Drive To Batz-sur-Mer on the West Brittany coast

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August 29th 2010
Published: August 30th 2010
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Quite sad to leave our lovely site at Loches but time to find the sea.
Weather promised great things as we left, blue sky all the way, which made for a brilliant drive as everything always looks so much better when the sun is shining.
This applied especially to the massive fields full of enormous ripe sunflowers which lined our route for the first hour. Simply wonderful.
We drove due west, at first avoiding the main roads and went along a lovely route through the fields which are unbounded by hedges, just stretching as far as the eye can see with ripe grain crops and sunflowers. The river valleys of the Loire and Indres were just visible to the north and we took our time and enjoyed the views. As we got further west and away from the Loire, the countryside rather suddenly changed and the fields became smaller and hedged. For the last half of the drive we let Clarissa Tomtom have her way and took the road she advised, a motorway as far as I am concerned but Clarissa insisted it was just a dual carriageway. No matter, we had a way to go and needed to go a bit faster. Our route took us well south of Tours so no problem there but we also needed to get round Nantes and St Nazaire so always best to trust Clarissa in places like that.
We got to our campsite mid afternoon and set the Tandy up with awning, groundsheet, lounger, the lot.. Shortly afterwards we rolled the awning back in again as the wind was getting rather wild.
Had a swim in the rather superb pool (even better than that at Loches) but apart from that the campsite is disappointing. No water taps to be found, electricity points so far away we only just reached both our long cables. Wifi is free but only by the bar and as the bar is closed…(though should be open until the end of the month according to the book) this is not very useful.
Hopefully it will not be as windy tomorrow and we can have a nice sunny day by the sea.

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