Wendy Robinson


Wendy Robinson

I am currently teaching in the UK but i'm always thinking about the next trip....

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Sharm el-Sheikh December 29th 2010

Dear all, It's been a long time since I last wrote..but here I am In Egypt. Dan and I decided that we needed a quick week of winter sun and although Egypt is not my most favourite of places it certainly ticks that box! On Friday (Christmas Eve) Dan and I woke early with a plan in our heads of a relaxed day of packing and getting ourselves ready. We had plenty of time as our flight would not be leaving Heathrow until 10.30 that night. In true Dan and Wendy style we still had not achieved much by 4pm and we ended up having our usual rush to get packed! But we got to our flight, we took off on time and we caught our connection in Cairo which took us here to the Red ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Kent » Royal Tunbridge Wells February 19th 2010

Dear all, In a couple of days time Dan and I will have been back in the UK for seven months. When we got back I started working at a Special Needs school in Maidstone and I am still there. Poor Dan did not have the luck that I had with getting a job and he had a long six months of job hunting. However he started his new job in London last week and he seems to be enjoying it. Our travels are like a distant memory. Getting back into work did not prove to be too hard although I still have the odd day when I drive to work in the rain and remember going to work on a dive boat...it's not quite the same! This feeling has not been helped by the fact ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Kent » Tunbridge Wells September 14th 2009

Dear all, It's been weeks since I last wrote and although I am not writing from an exotic location I thought that it was about time to let you all know how I am doing. Coming back has been easier than I thought it would be in some respects and some other small things have taken a huge amount of getting used to!! I am now back at work teaching at a Special Needs school and although I was exhausted for the first few days I am now back into a routine and to be honest it already feels as though I were never away. I can already tell you how many days until the next weekend and how many weeks until the next half term...etc etc. The thing that has been hardest is having to ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex July 27th 2009

Dear all, Can you believe it, tomorrow we will have been home for a week. Life has been a busy of mixture of visiting people and sorting our lives out! We have been up to Huddersfield to visit family and we have now managed to buy a car. Things in the UK don't seem to have changed too much. Someone should have warned me that there are a load of new pictures on coins...I nearly accused two people of trying to give me foreign money!! Asda still make very good hedgehog bread and it tastes especially good with marmite on it! (my first meal when I got home!!) We have also been into our barn to get some things, my priority was getting some jumpers as this summer weather seems to be a bit rubbish at ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok July 18th 2009

Dear all, It has only been two days since I last wrote but life has pretty hectic. After my last blog about passing my Instructor exams Dan and I went out and partied with the three lads that were on my course. It was a messy night as neither of us have had any alcohol in weeks, but after so much studying and then the three days of exams I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders and it was so nice to relax! We were up bright and early the next morning and our heads did not feel so bad. We packed up our room and said goodbye to everyone and then caught the afternoon boat. During the past year we have spent nearly six months on the small island of ... read more
Dan and I
Koh Tao
Yes......I did it!!!

Asia » Thailand » Eastern Thailand July 16th 2009

Dear all, Its been weeks since I last wrote, but in the last few weeks I have been building up to my biggest achievement of the whole trip. I mentioned that I have been studying. Three weeks ago I began my Instructor Development Course which got me ready for my exams. Three days ago the Padi Examiners arrived on the island and I sat theory exams, standards exams and then they watched me in the sea and the swimming pool...and this morning I passed! So I am now a Padi diving instructor! My weakest subject was diving physics and Dan spent many hours tearing his hair out because for him physics is a perfectly normal thing and for me it was like learning a whole new language! But I actually managed to get 100% in my ... read more

Dear all, Its been ages since I last wrote and I am now on the other side of the world..this is what has been going on...... After our six nights in LA we got to LAX airport only to find out that our flight was delayed by two hours. I am starting to feel as though I have seen enough airports and spent enough money on coffee in airports! Also I have been through enough airport security lines to last me a lifetime! Dan and I really enjoyed our time in LA and we would love to come back. We did the really sad tourist thing of going celeb spotting. We went and saw the houses of Leonardo Decaprio, Halle Berry and Wynona Ryder...or should I say that we saw their huge gates which stop sad ... read more
Rodeo Drive
Small World Ride

Dear all, Dan and I arrived safely in LA 3 hours before we left. We picked up our hire car which only had 56 miles on the clock and then managed to drive to our hotel without getting lost. If you saw the roads around here you would know that not getting lost is a huge achievement each time we go out! On our first evening we drove into the Mexican area of LA and had some Mexican food. This was not planned, we just found it when driving but as we are no longer going to Mexico it felt like a good second best! Yesterday we got up at six and drove to San Diego for SeaWorld. As you can imagine we felt right at home there the only problem being that we were on ... read more
Beluga Whale
Dan on the red carpet

Oceania » Fiji » Viti Levu » Nadi May 8th 2009

Dear all, Here I am in Fiji! Yes I am in paradise and so you would think that I would be feeling blissfully relaxed..but sadly it was not to be! We flew in two weeks ago and after spending two nights in Nadi we went down to the Coral Coast. We stayed in a room in the village of Korotogo. For the first three days we hired a car as there was some diving that we wanted to do which was a couple of hours away. So we drove to Pacific Harbour and did a days diving on Shark Reef in Beqa Lagoon. We dropped down to 30 metres and sat on the bottom and then the divemasters let out a mixture of fish guts which attracted a lot of fish! There were huge trevally’s but ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland April 23rd 2009

Dear all, Its been ages since I last wrote, Matt has been and gone and we are heading off to Fiji in the morning. Anyway this is what we have been up to.... On our way back to Auckland to pick up Matt we went via Kaikoura. Our main reason for going back to Kaikoura was to see the Sperm whales as our previous trips had been cancelled as the whales were not around. We got up at six in the morning and went out on the 7am boat..but no whales! No dolphins either! Sadly our time had run out as we had to leave Kaikoura to get the ferry from Picton back to the North island. So no sperm whales for us....we will just have to come back to New Zealand! After the ferry trip ... read more

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