Blogs from Transnistria, Moldova, Europe


Europe » Moldova » Transnistria August 2nd 2023

As with many things, it’s all Stalin’s fault. The historic region of Moldavia stretched from the Carpathian Mountains to the Dniester River. It unified with Wallachia in 1859 to form Romania then the eastern part was ceded to (or annexed by) the Soviet Union in 1940 to become the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. However, rather than put the eastern border along the Dniester River, Stalin put it about 20 km east into the territory of the Ukrainian SSR so that they would be too busy arguing with each other to jointly go against Moscow. It worked. In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed and Moldova declared independence. The ethnic Russians living in the strip of land east of the Dniester River were against the independence and were afraid of a rise in Moldovan nationalism and a possible ... read more
Bender Fortress
WWII T-34 Tank and Chapel of St. George the Victorious at the Memorial of Glory, Tiraspol
Lenin Monument in front of the Transnistrian Government Building

Europe » Moldova » Transnistria December 27th 2022

The country that does not exist was another of our planned trip highlights. This is my first time to go to an area of dispute, but I was not at all nervous. I honestly had no idea what to expect! We had a great guide and driver, and our group was pretty cool. We had to make sure to bring our passports, but were quickly through the border control point where Russian soldiers man the offices. The ride was about an hour from Chisinau to the east near the Ukrainian border (yeah, I did not tell my dad until I was back in Dubai). The official name is the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic and is called Transnistria mainly because it straddles or is along the Dniester River. Transnistria maintains more of a Soviet allegiance and ... read more
Tighina Fortress
Tiraspol - cute bus stop!
Tiraspol - Soviet themed lunch

Europe » Moldova » Transnistria » Rîbnita August 28th 2021

Zuerst lernte ich die Mitbewohner kennen, da war Shuschu, ein kleines, mageres Hündchen, der als einziger ins Haus durfte. Hundefutter: Brot. Dann waren da recht viele Katzen, Katzenfutter Brot. Hunde, darunter so eine Art Hundekalb mit dem zärtlichsten Gemüt, er steckte vorsichtig den Kopf unter dem Tùrvorhang durch, durfte aber nicht herein, das durfte nur sein kleiner Sohn. Hundefutter Brot. Viele Hühner, Hühnerfutter Brot. Ein kleines, zames Schwein, Schweinefutter Brot und Melonenschalen. Ein Pferd, 6 Kühe, ich nehme an, dass sie was anderes bekamen als Brot. Hund, Katze, Hühner und Schwein waren gute Freunde. Zum Frühstück bekam ich Topfen mit Sahne drüber und Brot. Ich begann dann langsam die Lage zu sondieren. Wäsche hing auf der Leine, Flo war geputzt, Schuhe waren gewaschen und standen auf dem Dach zum Trocknen. Sergej war mit seinem Wunderauto weg, ... read more

Europe » Moldova » Transnistria January 1st 2020

The previous morning, I hadn't really had a good look out of the hotel room and since it was nice and sunny, I stood on the balcony for a bit taking in the river view. It was lovely. Since there was no options for breakfast we had to do it DIY style with some fruit, coffee and ghetto pre-packaged baked goods. We left the main city of Tiraspol and headed to Bender. We stopped on the way at a Sheriff gas station that was across the road from another Sheriff gas station, no need to turn and cross the road to get petrol. The gas station was in front of Sheriff Stadium where FC Sheriff Tiraspol play. The stadium was opened in 2002 and renovated in 2011. It looked very impressive. if only I liked football ... read more
Sheriff Stadium
Sheriff Gas Station

Europe » Moldova » Transnistria » Tiraspol December 30th 2019

30th Dec: We left Odessa and drove to the Trasnistrian/Moldovan border. The journey didn't take too long and I slept through most of it. The borders weren't too bad, just a bit tedious as the staff were too busy playing computer games to actually do any work. Also, because we were entering Moldova via Transnistria, our guide had to take all our passports to the Moldovan immigration booth to it stamped as we needed the proper Moldovan entry stamp or there would be problems when we leave Moldova. Transnistria, or Pridnestrovia as it is known in Russian, is an unrecognised, breakaway state. It is considered part of Moldova by the UN and only other breakaway states recognise it as its own country. The journey then took another hour or so to reach Tiraspol, the capital city. ... read more
Civil Registry

