Blogs from Kalmar County, Sweden, Europe


Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Kalmar August 22nd 2023

Another day in the Kalmar area. Today we crossed the bridge from mainland Sweden to Oland. Reasonable sized island massive sized bridge - about 6 km long. It is relatively flat until the middle section where it rises reasonably steeply to allow shipping underneath. The island is famous for its old windmills. They dot the island everywhere. We stopped at one large windmill which has sort of been turned into a museum. You climb the old timber stairs up 5 levels. The original mechanisms are still in place. The engineering from back in the 1800’s is amazing. We then went on some back roads and along the waterfront. Narrow roads and in some cases dirt. Nice distraction from the main roads we had been traveling earlier. Many interesting things along the way. Our ultimate goal was ... read more
Massive windmill set up as a museum
Internal mechanisms used to turn the grind stones
Note the wooden wheels used for the belt drives

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Kalmar August 20th 2023

Headed away from Simrishamn this morning. Pretty little town but woke up to a morning fog. Couldn’t even see the rock wall of the marina - only 70 meters away. Watching the footy scores then Jessica called and let me watch the last minute of the game. Good result but a bit tight early on. Spoke to Pippa and Jessica after the game. Jessica said she would call later. We then called Stephanie. All good all round. On the road towards our next stop. Just out of Kalmar in a place called Armund. Expressways, then onto smaller roads and even in the middle of dense forest where the roads were a lot narrower than they needed to be. Waiting for the elusive moose to jump out but no luck - or misfortune. Looked for a place ... read more
The Castle as the mist is moving on
The Castle after the mist has gone. Only 5 minutes between first and third shots.
An old water tower in the old part of Kalmar

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Vimmerby April 9th 2021

A journey into our literary heritage Astrid Lindgren was a Swedish author who mainly wrote children stories. She wrote stories about Pippi Longstocking, Emil of Lönneberga, Karlsson-on-the-Roof, the Six Bullerby Children and many more. Many of the stories Astrid Lindgren wrote are so well known in Sweden that virtually everybody know about them. Astrid Lindgren was born in Vimmerby in Småland District and several of her stories are based on places in Småland and on her childhood memories. When we travelled from Öland back to Stockholm we decided to make a sma... read more
The house in which Astrid Lindgren grew up
The inspiration to Emil's tool shed
The inspiration to Villa Villekulla

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Vimmerby April 8th 2021

Windmills en masse We might as well begin by admitting that we cheat a little bit this time. Some of the text, which isn't much in the first place, we have simply copied from other blog entries we have written. But we spend much time writing all the other blog entries that we think that once in a while we can allow ourselves to put together one entry where we don't have to write quite as much as we normally do. Also, when we started this blog in 2006 the main purpose was to make it possible for us to upload photos and make them available to our friends and relatives. It was publishing the photos that was the main purpose, not actually writing the text which accompanies the pictures. The purpose of this particular blog ... read more
Stone windmill
There are many windmills on Öland
One of 400 or so windmills

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Borgholm April 6th 2021

Stone ships, stone walls, a stone polishing machine, stone quarries and rune stones We are now going to write about the rest of what we saw and did when we visited Öland. In the title we claim that it covers the southern half of the island. Please don't look too closely at a map. Because we have taken some liberty with what actually is in the north and in the south. Borgholm Town There are no cities on Öland. In fact the entire population on Öland is only around 26,000. Mostly the communities on Öland consist of villages and hamlets. If we are generous we could say that there are two towns, Färjestaden (6000 people live there) and Borgholm (the home of 4000). Told you, we have to be generous to label them towns. In the ... read more
Eketorp Hillfort
"I fart in your general direction"

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Borgholm April 4th 2021

Much nature, one castle, one lighthouse, one shipwreck and a lot more Over Easter we took some time off from work and went on a short road trip to Öland Island. Öland Island is one of the 25 traditional Swedish districts. Actually it is the smallest of all these districts. Öland is roughly 135 km from north to south but only about 15 km from east to west at its widest. As you understand, Öland is very elongated from north to south. Öland Island is in the Baltic Sea, to the east of mainland Sweden. The distance from the mainland to Öland in only about 5 km and there is a bridge going there. So it is easy to travel to Öland. Also, there is plenty to see there so we think Öland should be high ... read more
Öland Bridge
Farmland with Öland Bridge
Stora Alvaret

