Monday the 9th

Published: May 10th 2022
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Today was a most successful drift snorkel to Rum Point.

The wind conditions were perfect, so there was barely any current moving us along. As usual David dropped me, and this time Jess too, at the local public restroom in Caiman Kai, and parked up next to Rum Point, and then walked back. At last he remembered to time all that – 12 minutes for the drive and the walk back.

We entered and swam out to the farther reef and enjoyed the very alive and varied colorful soft corals and fans. Then we swam back into the middle, and then along the closer reef. Along the way we spotted 3 sting rays and an enormous Eagle Ray. That was wonderful – they “fly” with such grace. However, we also had never noticed how they skim along the sand and seem to “vacuum” as they go, with their lips making a big round surface. We have included 2 pictures – see if you can tell the difference between them eating and just swimming. We also spied a rare “flamingo tongue” stuck on a coral. And, sadly, 3 lion fish.

As the current was so mild, we wanted to continue forward into the Coral Garden area, but the boats had moved on. Fortunately another suddenly arrived, so we pushed on with purpose to that spot. It was great – another stingray trying to bury himself in the sand, and the many lovely fish swimming around those large heads of coral. Mr. Barracuda was lingering there too. Jess swore it was chasing her.

By then we were starting to feel hungry, so swam in towards the pier and then into the grass. We did not see David’s buddy, the tail-less stingray, but did meet a family from Leicester UK. Finally we packed up and got to the Tukka restaurant where we really enjoyed our lionfish tacos and sweet potato fries. We had worked up quite an appetite in that 2 hours 20 minutes of mostly swimming and not drifting.

Home for naps!! We all picked up a bit of a singe today, but really we are doing well in our sun screening.

It’s just sandwiches and snacking tonight as we had a lovely lunch and we are too lazy to shop for fish again – probably at Fosters for grouper unless we find a less expensive fish market, although that strawberry grouper was indeed delicious just seared in butter and oil.

We did accomplish one thing this morning: we booked our return-to-US Covid tests for next Monday.

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