Happy Mother's Day

Published: May 9th 2022
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We attended the same church as last week, 9 am, and the pastor we had met 4 years ago was there as a guest. Great message – only 45 minutes too. People were on hand to take our photos as a Mother's Day gift.

Then we raced home to change and go snorkeling at Eden Rock. The parking lot was full! But we have no idea why as we saw only like 4 people in the water. We were in the water 1-1/2 hours and saw one turtle (obviously a relative of the record-breaking breath-holder). It too never came up! No nurse sharks, but lovely warm water which was really calm. Something new - a chance to play in the divers' bubbles.

We had a shandy to share and Jess tried the thing we have been giggling about all week – what is a vegan option fried calamari appetizer? Evidently it is made out of this seitan wheat-based protein concoction. I guess I was wrong: I said it was the calamari that was vegan, and after all we are what we eat.

After a short stop home to shower and do laundry David had us back to the parking lot of the Queen Elizabeth Botanical Gardens, and just that fast we showed Jess a Caribbean woodpecker, Cuban green parrot, the Western Spindalis, Caribbean Elaenia, 4 different doves/pigeons, and – crazy – a peacock wandering down the main road! That was a first for sure.

Our dinner was delicious – the strawberry grouper fillets, which we just sauteed, sweet potato, and baby bok choy. And then we called our prospective families for a delightful time of connection. and now we are all exhausted and off to bed!

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