Europe » Moldova » Transnistria June 27th 2018

I passed through immigration quickly although the staff seemed suspicious wanting to know why I wasn't transiting, it must be unusual for people to actually come here. The arguing with dirt bag taxi drivers began immediately, they tried to charge me triple the normal price but by walking a short distance I found one with a metre and the guy actually turned it on so it cost me 85 Leu rather than the 250 those bastard wanted. You should have seen the last one scowl at me as I drove away grinning. My hotel is quaint but adequate and my hostess bought me plate of pastries and a glass of the famous Moldovan red, which wasn't bad after eating I went to bed as I have an early start tomorrow. After a breakfast of salad, cheese, ... read more
Lenin in fromt of Parliament
Soviet power
Lenin again

Europe » Moldova » Transnistria » Tiraspol October 5th 2016

My cycling trip from Kishinev (capital of Moldova) to Transnistria (conflict zone) was 70km and was easy to do. So after a good breakfast i started around 10:00 and I arrived about 2pm in Transnistria where border control is present. Even though you are still officially in Moldova, it is a conflict zone so they want to check and see your passport. Then they give you a ticket where it stands that you must leave within 12 or 24 hours. They give me a ticket of 24 hours. It is special to be here in transnistria. The conflict zone since the Soviet era did not want to reunite with Moldova and isolated remained surrounded by the red Soviet army. It is, Therefore, a zone-which you normally can entrance but need out again within 24 hours. It ... read more
At the streets of Tiraspol
The blue plastic money

Europe » Moldova » Transnistria » Tiraspol September 18th 2016

Ever wanted to know what life was like back in the USSR? Transnistria - a 'state' within a state, recognised only by themselves - is about as close as you can get. When Moldova declared independence from the Soviet Union, a sliver of land just to the east of the Dniester River didn't want to go with them. There was a short civil war in 1992 which was ended by a ceasefire. These days, the Moldovan government recognises Transnistria as an autonomous territorial unit; Transnistria regards itself as an independent republic but is not recognised as one by any UN member state. Nevertheless this "country that isn't" has gone on to develop its own constitution, government, parliament, flag, national anthem, currency, military, police, postal system and licence plates. This promised to be interesting. No place proud ... read more
Communist Block
City Hall
Notable Transnistrians

Europe » Moldova » Transnistria » Tiraspol March 5th 2016

A group of girls became rather loud. It was Friday night. They had consumed a few drinks. One in particular, had clearly had consumed one too many! The volume rose further. The scene was probably being repeated all over Europe. It wasn't unusual, but in Tiraspol, Transnistria it seemed to be so. We were sitting in 7 Fridays on 25th October Street. There were few people in the restaurant and few passing on the street outside. We are familiar with the term ..... quiet night in ......but perhaps not the quiet night out! In Tiraspol, you would use to the latter term - it seemed dead. We had dined on a very good pizza and were drinking Russian beer (at 15 Transnistrian Roubles a pint), whilst surveying the Tiraspol nightlife. The menu in 7 Fridays had ... read more

Europe » Moldova » Transnistria » Tiraspol March 3rd 2016

Transnistria. Trans-Dniestr. Transdniestria. Pridnestrovian Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic. The country that doesn’t exist! According the majority of the world, the enclave in the east of Moldova, isn’t there. It isn’t an East / West thing either in terms of recognition. Western Europe doesn’t recognise it as a country and neither does Russia. Moldova – who believes it is still their territory - certainly doesn’t, but has chosen to tolerate it in it’s own backyard since the brief but intense conflict in 1992. The rest of the world was looking the other way, when Transnistria separatists decided to take the fight to Moldova concerned about the new nation looking West when they wished to look east to Mother Russia. It is quoted that over 500 died in fighting, before an uneasy truce was made with the Russian ... read more
I Love Tiraspol
Tank Monument
Christmas Cathedral

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