Blogs from Norway, Europe


Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo May 23rd 2024

Hello from Norway. Yesterday was lousy weather at sea, but happily today was really good weather. We had sunny skies all morning and the temperature was in the high 70s. It clouded up a bit in the afternoon, but no rain. And tomorrow is predicted to be more of the same good stuff in Sweden. So, the weather has worked out very well for us lately. We had to be in the Island Dining Room at 9:30 today for our excursion. Everything went smoothly until we got there. Although the ship arrived at the schedule time, clearance was delayed by the Norway officials to allow disembarkation. So, the room was crowded, and once they got started it turned into a race to the buses. The net of this is that we ended up in the last ... read more
Oslo Opera House
Iceberg Sculpture
Ski Jump from Below

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen May 22nd 2024

This was our last day. We arrived in Bergen in the morning. We’ve been here before but the last time Susan came down with covid and didn’t get to see the town. After breakfast we left the ship and I became Susan’s tour guide. I took her to the old houses along the wharf, thru some of the old town, to some of the statues I remembered and then to the fish market. By this time we were worn out as, we’re still both sick and so ready to get home and to our doctors. We got back to the ship, watched the end of a movie we’ve been watching for days and then had a quick lunch. After that we came back and rested until we headed out on our “snapshots of Bergen” tour. This ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway August 17th 2023

Revenir à la maison c'est bien... mais... il y a de quoi occuper ses journées si on veut continuer à rêver de tous ces magnifiques paysages que nous avons pu parcourir... comme week end un peu familial... on va essayer d'avancer un peu à la fois... Vous me pardonnerez mais au moins vous voyagerez encore !... read more
De l'eau si pure et pourtant des tonnes d'algues, propres heureusement !
près de Svolvaer

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Lofoten Islands August 7th 2023

Lofoten est l'ancien nom de l'île de Vestvag. Le premier élément du mot est ló, « lynx », et le deuxième dérive de fótr, « pied », indiquant que la forme de l'île pourrait avoir été comparée au pied d'un lynx (l'ancien nom de l'île voisine de Flakstad est Vargfót, « le pied du loup »). En norvégien bokmal, les suffixes -en, -a et -ene correspondent aux articles définis français le, la et les. Dès lors, Lofoten est un nom masculin singulier et signifie simplement « le Lofot ». Nous aimons les Lofoten et c'est la troisième fois que nous y venons... l'air est pur, le ciel est toujours bleu (pour nous en tous les cas...), la mer nous rappelle s... read more
et ses montagnes...
au camping

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Lofoten Islands August 6th 2023

Pas trop d'explications mais bien de jolies photos de fleurs, de sables, d'algues et de paysages encore norvégiens... pour vous changer les idées au cas où vous auriez le même temps que nous, c'est à dire pluie du matin au du soir au matin... aux Pays Bas... avant de rejoindre la Belgique dans quelques jours... pourvu que cela se calme car nous allons nous noyer... Je renommerai les photos de temps en temps pour ne pas vous mettre à chaque fois la même référence !!!... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 6th 2023

Bags packed, breakfast fine, Pippa called which was nice so chatted with her, Chris and Charlie then out of the hotel to our ship. Same departure area when we caught the Hurtigruten ship. Very smooth checkin but this time we had to take all the bags with us. No real problem there, just took a bit longer to get on. Unfortunately our cabin wasn’t ready so we sat in a bar at the pointy end of the ship (window seat). Sailed away early and down the fjords towards Denmark. Cabins now available so off we go. Our cabin is right down the blunt end - Murphy’s law….. Found it after wandering along corridors that never go straight. In we go. Wowsers. Luxurious cabin. Double bed with a couch/3rd bed if needed. Huge porthole and a bathroom ... read more
Our spacious cabin
Tight area to pass through with wind generators very close to the shoreline.
Houses on the hills. Steps going down to the water.

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 5th 2023

Bergen beckons. Another slow morning while we can before we hit the roads again in Denmark and Sweden. Wandered off through streets we hadn’t seen before. Noticed yesterday that there were a lot of black t shirted people around. We have a heavy metal pub near our hotel and it was buzzing last night with some very old hard rockers. Again this arvo it had quite a few sitting outside while the music pumped inside. Found out soon there was a heavy metal festival on in Bergen from 2/8 to 5/8 (today). Explains all the black t shirts I guess - and long hair and tatts…… Our wanderings took us up some very steep streets and eventually to a cathedral. There was a festival on (kids this time - no black t shirts here). Then down ... read more
Some of the people waiting to get into the heavy metal festival.
Lego for little kids
Real Lego for big kids and bigger kids.

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen August 4th 2023

Woke up with low clouds on the hills around us in Flam. Very pretty. Had a very nice breakfast then off to our fjord tour. Electric ferry, quite eerie as it takes off very quietly. The whole trip was amazingly quiet going in and out of the fjords and several stops along the way. Amazing sights with every turn. Waterfalls became a bit ho hum but still had some good ones as well. Finally got to the end and clamored to the waiting buses for our next part of the tour to Voss. Chris somehow snagged the front seat while I was putting one of the bags under the bus. Winner winner…. Up into the hills with a stop at a hotel where you could go inside/outside and take pics back down the valley we had ... read more
Cloud cover along the fjord as we move out on our electric ferry
Our ferries sister ship. The zig zag lines are where you walk to get to the different levels.
Nice waterfall.

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo August 4th 2023

Before we went for our Canoe Trip 🛶 we wanted to spend a day in Oslo, Norway. We started our trip early in the morning and drove from Holland to Denmark. We stayed there for one night in Hotel Severin, Middelfart and drove the next day to Oslo, Norway 🇳🇴 We had a wonderful trip over the bridges in Denmark to get to Sweden. Then we drove all the way up to get to Norway. We had sun and a little bit of rain, cloudy skies and bright blue skies ⛅ In Norway we stayed at the Youth Hostel Haraldsheim. We could share a kitchen and cook our own meals, but the bathroom was private. The next day we walked downhill for 2 minutes and arrived at the busstop. It took us around 15 minutes to ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Flåm August 3rd 2023

On the train today heading firstly to Myrdal (on the line to Bergen) where we change trains to Flam. The Flam train is a very popular scenic train trip into the township of Flam where we stay overnight before continuing by ferry, bus and train into Bergen on Friday. Some of the scenery along this first part of the trip has been stunning. Lots of lakes and rivers following the train line - or is that the other way. Train following the rivers etc. Very busy train with comfy seats and lots of room around you to stretch out. Quite a few stops along the way but it has moved pretty well. At one stage it was showing the temp was 29 C. Has now fallen to 17 C. Geilo was a small stop before Myrdal, ... read more
Bye Oslo.
Some of the scenery o. The first part of the trip to Myrdal
Train in a building at Finse.

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