Blogs from Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany, Europe


Europe » Germany » Lower Saxony » Hamelin September 7th 2019

Nachdem sich meine Zeit in Niedersachsen immer mehr dem Ende nähert, habe ich am letzten Samstag einen Ausflug nach Hameln gemacht. Es gibt dort eine schöne Altstadt und ich habe auch ein Café besucht. Vielleicht könnte man eine schönere Promenade am Weserufer errichten. In meinem Projekt hat man mir auch nochmals eine Verlängerung für Q4 zu besseren Konditionen angeboten, aber ich sehe hier keine Zukunft, da man das deutsche Team bald durch Inder ersetzen will. Ab Oktober bin ich auch wieder in einer interessanten neuen Stadt mit eigenen Ausflugszielen.... read more
Spaziergang durch Hameln.
Spaziergang durch Hameln.
Spaziergang durch Hameln.

Europe » Germany » Lower Saxony » Hamelin July 27th 2019

Half-timbered houses, world heritage houses, a house with rodents on display and a very happy house We wanted to see more of Germany than just some big cities, because we know that there is so much out there to explore. To make also smaller places accessible for us we decided to rent a car for a few days. The half-timbered houses is a traditional building style that can be seen in some German towns. One of the best places to view this kind of architecture is in the town Celle. That town survived the world wars relatively unscathed and therefore many of this old style houses are still around. Many of the buildings in the old town date back to the 16th century and are well preserved. Not far from Celle is the town Brunswick. Although ... read more
Rizzi Happy House

Europe » Germany » Lower Saxony » Hamelin August 3rd 2014

Hello everyone, Things are not going well on the photo side of the blog. I can get on Gloria's Ipad but not my laptop, and that's Where all my photos are stored. Cheap Apple Ipad has no USB to import images. So today we went to Hamelin made famous by brothers Grim fairy tales. It's all about the rats. {Pied Piper} They did a great presentation. Of course all in German, but we know the story so it all made sense. We have a Peugeot 308 SWA diesel with 6 speed manual. Somewhat disappointed as we are only getting 46 MPG. Most likely because of all the small villages we drive through. To tell you about our experiences with accommodations would take more of this blog then I can afford to use. So till next time. ... read more

Europe » Germany » Lower Saxony » Hamelin March 29th 2014

This morning we wanted to discover the town of Hameln of Pied Piper fame. No that’s not a typo – they leave off the ‘i’ in German. Hameln has some beautiful examples of old style ½ timber houses – stone foundations with timber frames and rendered brick infill panels. Many have ornately carved doorways and panels and date from the 15th & 16th centuries. In the markt square is the town hall with its bell glockenspiel – dozens of bells that play music (not just bell chimes) at certain times of the day. As it warmed up, we finally coaxed Em out of the carrier to follow the little bronze plaques of rats in the cobblestones. She was so wrapped up in finding the next rat that she frequently had other people dodging around her or ... read more
Following the rats

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