Blogs from Dominica, Central America Caribbean


Central America Caribbean » Dominica » Roseau January 25th 2024

Noc byla horká, doslova. Jonášek zase topil na vysoký stupeň, ani jsem ho neměřil a rovnou zavedl čípek. Ráno byl bez teploty, ale jak jsme poučeni od naší skvělé dětské doktorky, není to dobře. Teplota má klesat postupně, a jak se později ukáže, je to tak. Ráno tedy je veselejší, přesto se domlouváme na poklidný režim. Jedeme autem do hlavního města Roseau. Přiznávám se, že řízení vlevo není zas takový problém, jak se může zdát. Jedu pomalu, mimo obec to stěží vytáhnu na 70 km/h a v obci pomalu 30 – 50 km/h. Zvláště v obcích jde o výzvu, protože ulice jsou úzké. Místní zastaví, kde potřebují, a je jedno, zda si chtějí jen popovídat, nebo potřebují si nakoupit. V Roseau jsme poměrně dobře. Připlula velká výletní loď, tak v úzkých uličkách popojíždíme krokem a ještě ... read more
2024-01-22-01 Pošta Roseau 02
2024-01-22-02 Pošta Roseau 03
2024-01-22-03 Roseau 01

Central America Caribbean » Dominica » Portsmouth January 23rd 2024

Ubytování nás nezklamalo. Vítá nás Ellie, majitelka Caribbean Sea View Holiday Apartments, a je ráda, že nám zpráva dorazila. Ptám se jí, jakou zprávu má na mysli? No přece tu, že už je vše připravené a nemusíme čekat až do večera a můžeme se rovnou ubytovat. Aha, tak to je to pípnutí mobilu, když jsem řídil vlevo a proplétal se úzkými uličkami obce Saint Joseph. Ihned se tedy ubytováváme a jsme apartmánem nadšení. To bude krásný odpočinkový týden s výhledem na Karibik. Pláž je přímo pod námi, ale vzhledem k zažívacím obtížím z plavby, odkládáme koupání na zítřek. Teď se majitelky ptáme na základní informace typu, kde nakoupit, čím se platí, kde mají platební terminál atp. Po obdržených informacích se rozhodujeme, že peníze si vyměníme v bance v Portsmouthu, což je druhé největší město Dominiky a ... read more
2024-01-20-04 Caribbean Sea View Holiday Apartments 04
2024-01-20-06 Caribbean Sea View Holiday Apartments 06
2024-01-20-09 Vlajka Dominiky 02

Central America Caribbean » Dominica » Roseau January 19th 2024

Ostrov Guadeloupe nám mizí ze zorného pole. A kluci jsou z plavby nadšení. Začínají se objevovat větší vlny a vypadá to, že se na nás žene bouřka. Snad se nám vyhne. Janíček přestává volat nadšené jupí s každou vlnou a sedá si do sedadla. I Jonášek se zklidní a už nechce stát a dívat se z okénka a také si způsobile sedá na sedačku. Najednou se objevují stevardi v červených tričkách a rozdávají velké modré igelitové pytle. Zuza si jeden bere, protože to vypadá, že na Janíčka jde mořská nemoc. To už se typické dávivé zvuky ozývají z různých koutů kajuty. I já stahuji úsměv a cítím, že se začínám potit. Znoj mi skapává z čela, ze skrání i z krku. A to už Janíček využívá s maminčinou pomocí darovaný pytel. A jelikož je Jonášek solidární ... read more
2024-01-19-02 Trajekt 02
2024-01-20-09 Vlajka Dominiky 02
2024-01-20-20 Auto na Dominice 01

Central America Caribbean » Dominica » Marigot February 18th 2019

St Lucia 20 January – 6 February The journey from when we left the ship in Puerto Rico on the 17 January until reaching St Lucia on the 20th was unhurried but long. We had first to return to Miami before flying to Port of Spain in Trinidad and then on to St Lucia. It sounds a weird way of trying to reach St Lucia but the reason being that by doing it this way it meant we booked two return flights, from Miami to Trinidad and Trinidad to St Lucia which was by far the cheapest strategy to get us where we wanted to go, and back again. Finally we arrived in Castries, the capital of St Lucia, by plane and waited to be collected. Eventually Jason arrived from Sea Wind Cottages and took us ... read more
Gros Islet beach
Returning to Soufriere with view of Pitons
Close up, we stayed behind the one on right

