunity to watch the locals diving into the sea from crazy heights. I'd rather them than me...

* ah, we did manage one museum, War Photo Ltd An excellent selection of photography and also an opportunity to consider the utter depravity of war. This was especially telling when we saw photos such as "Dubrovnik Burning" from the early 1990s.

* our apartment. Hotels are not as popular in this part of the world as they are elsewhere. Apartments tend to be more readily available and often cheaper. We stayed at the lovely Studio Bete, part of Artemida Apartments We had soon found the local supermarket and ended up making some great sandwiches for lunch and then pasta with local wine in the evenings. Lovely!!

We only had 2 days in Dubrovnik, and to be honest that was enough time. I could of course happily live there for a year and not get bored, but I would certainly have to repeat the activities above on quite a few occassions!

So, early on Monday morning we picked up our hire car and headed for the Montenegro border... (see my next blog)

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


28th July 2009

Great weather, great blogging, great photos and somewhere else on our "to do" list for the future!! Hope you guys are keeping well. Would be lovely to catch up with you some time.
28th July 2009

Dubro what?
Nice pics! I liked Barry's on FB more though... hahaa!! Just kidding!! :D
29th July 2009

I can Imagen how hot it could for you , but at evening cloud seems very nice and the pictures shown in blog very really very nice. It shows how waves and days are there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alexander Cruz interview questions
29th July 2009

hang on...
Just wait a day or two Stephen, and then you will see that my next Montenegro blog has lots of nice photos... and you will also see that Barry's facebook photos are mostly actually MY photos!!!

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