Blogs from Honduras, Central America Caribbean


Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Eastern February 3rd 2024

What a day that was! We are not exactly inexperienced with border crossings, but this one took the biscuit!! The ride down to the border went smoothly in relative comfort but all of that came to an abrupt halt when we reached the Honduras/Nicaragua border at Guasaule. Having established where we needed to be to get our exit stamps, we then had to wait outside in the blazing sunshine and 36 degrees. Luckily the queue was so long that we had some shade for some of the wait. The lack of progression meant we had plenty of time to find the toilets too. Not an easy task. Trish was repeatedly pointed in the wrong direction and in the end we had to go through the immigration building squeezing past the hundreds of people waiting for their ... read more
A one horse town!
The bus to León

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Western » Lake Yojoa February 2nd 2024

When we read that there was a craft brewery with its own lodge/hotel in the middle of nowhere in central Honduras, we just had to go there! D&D Brewerylived up to our expectations, but there were certainly aspects that wouldn't be particularly difficult improve. The wait for food, be it breakfast or dinner, is much longer than it should be. The staff (particularly the women) need to smile. I'm not saying they need to smile more, they just need to smile. Maybe once, when they take your order! The ONLY beers on offer are craft and come at a price. It would be nice to sit out in the evening and have some cheap local beer after a craft one with dinner. Los Naranjos is a really nice village just to wander around. It's a good ... read more
Los Naranjos
Rural location!
Soe amazing flowers around

It was a very smooth journey from Antigua Guatemala to Copan Ruinas including a trouble-free border crossing which really surprised us! We stayed at the Garden Hotelwhich, although it looks nice and had a lovely riverside location, disappointed us to the extent that we wished we had stayed in a backpacker hostel for half the price. There were constant problems with water which they were (two times out of three) able to resolve within moments which suggested they had done something in the first place! Anyway, let's not dwell on that. Copan Ruinas was a great place to hang out for a few days. It's a shame we didn't have better weather though. We wandered around as we usually do on our first day and really enjoyed the picturesque cobbled streets and the feel of the ... read more
Taking shelter
I wanna be a bat!
Copan central square

Central America Caribbean » Honduras March 24th 2023

Roatan is an island off the Northern coast of Honduras. It is tiny and nothing much happens here except for the arrival of cruise ships, which apart from fishing is the main industry of the island. The people are a mixture of Spanish descent and African Caribbean, some of whom have come over from Jamaica and others from other islands in the East. The main language is English and also a version of Spanish which sounds nothing like Spanish!. The kids have to get up really early to walk to school and families on the whole tend to be quite large, which is not surprising as there is really no entertainment on the island! We were driven in a tiny bus out to a nature reserve looking after green iguanas, which are really quite cute. You ... read more
More humans looking at us
Stefan feeding Iguanas

In hindsight I should have realized that the way the morning started was probably a precursor of how the day was going to end up. We were supposed to be able to get off the boat at 10am but the boat was 30 minutes late into docking which was fine because we were not scheduled to get off the boat until 10:45am ship time. We were supposed to return to the ship at 5:30pm but they moved it to 6pm because of the delay. Ship time, I never really noticed this term until this cruise and we’ve been on several. Most of us figured out how to change the settings on our phone so that our phones would not change as we cross time zones. Some people couldn’t change their phone setting though. If you look ... read more
Private bus ride
Bird holding
Monkey petting

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Western » Lake Yojoa November 11th 2021

After a good night of rest, we woke up and headed to the hotel restaurant for a caffeine fix and breakfast. We got on the road around 8:30, and knew we had about 8 hours of driving ahead of us, plus a border crossing, but were hoping we'd be able to make it to Leon before nightfall. Today, the weather had cleared, it was sunny and beautiful, and the traffic was pretty light. We were feeling good about the time we were making. We did a short stop for photos by Lago Yojoa, and then continued on. We were getting near the border by around 4, and knew that Leon was still almost 2 hours on the other side, but were still hoping we wouldn't have to do too much driving in the dark. We had ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Northern » La Ceiba November 10th 2021

I woke up to the sound of rain teeming down. 'My umbrella is in the car' was my first thought- the car which was already shipped over to La Ceiba. Fortunately by the time I got up and had breakfast, the rain was already done. I sent a quick message to Sylvia and Cherry, making sure they were both up, then finished getting myself ready to go. I got Auri up to say a goodbye, then got a message from Cherry that the taxi had arrived. I headed down with my backpack and purse, and we had the taxi take us over to pick up Sylvia. Once we had Sylvia, we had to double back for a minute to grab her spare car key to have, 'just in case', and then we were on our way. ... read more

Once upon a time, my dad went to college at UC Santa Barbara. In a lonely little chemistry class, he met a woman named Jen. They became very good friends; and if you have been reading this blog for a while you would know that my dad, Jen and I have travelled together. Well, this summer we are going to Roatan, Honduras, where Jen lives. Luckily, Roatan is only 2 hours away from Miami. When we got to Roatan, we me Jen, and her husband, Steve, at the airport. We drove to their house and after we settled in we went to an area called West End, which consists of restaurants, shops, and diving centers. We went to a restaurant by the water, which was quite clear in Roatan, called Sundowners. I got 2 bracelets from ... read more
West End
Drawing portraits at Sol
Buying Bracelets at Sundowners West End

JOHNNY'S JOURNEYS: HONDURAS 2021 May 28, 2021 (Friday) The alarm clock was set for 4:35. Before I retired about 3 weeks ago, my (every other) Tuesday morning alarm was always set for 4:50. Hey, I've got this. Most everything was packed last night. There's just a few last minute items to get. We left the house at 5:30. As Janet dropped me off at the United Airlines entrance, she asked if I had my phone. Oh no, I was still charging the battery and left it behind. Well, we just won't communicate for 9 days. After checking in my luggage, I waited 15 minutes and called home. No answer. A few minutes later, I called home again. Next, I called her cell phone #. She had just returned to the airport... with my telephone! My day ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Honduras March 18th 2021

My fourth stop to my Anthony Bourdain No Reservations Central America Trip 2016 is Honduras. Off to Tegucigalpa... read more

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