Biggest Old City of Europe (Vilnius, Lithuania)

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April 19th 2008
Published: April 21st 2008
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(Day 15 on the road)"Whats your mission on your travels?" That was the question I was asked by two girls I went out for dinner with on my last night in Vilnius. Well, a very good question indeed - what was my mission? Travel round the world walking backwards, or only using female donkeys as the preferred method of transportation, or taking a picture of every person I meet that was wearing pink sandals? To be honest, I don't have a mission. My only idea for the beginning of this trip is that I want to reach China by traveling overland. I feel this will give a more gradual start than if I stepped on a plane in Europe and got off in crazy Beijing, Manila, or Delhi. Apart from that, it's just me traveling as I feel like. BTW: Sorry Clara and Franziska for disappearing on Sunday, I just felt like moving on. Hope you had a good trip back to Poland!

Well, but what about Vilnius itself? After grey Klaipeda, it was quite a change! The city, especially the old town is lovely. I spent hours at a time just wandering around aimlessly. Coming to think of it, I actually spent a great deal of time doing not much at all on my four days there, which was great! I did take a day-trip however to Trakai with its picturesque Island Castle, have a look at the picture. One thing well worth seeing in Vilnius is the KGB-museum, which used to be the KGB-prison in Soviet times. The horrors that went on in this place have been made quite visual by the museum-administration, especially the execution room (with up to 45 executions per night) left a lasting memory.

Next stop: Šiauliai (Lithuania).

To view my photos, have a look at And to read the full account of my journey, have a look at the complete book about my trip at Amazon (and most other online book shops).

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22nd April 2008

Nice try...
"I was asked by two girls I went out for dinner with...". Ok Ben, You don't need to fill the gaps of your blog with fiction. I thought this was a travel blog, not the last Harry Potter.... :-)
23rd April 2008

Hi Ben! I'm Clara. We arrived to Poland on Monday morning, of course very tired. We had very nice dinner and conversation in Vilnius. The most important thing is not the destination, is the way, so continue enjoying it!
7th April 2009

Greetings from Henry
dear friend, very good to hear from you and enjoy watching your journey from here. Carmen and I are looking forward to seeing you some day turning up to Sydney. Please take good care yourself. Henry
7th April 2009

Neue Frisur
Moin Ben, die neue Frisur bringt auf jeden Fall deine Brille mehr zur Geltung! :o) Take care! Tobias

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