The magical Hill of Crosses (Šiauliai, Lithuania)

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Europe » Lithuania » Siauliai
April 21st 2008
Published: April 21st 2008
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(Day 17 on the road)After Vilnius, I went to see one of the most inspiring sites in Lithuania: The Hill of Crosses. Situated near the city of Šiauliai (pronounced shoo-lay, sounds a bit Asian to me) in the north of the country, the hill houses more than 50.000 (!) crosses.

The tradition of placing crosses here dates way back (around the 14th century) and today is the finest example of Lithuanian defiance of foreign invaders. After the second World War, Lithuania was of course part of the Soviet Union. During the Soviet era, the pilgrimage to the Hill of Crosses served as a vital expression of Lithuanian nationalism and Christianity, which the Soviets were of course not keen on either. The Soviets thus repeatedly removed the crosses by levelling the hill and burning the crosses. However, the crosses just kept reappearing and in 1985, the Hill of Crosses was finally left in peace.

If you want to read more about the Hill of Crosses, Wikipedia is always here to help:

Next stop: Riga (Latvia).

To view my photos, have a look at And to read the full account of my journey, have a look at the complete book about my trip at Amazon (and most other online book shops).

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22nd April 2008

No wonder the Soviets got quite "crossed".
7th April 2009

Hi Ben, Super der Reiseblog! Was fuer Plaene hast Du denn noch im Baltikum? Knuth und ich waren da fuer 2 Wochen letztes Jahr im Urlaub und es hat uns wirklich gut gefallen!! Du solltest Dir auf alle Faelle noch versuchen Talinn und die estische Insel Saarema anzuschauen, beides ganz schoene Flecken in den Welt. Und falls Du es irgendwie auf der Route einbinden kannst, der Berg der Kreuze, im Norden von Litauen ist echt ziemlich beeindrueckend..... Viele Gruesse, Claudia

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