What day is it today in Paradise! however, carry on reading to find out about Bum and Rum!

Published: January 6th 2022
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So up early and we decide that we are going to have breakfast on the balcony and as everything went into our fridge we meet on our balcony which Eric has renamed Paula’s Arms. Once breakkie was completed off we trot to Bridgetown. We all jump into a boogie bus. If you have been to Barbados or the caribbean you will know what one of these is. If not it is a transit van with lots of seats in and they are driven up and down by the locals and they hoot you all the time and you hail one and all jump in - a real Barbadian treat. So we arrive in Bridgetown and we lose Graham only to find him dreaming of days gone by, ha ha. So we drag Graham away from his day dreams and find the fruit and vegetable market where I find a really apt sign that I am sure every fruit and vegetable stall holder would love to have on their stalls.

After a long walk around Bridgetown we decided that we would walk back to the hotel. The boys went the picturesque walk way along the sand and us girls took the
A sign at a fruit and veg stallA sign at a fruit and veg stallA sign at a fruit and veg stall

I would imagine every fruit and veg stall would love to use this
road walk as Sue (F) had a blister and did not want to get sand in it. We all met at Dave’s shack which is next to the Raddison hotel and is famous for his fish cutters. So we all ordered a fish cutter with cheese. Yes you heard it here, fish and cheese but by golly it is good. The only thing was Sue (L) and I decided to put the Barbadian Pepper sauce on and it came out a bit fast so our fish and cheese cutter was a tad difficult to taste the fish and cheese due to our mouths being on fire.

On the walk back after the fish and cheese cutter we were stopped by a nice gentleman on his bike trying to sell us his artwork and when we said no thanks he peddled right on but then made an emergency stop to show us a monkey in a tree - he was so passionate about seeing monkeys it was nice to see. Mind you if I am honest all I saw was a branch moving. So once back guess what it was down to the sea again. So Mike and I get there first and start getting the sun beds out for all 6 of us. Like true brits we have to put something on the sun beds to save them for our mates (even though there are at least 50 stacked sun beds not being used). So I chuck a book on one, and a swim cover-up on another, Mike chucks his t-shirt on one, his book on another and then starts to take his trunks off to which I shout NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The couple in the bar behind Mike who are also having a rum decide they do not want a rum and bum so they shout NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to which we all ended up in stitches but to be honest me and the couple realised we had just dodged a bullet.

Graham who is an ex-pilot had a pilot friend who had just flown in on Virgin come to meet us (Chris) and you can guess where we met him, yes you are right in the bar. He was quite a character to say the least.

So we finish the night off witch a meal across the road and then have a nightcap on our balcony. As mentioned previously the balcony has now been renamed “The Paula’s Arms”.

We are all off for our PCR tests in the morning and have learned that as of today’s news we will not have to have a test prior coming back into the UK but hey ho we have sometime left before returning so all could change by then.

So now I have to apologise about my last post as Mrs Sue (L) has pulled me up on the photo of the ship I put on my last post. It appears I put a photo of the Star Clipper instead of the Royal Clipper -as Sue (L) is a Jenny Wren (ex Royal Navy) I thought I had better correct my error as don’t want Sue (L) to use her contacts and I end up being Keel Hauled when we set sail as a form of punishment for getting it wrong - need to know where your bread is buttered!!!!!!


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