Blogs from Malá Strana, Prague, Czech Republic, Europe


Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana September 7th 2018

Our second day in Prague started with the usual battle in the shower. I don't know why, but both the bathrooms in Vienna and Prague had a miniscule glass partition in the shower that didn't even cover half of it. It was a daily struggle to take a shower whilst making sure that water didn't flood the bathroom floor completely. Try as I may, it seemed the darned optional hand held shower head would point to the corner, which wasn't properly sealed. Then we set out on a mission! We had been told to make it to the Castle District by 11 AM, or we would be waiting in long security lines. There are three entrances but, truthfully, I'm not sure which one we went to. Our trusty google map led us through some of the ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana July 8th 2017

Although it was relatively cool in the morning, it became hot by the lunch time. My mother had broken her glasses which lens would turn darker when walking on sunny spots. She can walk and see the sight without glasses, but had cataract operations a few years ago. I rented her my prescription sunglasses to protect her eyes when walking over the Charles Bridge. After the lunch, we headed for Charles Bridge via Rudolfilnum, which is the home for the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. As expected, Charles Bridge was very popular: it was populated with a large number of tourists, painters, musicians and arts & crafts vendors. This pedestrian bridge makes great impact for its sculptural ornamentation with 30 statues of revered saints. Tourists gathered around some of the famous saints – St John Nepomuk, St Luitgard ... read more
St John Nepomuk on the Charles Bridge
Church of St Nicholas

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana July 5th 2017

Mosaic House is a very nice hostel which is well worth the slightly higher than average costs for a 4 bed en-suite (a bargain at about €35pppn), it's very modern, has great bathrooms and has a good vibe to it. It's clearly been recently renovated and they have probably spent a fair bit of money doing so. They should have pushed the boat out just a little further and sprung for soft close doors! It sounded like a building site outside our room this morning thanks to the hallway door slamming off its hinges ever 30 seconds! Apparently our hungover roomies didn't mind as he were still soundos, so we showered and packed up quietly and popped down stairs for another decent brekkie. We also, finnaly, got around to booking an AirBnB place for Barcelona where ... read more
Tram at the Bottom of Petrin Hill
Entirely NON traditional Czech Treat
Nice Ferrari

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana September 9th 2016

Getting out of Cesky Krumlov turned out to be much easier than coming into it for sure – plenty of bus connections to Prague... Possibly because it was the capital that we were going to and not some small town so you’d think it should be well connected with the rest of the country. Not only there were plenty of connections to choose from, but also the bus turned out to be one of the best buses we have travelled on so far. We got a complimentary coffee and on top of that each seat had its own private screen and a wide range of movies to choose from as well... Not that we would be able to watch anything... We most definitely could’ve tried but were pretty much sure our little munchkin would have other ... read more
Millie having fun with dad in Prague :)
Lots of old trams around in Prague
Having fun at the Charles Bridge

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana August 5th 2016

As expected we wake to 15C and rain. So it is off up the hill to Prague Castle, walking gingerly on the shiny damp cobblestones. The tourist groups are here early, especially our friends from the PRC in groups of 50 or so, always keen not to lose contact with their comrades so they tend to move as one fluid mass. The pouring rain stops the use of the selfie sticks though which is something. We join the queue for the cathedral which looks interminable but in fact moves quite quickly. The cathedral was begun in 1338 but not consecrated until 1929, which left us a little unclear as to what happened in the intervening 600 years! Maybe the numerous side chapels were consecrated. Anyway, some of the reliquary and side chapels are very impressive, especially ... read more
St Vitus Cathedral Mucha stained glass window
Sara and Hannah at Field
David and James at Field

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana August 3rd 2016

We should have learned by now that travelling days don’t turn out as we planned. But we still set off from Brno in a spirit of optimism. We’d changed our original plan to go via Kutna Hora in favour of visiting Karlstejn Castle, which was more of a detour but was billed as the most popular place to visit outside Prague. As we speed along the motorway, we take the road closed signs to Kutna Hora as a good omen. We are wrong. We turn off and navigate a series of ever narrower winding roads. The satnav has stopped speaking to us – probably fed up at the number of times we’d ignored her – so we are guided by Randy, the voice of Waze, speaking from James’ phone. Eventually we reach the town of Karlstejn, ... read more
Alchymist Hotel
Sightseeing the vulgar way

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana June 17th 2015

This week we have finished up our classes at Anglo-American University, and we are finalizing our preparations to begin phase 3 of our summer trek...our walk on the Camino de Santiago. In addition to teaching his classes this week, on Tuesday evening Ray spoke at the inaugural event for the AAU Center for Leadership Studies which he has been tapped to direct. As an out-of-class experiential learning activity last weekend, Ray took some of the students from his AAU leadership class to a high ropes course to practice cooperative learning activities. This was the first time any of the students had participated in a high ropes course, and--by their report--was a great learning experience. Here is the link to a short video showing some of the elements Ray worked on with the students: Our classes ... read more
Learning to belay
High Ropes element 1es series
Element # 2

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana June 28th 2014

Prague is the first stop on our trip to Europe. There is no greater pleasure than travelling with the illustrious Lizzie Carrington. The journey went pretty much without a hitch apart from a bit of confusion vis a vis the bus to the city centre. I, of course, fell asleep on the plane with my mouth open. Lizzie, thankfully, did not take pictures. On Friday morning, after a complimentary breakfast at the hostel, we took a walk along the river Vltava and over the famous Charles Bridge, stopping of course for several photo sessions. I was not thrilled when the walk up to the castle consisted of a massive hill, but being a true Bathonian I took it in my stride. We got to the top and took several pictures and admired what we thought was ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana May 7th 2013

We both slept very hard, didn’t wake up until the alarm went off at 7. Breakfast is included in the price of our room here so we took advantage of that. I want to explain what breakfast means in Europe for those that may not know or for those of you that are not on my e-mail list and might just be reading this for hints about travel. When breakfast is included in the price of the room, do not expect pancakes, oatmeal, omelets or bacon and eggs; those are American breakfast items. What you get varies from hotel to hotel and country to country, but the basics are pretty much the same: Bread, pastries, yogurt, granola or some cold cereal, coffee (usually Nescafe), juice and cheese. On occasion you may get soft boiled or hard ... read more
Charles Bridge
St. Nicholas
Terraced Gardens

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Malá Strana June 13th 2012

What a coup! What coup? The Velvet Revolution? No, the mere fact of gathering all three girls and us together on one continent, in one country, in one city and even in one apartment. So it happened in Prague. Engineered; not by happenstance, I might add. So who did we choose to show us around this wonderfully photogenic city? Who would show us some different things and give us some quirky information about this jewel of the Czech Republic? Filip was his name. He was the irrepressible, bouncy, pogo person who we were hoping we would not have as we waited with the Sandeman's free tours group. Enthusiasm I like, effervescence in a guide I was not sure of. But young Filip, born in 1989, the year of the aforementioned Velvet Revolution proved himself to be ... read more
John Lennon

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