Blogs from Isla Boca Brava, Chiriquí, Panama, Central America Caribbean


It's the last Saturday afternoon before Christmas, its warm and sunny with a light salty seabreeze, and my third Balboa is tasting just fine.... I'm sitting in a restaurant overlooking Panama's Chiriqui National Marine Park and the islands that seem to stretch forever into the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean to our south. We are staying on Boca Brava island, where the rainforrest and the ocean meet on a black sand beach. We've been in Panama a week now, and apart from Panama City, its been pretty much all sea, sand, jungle and amazing wildlife. Firstly we stayed on the Azuero coast near tranquil Malena beach, where the local people have a turtle conservation project. They collect the eggs and protect them from predators until they are hatched, at which point they release the baby turtles into ... read more
Capuchin monkey, Coiba Island
Boca Brava south to the Pacific

Over confidence in a foreign country can land you in a heap of trouble. But when you have your mind and heart set on one thing, the blindfold is on preventing you from seeing anything else but your one goal. WARNING: This story is not recommened for those who hate to travel without a plan or itinerary. If this is you, please cease from reading..... Panama’s location on the globe gives a traveler the possible advantage of seeing humpback and sperm whales during mating season which is August through October. The whales are migrating from their feeding grounds as far north as the icy shores of Alaska to breed and frolic in the tropics of the Pacific Ocean. Therefore it was obvioulsy necessary for me, a lover of all sea creatures except for sharks, to find ... read more
An island in the middle of nowhere
another beach
Volcanic rocks and blue shores

(Day 905 on the road)Enter Panama, the last remaining country in Central America that I haven’t visited. It will also be the last new country for me during my travels. After Panama, all that remains of two and half years of travelling is ten days in Florida (where I have been previously many years ago) before it is time to go home at the end of October. Better not think about that right now. The crossing into Panama was rather eventful and memorable. First, there was this German girl that had mysteriously attached herself to us. I don't recall where she came from, but at one point she was there, and was simply tagging along. She didn't say a word, she was just there and following us; it was pretty surreal really. At the border, she ... read more
Crab on the beach
Humpback whale
Tiny crabs in a coconut shell

We heard about two islands to go to both with 1 place to stay on them. No stores. Definitely not my ideal combination. We heard that our other option had really increased prices since our guidebook was published. So, we decided to go with Boca Brava. It is one of those places that is a whole lot more affordable to get to if you have a larger group. The bus to get to the turnoff towards the island is all of $1.45. After that, the taxi to get to the dock is $15, and then the boat to get to the island is another $4. So, how much does it cost to get there? $1.45 + depends on how many people you split the cost with. Could be as low as $5.95. Justin and I couldn't ... read more
island trail
view towards the Pacific
the beach

Left early from Boquete, only took about an hour this time to get to David where I had a terrible time getting a ride to the Lost and Found place, my Spanish is not very good and the bus conductor is speaking so rapidly i cant keep up, a nice Belgian dude helped me out he was already sat at the collectivo going for Changuinola, between the two of us we managed to understand the guy but not without difficulty, most of the time me and the Belgian look at each other trying to see if one of us understood the bus conductor, in the end we realized he was saying he would take me on but have to pay the full fare of $5, so i said no problem just let me on! And true ... read more

Finallly, i have the internet back lol. After leaving Panama City I took the bus to Santiago from there to Sona (and no, I Didnt see any desert or prison) then from there to ther Pacific Coast to Santa Catalina. I went out the night before and when we returned to the hostel at 6am I fell asleep while Chris was packing. Being the heavy sleeper nobody could wake me so Chris left at 7am without me. I woke at 11:30, check out is 11am so I grabbed what I could and left asap, unfortunately I packed to quickly and forgot my camera... DOH. It took me about 6-7 hours with no waiting at any bus terminal. When I found myself a hostel I was randomly put in a room next to Chris. He said he ... read more

Ok, from Panama City we took a bus to San Carlos, an hour and a half north and stayed at Hostel Costazul, which was nice but coompletely desserted. It was also AGAIN ANOTHER holiday (apparently they have a lot here) and there were little things open in the small town and they don´t sell alcohol on holidays so we high tailed it outta there and the next day caught the only bus that woulnd stop for us and went to Santiago and got out there and were offered a ride from a guy in a van to David for cheap with no stops, so against our better judgement we took it and found out he was a nice guy named Joel trying to make a quick buck while delivering pamphlets for Budget car rental and we ... read more
The Purple House
Driving to Boca Chica
Water Taxi

I made it to David, not exactly a place you go to stay, but rather one you pass through to get to everywhere else. I had wanted to go to Isla Boca Brava but had decided it was to expensive to go it alone and was going to make my way onto to Bocas Del Toro the next day. However at my hostel, The Purple House, which was run by an entirly too controling New York women, I met 4 others who wanted to do the same. So the next day we headed to the island. It was amazing! We were the only travellers there which made it feel like it was OUR island. I like that feeling. I went hiking immediately, as the island is full of trails. I hiked to a beach where ... read more
The beach
Baby Monkey

Aamulla Bocasissa pakattiin kamat ja tyhjennettiin jääkaappi. Jätettiin jääkaappiin yksi hirveän makuinen limu ja yksi olut, joka ei päässyt olutvertailussa palkintokorokkeille. Mukaan tuli kuitenkin pullo Daigiria ja Guiness-olut. Meillä oli jo muutenkin paljon kannettavaa, mutta periaatteesta päätettiin roudata vielä juomatkin mukaan. Aamupala syötyämme (vakkaripaikassa), mentiin venailemaan venetaksia Almiranteen. Siellä otettiin dollarin maksava taksi bussipysäkille, josta lähtisi bussi Davidiin, päälle neljän tunnin päähän etelään päin. Matka meni erittäin kivuttomasti vaikka kuski ajoikin välillä kuin mielipuoli. Kellon ollessa jo tarpeeksi, päätettiin nukkua yö Davidissa sen sijaan, että matkaisimme kohteeseemme Boca Bravaan. Ei etsiskelty liikoja hotelleja vaan hypättiin taksiin suuntimana Purple House Hostel. Paikka oli nimensä veroinen: kaikki oli liilaa, jopa omistajan vaa... read more
Matkalla Bravalle
Bussia odottelemassa

Well, I ended up staying a whole week in Boquete. The town was packed on Friday for the beginning of their international Feria de las Flores y del Cafe and we decided to stay and check it out. The party that night was unbelievable; the fairgrounds themselves were huge, probably as big as the town itself and there were these two nightclubs that set up openair dance parties, which, for any of you who know me, was right up my alley. There were live bands and then they also played salsa, merengue, and house music and there were little tables set up through the whole area so everyone grouped around them and had their bottles of rum and coke to mix their own drinks. And everyone was generous to the two foreigners that closed the place ... read more
Some of the millions of flowers at the festival
Ita & I at the Feria parties on Friday

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