Day 5 in Paradise

Published: January 7th 2022
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Well it was a really quiet day today with not a lot going on if I am honest. We all had to go for our PCR tests so we can board the ship on Saturday. The tests were completed across the road from our hotel so not to much of a faff we thought until we got to the desk and the lady asks us for our QR codes. To which we all said we have not got one. The poor lady then tried to explain to us that we needed one and how to get it. You would think that would be simple except we did not have internet access so some of us used her iPad to fill in the forms (which we had done before and were not given a QR code) and some of us went back to the hotel to get the code.

The lady doing the actual test puts a swab up your nostril and my god I think she was also looking for brains (she would have been there ages looking for my brain, ha ha). So now all we needed to do was wait for our test results. The test results came back around 7ish and we are all negative so yeah that is another hurdle we have got over. There seem to be so many hurdles you need to pass - but not complaining I am sure lots of people would love to swop places.

So back to the beach for the day - we are taking it easy as we have a bit of time to get a tan and have quite a few books between us to read.

We went to a fabulous little place for our evening meal which Graham had taken us all to on our previous trip to Barbados. The place is called Shakers and it is up a number of back streets. If you did not know about it you would never find it. If you ever come to Barbados and find yourself near The Marriott hotel in Hastings jump into a taxi and ask to be taken to Shakers, but best to book first. Make sure you have the fish of the day and ask for it blackened, one of the best meals I have had if I am totally honest.


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