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County August 18th 2018

Hallo Blogers Über die rund 6 Km lange Brücke sind wir zur Insel Öland gefahren. Dieses Bauwerk wird im Jahr bis zu 6 Millionen mal durch Fahrzeuge aller Art benutzt und wurde 1972 eingeweiht. Die Insel selber ist 137 Km lang und maximal 16 Km breit. Sie ist nach der Insel Gotland die Zweitgrösste von Schweden. Ursprünglich standen über 2000 Windmühlen auf der Fläche von 1347 Km2. Heute sind noch rund 400 erhalten und teilweise zur Besichtigung freigegeben. Der grösste Teil davon sind vom Typ "Bockwindmühlen" und ähneln denen der Niederlande. Im 19 Jahrhundert war es ein Statussymbol der Bauern eine eigene Windmühle zu besitzen. So kam es, dass auf 10 - 20 Personen eine Windmühle vorhanden war. Die Insel wird in einen Nord- und einen Südteil bezeichnet. Beide Teile besitzen an der jeweiligen Spitze einen ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Kalmar August 23rd 2014

We are currently in Kalmar, Sweden. We arrived here on August 8th and are still here waiting for the winds to change direction. Well, Tsamaya has been in Kalmar since then, but we weren’t - I’ll explain this later! When we first got here we found out that there was a music festival going on so in the evening we wandered around town and got a chance to listen to a great band. Not sure even who they were but by the reaction of the crowd and knowing that they were on the main stage on a Friday night we figured they were popular around here. A great introduction to this town. It has been a nice place to stop with quite a bit to do in the area, but best of all it gave us ... read more
Kalmar Lets Everyone Know Where They Are
Our First Night in Kalmar
Every Festival Needs Rides!

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Vimmerby September 16th 2013

Heute ist der Besuch im Astrid Lindgren Museum zu ihrem Näs (Name des kleinen Guts, in dem sie aufgewachsen ist) vorgesehen. Nach Speck & Ei, Gratis-Capuccino in der Hotellobby und den Aktualisierungen der Blogeinträge geht es dann auch wirklich los. Das Museum ist überschaubar und wir brauchen nur zwei Stunden, anstatt der vorhergesehenen einen Stunde – das ist wirklich Rekord für uns ;-) Der Audioguide erinnert mich an Starwars und mit meinem Laserpointer-Lichtschwert-Audiogerät zappe ich mich durch die einzelnen berührenden Stationen. Bernadette hätte gerne noch mehr über das Leben von Astrid Lindgren erfahren und kündigt an die Biografie zu lesen – ich bin sehr zufrieden und empfinde die Ausstellung als sehr gelungen und bin tief berührt. Schön, welchen Einfluss Astrid Lindgren auch auf die Politik (Kindererziehung und Tierhaltung) hatte und wie gut sie bis zu Letzt ... read more
Unesco - Dorf
Reisepass Astrid Lindgrens
Klavier aus Astrid Lindgrens Jugend

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Vimmerby September 14th 2013

Heute fällt uns das Aufstehen nicht so leicht und die Überschwemmung auf der Damentoilette bringt Bernadette auch nicht gerade in Hochstimmung… Was soll’s Sachen verstauen, duschen und dann on the road again. Auf direktem Weg nach Vimmerby und auf den Spuren von Astrid Lindgren landen wir auf dem Besucherparkplatz und sodann in der Krachmacherstrasse. Mit jedem Schritt reisen wir auch in unsere Vergangenheit und Kindheit zurück und das liegt nicht nur an dem Durchschnittsalter (jeder dritte Besucher ist ein Kind und davon einige noch im Kinderwagen), sondern auch an den Erinnerungen an Filme und Bücher aus früheren Tagen. Zuerst sind wir noch etwas gehemmt, doch das legt sich und wir haben großen Spaß daran uns wie die Kinder aufzuführen – das wachsame Auge des Entdeckers und das fröhliche Lachen des Augenblicks stecken in uns allen :-) ... read more
Villa Kunterbunt
Stefan am kleinen Onkel
Villa Kunterbunt

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