Transient Sapiens


Transient Sapiens

We love travel; backpacking, hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, sight seeing, camping or skydiving; whatever package it comes in.
We hope to travel, to see, to feel and experience as much of this planet as possible.

Mobile bases: California, USA to Calgary & Toronto in Canada, Brazil and Germany. With no permanent "dwelling", home is something we carry around in our backpacks, literally.

P.S : Sometimes, the experience of the place is bigger than expressible in words. Hence, pending many blog updates...working on it...


North America » Canada » Alberta » Brooks April 19th 2014

When: 19 April 2014 Where: Dinosaur & Kinbrook Island Provincial Parks Little S(well, not so little anymore) is now an ardent fan of dinosaurs. It all started with a computer game called Dino Dan where she had to take care of dinosaurs. All kinds of them. All the weird-o-saurus names started pouring in. G and I stayed away from it for a while. A few months. But eventually succumbed to it! The craze of knowing all dinosaurs by name, diet, size & which period they lived. Triassic, Jurassic & Cretaceous. A visit to Royal Tyrell Museum made sense a few months ago. But with Spring finally around the corner, we drove ourselves 3 hours due East to Dinosaur Provincial Park. The park is home to a variety of dinosaur fossils including Ceratopsians, Hadrosaurs, Ankylosaurs, Dromeosaurus and ... read more
sand - water art
And it stands to live another day! I mean the hoodoo.

North America » United States » California » San Francisco December 19th 2013

When:Dec 19th - Jan 5th Where: winter in sunny San Francisco Highlights: Living in the Marina area of The City & exploring places we had left out earlier We braced the elements in the wee hours of morning to board this flight to sunny San Francisco. The weather was at its worst last week of school and we were more than happy to compromise home for a sunny New Year We left Calgary @ -30 C to land in a balmy +15 C SFO. Thanks to the winds, it was a quick 2 hour journey. It was very interesting to pick a cab and drive North. S was intently listening to all the places I was detailing. She was excited to be in the place she was born. It was sort of weird to her that ... read more
war models
snowy egret & S

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park September 13th 2013

When:13 Sep 2013 Where: hike up Parker Ridge Highlights: Saskatchewan glacier view It has been over 3 years that I had heard about this must-do hike. Superlatives were used and as time would have it, we had crossed by the trailhead several times with no time to stop. We then realized that we had to dedicate one day to come this far. Summer would end anytime soon. We tried to try our luck as little S had day off from school. All of us were tired in the morning. Our decision to leave by 6.00 am faltered(nothing unusual there). We left by 8.00 am. Our destination being 316 km away, we had close to a 4 hr drive. With brief stops at Canmore and Lake Louise for essentials we reached Parker Ridge trail head past 11.00 ... read more
Peyto Lake
how many more photos???

North America » Canada » Alberta August 30th 2013

When:Aug 30 - Sep 1 2013 Where: Writing on Stone Provincial Park, Milk River, Alberta 2.5 - 3 hrs N of Helena we crossed back into what felt like home instantly. In terms of landscape, nothing really changed. Just an imaginary border by human beings!!! But it made a world of difference to me, at least. Lesser questions, better verbal tone and of course the never-failing Welcome to Canada nod. It felt precious after being away in another country for 7 days! M became km, F became C but people remained almost the same. The people in Wyoming and Montana are not very different, or rather indifferent. Guess its the mountains! Just 12 km N of the border, we entered the small town of url= read more
hoodoos by a river are called "coulees"
I love hoodoos

When: 22 August - 1 September 2013 Where: Yellowstone National Park, USA Highlights: Animal sightings, hot springs, first mud pot experience, colors, lots of water and our first Junior Ranger Badge!!! This was mine & G's 2nd trip into this awesome Caldera. It is a world unto itself. We were excited beyond words to share this place with S. She would get initiated into the world of geysers, hot springs, mud pots & fumaroles. 22nd August Unsure about the immigration delay, we started early enough that we were in Lethbridge for brunch. This was our first time to Lethbridge and the small town feel the place had made us feel at home. As we entered town, we saw the url= Level bridge. Unf... read more
Oblong Geyser
Morning glory pool
Grotto Geyser