Saturday July 29 - I got up at 7am and finished packing for the hike today. Breakfast was late, so we left 15 minutes late to get into town to meet Rob. He met us at Le Petit Paris around 9:15 and we got on our way by 9:30am. At 10:00 we arrived at the trail, swapped our water shoes for boots and started the hike. It was far more challenging than I'd expected. It started out with really slippery stones, and progressed through never-ending uphill portions, downhill portions and flat parts that were a combination of roots, stones and logs to walk on. I moved much slower than Meagan at the uphill portions, but was slightly quicker going downhill, though I could feel both in my knees. There was a river to cross, and the ... read more
Rob, the vulcanologist and our tour guide for the day
Titou gorge
Not intimidating

Wednesday July 26 - Terrible sleep last night, and I woke up feeling like I was getting a cold - sneezy, stuffy nose. Though in hindsight, it could have been allergies. I don't have any known allergies, but it's a new place. After breakfast, I headed out to Champagne Reef with Holly, Emma, Josh and Clive. Clive was looking for an orange butterfly that students had photographed the day before, but didn't have any luck. He searched while the rest of us were in the water. Josh was helping the girls collect data, which required diving down along a transect to take photos of what is present. It's a lot of work. I snorkeled nearby. The reason why the location is called Champagne is because it is a volcanic area, and carbon dioxide bubbles are released ... read more
Squad of squid
Science under the sea

Monday July 23 - Meagan's been having pain in her tooth, and it has been getting worse. She thinks she needs a root canal, and at least wants to get it looked at while here and get it sorted out enough that she can fly home next week. Charlotte arranged for her to go into town to see a dentist today, and I tagged along to get some wifi for a change. Jackie drove us, Kersel and Shelly into town, and our first stop was the rental car shop, where all of our vehicles come from. They must regret ever renting us cars, as the tires are always flat and there are multiple other car problems associated which I'm sure our driving has caused. We stayed there for a while before moving onto the tire shop. ... read more

Sunday July 22 - I saw whales! It was a great start to the day. After breakfast we crossed the river and filled up the buses. I got on a bus with one of the groups of students who had been fun during the week, and took Clive with me, and Lisa and Erin got on the other bus. I chatted a bit with the driver about Dominica, and what it was like before the storm. It's hard to imagine how different it looks now compared to before the storm finished with it, but the stories help me to picture it a little better. When we arrived at the dive site, we got on the boat and the captain introduced himself and gave us a safety introduction. I used the bathroom after that, and the door ... read more
From the bus
Damage in Roseau from Hurricane Maria

Saturday July 21 - I got out of bed around 8:30am and headed down to breakfast. Shelly and Ben were there, which was nice to see. I had a huge bowl of porridge, labeled with my name for the first time, but labeled as Jenni, which I hate. I picked up my laundry and then got ready to go into town, a bit later than expected, which in itself, is expected. We were supposed to go to Boiling Lake today, but Rob canceled that so he could go to the doctor, so the new place was to go to town. As we walked to the river, Jackie got a call from Charlotte, and all of a sudden we were not going to town. Only Jackie and Shelly could go. We continued to the river to tell ... read more
Emerald Pool

Monday July 16 - Sleep was crap, as always. Jackie moved into our room last night and I heard her get up this morning. I tried to stay in bed, but it did not last long. In the meantime, Jackie came back and woke up Lisa to ask her if they could take out all her bat equipment and use the car today. After that I did get up. Breakfast was porridge, but someone dropped a watermelon, so that was available to eat as well. I spent the morning talking to Shelly and Ben, and in the late morning I met Gary, the donkey on site. He didn't seem to like me, or he liked me too much. Either way, I think I am done with Gary. But he had stepped in a coconut shell that ... read more
Gary's foot stuck in a coconut
Gary has five limbs?

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