Blogs from Saint Kitts, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Central America Caribbean


After a thoroughly enjoyable time on Nevis with our friends, we packed it up and headed out to take the Sea Bridge ferry back to St. Kitts to finish our time in these small islands. This ferry leaves Nevis at 7am, Noon and 5pm. We didn’t want to take a chance of missing it after our adventure a few days before on St. Kitts, so we arrived early. As a matter of fact, we drove over to the dock the afternoon before to make sure we could find it as we had arrived in the black of night a couple of days earlier. Signage is greatly, it actually does not exist so we made a test run. Arriving one hour early the next morning and first in line, we waited eagerly for this ferry ride ... read more
Landing Craft Medium
Scenic St. Kitts
View from our hotel

Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis Blog 28th January 2020 Basseterre St. Kitts is the larger of the 2 Caribbean islands that comprise the nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis. It’s known for rainforested mountains and beaches of white, gray, and black sands. On its southwestern coast is the capital, Basseterre, and Georgian buildings from the colonial era. Anchoring Basseterre is the Circus, a plaza modeled after London’s Piccadilly Circus, complete with Victorian-style clock tower. St Kitts' southeastern peninsula features beaches by Frigate Bay, known for a popular row of bars called The Strip, and South Friar's Bay, with calm waters for snorkeling and swimming. Recreational activities also include seaside golfing and diving near shipwrecks. On the northwestern coast is Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park, known for its preserved fortification built in the 17... read more

Tuesday July 9 - The ferry I took from Nevis to St Kitt's was a much smaller boat than the one I had taken over to Nevis. Because of this, I decided to take the seasickness meds again this morning, but it was still calm and I doubt it was needed. This boat was much faster, and we arrived in 30 minutes. I spent a little time looking for the Leeward Island Charters office, to see if I can find out if they were running their snorkeling trip tomorrow. I didn’t find it, or it wasn’t open yet, I’m not sure which. Either way, I went to the bus station and got on a minibus that looked to be leaving soon. The “bus station” is just a place where the minibusses end their routes and hang ... read more
Buses have names

We have been at sea for 5 days. We finally came ashore at Martinique. It was very overcast the we docked. The weather is quite warm. Dennis and I are both sick. I have a terrible cold and Dennis has an upset stomach. So we took to our beds to rest. The next day we were in Antigua and we still were not feeling well, so again we stayed on board. Good thing because in the early afternoon the skies opened and it rained. Today we are in St. Kitts and we are going ashore. We have to tender in because there are two large ships here that have been following us around. We were in the first tender. We were happy about that. but unfortunately as we were approaching the shore, we had cleared the ... read more

Sunday March 13th, 2016. Basseterre, St Kitts This was not a long stop so we didn't have time to go to Nevis like we did the last time we were here. Instead we walked into the cruise terminal. D left M trying to find some free internet while he went to look around town. The internet hunt was unsuccessful and D reported back that the town was closed. D took a few pictures of the town and purchased some snacks at a supermarket that happened to be open - he gave the Planters Peanuts a miss at 6 quid for a small drum! We were back on board in time for lunch. We had been invited to a sail away party on the bridge wing to celebrate our impending platinum membership of the Columbus Club. There ... read more
21.  Columbus Platinum Club New Members
20.  D & M at   Columbus Platinum Club Party on Bridge
17.    Columbus Platinum Club Party on Bridge

"We rush slowly here". The friendly taxi driver reassured us that he had no deadline. Neither had we. St Kitts is on island time. Even in the slow moving traffic in the middle of Basseterre, the island's capital, there was no sign of impatience. The Victorian clock tower stands in the middle of the Circus, the roundabout which marks the town centre. A good proportion of the vehicles creeping past the coconut milk seller under a tree are SUV or minibus taxis, ferrying tourists from hotel or villa to town or beach. All of the drivers are laid back, affable and helpful, showing none of the usual impatience of the European city driver. "Take your time, man." There is no deadline because the clock tower shows 12.16. Permanently. img= read more

Friday 19th December, 2014. St Kitts & Nevis, Leeward Islands, West Indies The Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis (St Kitts and Nevis) consider themselves 'The Secret of the Caribbean'. These two islands lie to the north east of Montserrat. St Kitts is mountainous and shaped like a chicken drumstick and is 37 km (23 miles) long and 8.5 km (5 miles) across at its widest point. With winding coastlines it covers a total area of almost 168 sq km (65 sq miles). The largest mountain on St Kitts is Mount Liamuiga which is a dormant volcano standing at 1,156 metres (3793 ft). Its name means "fertile land" and is the Caribs' original name for the Island. The name was changed when CC sighted the island duirng his second voyage in late 1493 when he renamed ... read more
20. Sandy Bay Catholic Church
21. Caribbean Meets the Atlantic Ocean
22. St Eustatius

Monday, June 2, 2014 Super excited today. We are visiting the island of St. Kitts for the first time. I have heard that it is a beautiful island, however never experienced it before. Cindy and I are going on our own tour today, a rain forest hike. Michael and Brian are doing a sea kayake trip and Jenny and Marcus are hiking a 3000 foot volcano. We have a packed day of fun stuff. Cindy and I ate breakfast again in the dining room this morning. I had scrambled eggs again and Cindy had eggs benedict. She says the eggs benedict is spicy. After a quick breakfast we heading off the ship meet our tour on the pier. We noticed there were lots of very large rocks on the shoreline next to where the ship was ... read more
Caribelle Batik at Romney Manor
Caribelle Batik at Romney Manor
Caribelle Batik at Romney Manor - Hot Wax Art work

St Kitts The approach to St Kitts is through the appropriately named Narrows, which leaves Nevis to south and to port and St Kitts to north with a number of rocks awash. With a poled-out genoa and the main secured with the preventer we were not at our most agile. It was halfway through dropping the pole north of Booby Island that Lisa noticed the depth rapidly lessening. A few curt orders to Richard on the other end of the spinnaker pole had it quickly deposited on the deck and us testing the strength of the preventer by sailing the main on the wrong side and chancing a jibe. Luckily the depth started to read what it ought to have and we breathed a sigh of relief and made our way through the Narrows ... read more
Beautiful Swan dwarfs Fabiola
Lisa & Sally struggle to "strike the pose"
Ottley Plantation

4th stop.....St.Kitts. It was time for another morning excursion, and this one was once again a catamaran snorkling trip. This boat was pretty cool as we could relax on the front of the boat on this giant net. We went snorkling at Shitten bay (yes that was the name). However, both Daddy and I were not as impressed after our great snorkling in St. Thomas, as there was not much coral or fish. Also, my snorkling gear did not work that good, and it was cold. However, even with all those things, I still had fun floating around with Daddy and taking in all the beauty. We went back on the boat and I took a giant nap as it was so relaxing and peaceful on the boat. We then met up with Avo Jay and ... read more
Funny Pose with Avo Jay
Brimstone Hill Fortress
Snorkling St. Kitts

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