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls August 5th 2013

When:2nd - 3rd August 2013 Where: Niagara Falls Highlights: N/A Prelude: I have been avoiding to visit the Niagara falls for the last 10 years. I am not a big fan of doing touristy stuff and this would be #1 on the "Top 10 places to see in North America". G has been to NY and Niagara falls(on the US side) Sep 2011. So, he was willing to see the more beautiful Canadian side. As for me, there was no way I could escape from it due to our current residency in Toronto. But as much as I agreed to go, I had already framed my judgement about the place. Not a good mindset to make a trip with! Ironically, we ended up making the trip twice, less than 2 weeks apart!!! TRIP 1 ... read more
thundering falls
I was somewhere close to the falls
we are in our yellow suit of armor

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto July 27th 2013

When:15th July - 20th Aug 2013 Where: Toronto Highlights: visiting & living IN the concrete jungle, hunting open space whenever wherever possible, making new friends, visiting all the touristy venues. In short, been there, done that. Calgary has 1/5th of Toronto's population. This statistic meant nothing to me until I actually felt it. I am not a city person and if this post is biased, well, I cannot help it. Did I come across all the 5 million people in the city? It definitely feels so! Toronto Eaton Center Highly over-rated! Expensive! Touristy! And this feeling after my third(and probably final) visit. Also after a local told me so. I just blindly began to believe that shopping is expensive i... read more
Then York, Now Toronto!
Sunset by the Lake
Old & new

When:12th - 14th July 2013 Where: Lake O'Hara, Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies Highlights: back country camping, hikes to beautiful glacial-fed lakes, showerless 2 days, lived with 30 other families that are allowed every day in the area. Lake O'Hara! How does one come up with a name like that? It does sound mmm... exotic! I looked up and here's what I found. The area is named after Colonel Robert O'Hara, an Irishman from Derryhoyle, Galway who heard about the area from J.J. McArthur, a government surveyor. Useful Info: Information on getting there You need not be filthy rich to stay url= read more
Lake Oesa
McArthur Lake
Lake O'Hara vicinity

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver August 31st 2012

When: 31st Aug - 4th Sep What: Vancouver to Calgary Highlights: camping, enjoying fresh-water beaches, Okanagan valley views, first jet ski experience, interesting people at a hostel Friday, Aug 31st We did a quick round of packing previous night and in the morning. It is a wonderful truth that we have definitely slowed down with S. And she definitely makes everything so much more worthwhile. G was not somewhat happy to know that we had 1 extra(food) bag. It added to the weight, but slowly we got used to driving with it. Or,maybe we forgot about it totally. My south-indian cuisine craving took us to HSB on Broadway. After a carb-filled belly, we embarked on this 4+ hr drive to Kelowna. S fell asleep as soon as we were outside the city. And woke up only ... read more
Okanagan Lake public beach, sunset
having a blast!

When:3rd-6th Aug 2012 Where: Long Beach unit of Pacific Rim National Park, BC, Canada What: camping near Mackenzie beach, our first proper beaches in Canada, enjoying the Pacific again, watched some decent surfs, built sand castles and in the process became Vitamin D-rich, thanks to the scorching sun. Friday, 3rd August We took the 7.45am ferry leaving Twassessen bay to Nanaimo . Ferries leaving from Horshoe bay(closer to Vancouver) were all filled up for the long weekend. We left as early as 6am allowing enough time for the traffic. We not only made it on time but had just enough time to grab some quick breakfast. Most of the cafe's were closed. Only Starbucks and second cup were open that early. No matter how many ever tim... read more
taking in the pacific
more boardwalks
sand project-don't ask!

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