Polly's Wotsits and adventures


Polly's Wotsits and adventures

Embarking on my African Adventure, travelling solo to Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa in April and May 2014

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg » Sandton April 26th 2014

I was supposed to be flying from Manchester to Charles De Gaulle in Paris, then on to Johannesburg. From there I should leave my flight and get on another, to Victoria Falls! Best laid plans and all that eh? Manchester to Paris - easy! Arrived in Paris and saw there were 2 boarding gates for the flight to Johannesburg so I was a bit confused; all was clear when we were boarding; it was the HUGE A380 2 floored plane that looked too big to move, let alone fly! I sat on the ground floor; was pretty nifty really and quite an experience. However, on arriving at Johannesburg we were almost landed when the pilot aborted the landing; it was not nice! As we shot back up at speed the co-pilot said the pilot would explain ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » South Yorkshire » Sheffield April 20th 2014

Foggy, dismal and pretty depressing in Sheffield at this time of year, when the sun doesn't shine! But all is OK as I am going to AFRICA within a week. I AM GOING ON HOLIDAY BY MYSELF, ALONE, WITH NO-ONE GOING WITH ME! I will hopefully meet up with like minded travellers. I am all inoculated up - everything is up to date; typhoid, tetanus, polio, all the hepatitis, diphtheria, polio, didn't need yellow fever, and my malaria tablets start on Wednesday! I have 3 initial challenges 1st how much I can get in to my smallest rucksack; this is because I get notoriously bored waiting for baggage at any airport so always try to fly light! 2nd is accepting my small rucksack is not big enough! 3rd packing; I normally do this around 40 minutes ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Ko Chang October 24th 2012

Soon it is time for my long journey home. One thing I have learnt is that my ipad speaks a totally different type of English to me so for this last blog I am not going to correct any of the changes it makes or the suggestions it gives me! Here goes... On the plane to Thailand I had a few little worries, mainly, what if I got lost, what if I cannot find where I am staying? Being alone made that feeling bigger as I knew I would have noone to ask but I surprised myself... Not once was I lost; perhaps misplaced a few times, but that was it! That was my biggest worry sorted. What if I got bored with myself? That didn't happen either - I had anticipated feeling a bit alone, ... read more
Careful! Poipet warning
Our amazing world
The bridge over the river Kwai

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Ko Chang October 22nd 2012

I realise that 2 out of the three headline words could be titles for the most recent panorama production but don't get excited. All I am discussing here is elephants. Traveling alone can make for some very strange feelings and none more so than trying to decide what to do,or where to go. Days out normally involve discussions with friends or family... Here,the closest I have to a friend is the Russian lady who was having problems with judicial happenings and tits. So, when it came to wanting to spend a day with elephants I had to try to decide myself if me visiting these elephants was going to harm them in any way. I found another traveller who had been and he described his visit as a journalist; he was encouraging,so I went. Before arriving ... read more
Splash!  Elephant vs. Me in the water

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Ko Wai October 21st 2012

Someone, somewhere tempted fate and made me take a full day trip visiting 4beautiful islands; what they didn't realise though was that I have never held a snorkelling thingy,let alused one. The outing started normally, being picked up from the little lodge I am staying at by the taxi (pick up truck with seats, if you are lucky, clawing onto the outside if you are not). Thankfully, I was one of the lucky few and took my seat, legs dangling from the back of the truck. The roads are hilly, they make Yorkshire look like a flood plain and any attempt to losen the grip from the life saving grab rail in the pickup truck would render a human body to nothing more than dog food, all over the road, fresh dog food... So, I made ... read more
Slippy gangplanks
Idyllic island
The way to the pier

Asia » Cambodia » North » Tonlé Sap October 17th 2012

Since seeing documentaries about Cambodia many years ago, featuring the floating villages, I have wanted to see them. It was one of those dreams that I didn't really think would come true. But it did, yesterday. And it was absolutely amazing. I loved every minute of it. I'll try not to bore you to death! The tuk-tuk driver from the hostel was great, again, and took me to Tonle Sap, near Sim Reap; it was a bumpy journey and when we arrived I was greeted by a long line of boats. Some big, some small, but all of them had a smiley happy owner with it. The cost to go to the village was just $1, I am sure that was wrong, but that is all he charged me at the ticket office near the boats. ... read more
On the ocean blue (or river!)
One of the houses

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor October 17th 2012

Hello! Today I was up good and early again. Last night I bought my ticket to visit the temples around Sim Reap, Angkor Wat. It is amazing to see how things are done in Cambodia, or anywhere for that matter. A ticket has to be purchased before being allowed in to see the insides of the temples. For this, I was taken, on the way to the sunset viewing, to a buying booth which is run by Government employees. There is huge prestige to be had being an employee as such; they are so efficient though (that is, when they decide to open the office!) and their quirky ways gave everyone in the queue a few smiles (and for the US visitors, a bit of impatience too - Well Yáll, we don't do this back home... ... read more
Angkor Wat by night
Ruins near Angkor Wat

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap October 15th 2012

10 hour bus trip today from bangkok to sim reap, had a few stops, sorted a Cambodian visa and crossed the border with no problems. It was a lot easier than I imagined, but was surprised at the amount of younger people getting worked up about it and couldn't decide if to go by taxi or bus after the border crossing. I had decided on taxi and clubbed together with a guy from Barcelona ( who moaned at everything!) and a young Japanese girl who kept shaking her head and saying "this don't make sense" Which was cute! At the border it was stinking hot, but I remembered you at home and smiled, and enjoyed it! In Cambodia today it is a huge festival for sending gifts to dead ancestors and it made me think, what ... read more
Hak's House, Sim Reap
Cambodian Visa

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok October 14th 2012

What a weird few days, quite surreal... Pan, I am behaving impecably!(Almost, slip up on my trip out,but intentions were good!). A young Burmese LD working at this hostel is so funny, he clears a few glasses, gets his mirror out and tweezers his eyebrows, then does more work! Today I had organised to go to the bridge over the river Kwai but The only way I could find to do that was to add in a trip to tiger temple straight after, apparently run by a very important monk. It is supposed to be a tigers sanctuary, rescuing tigers from throughout Asia and hand rearing therm. If you get the chance to go on this visit DONT go!! The surroundings are appalling, the tigers in very bad condition and seemed to be drugged. One of ... read more
drugged? or Sleepy?

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok October 12th 2012

What a wonderful day yesterday, trip to London, beers with a lovely friend, and then arrived at the million mile long queue at border control (they were quick tho which is good as I'd lost track of time chatting away!) The flight was only memorable by the fact that I woke up having poured vodka on my leg... knew I was sleepy. As I am typing this accompanied by Thais, geckos and CHANG beer there could be Interesting sentences by the end. Oman. What is there to say about that? It is made of sand and ants That's it Both flights were long haul flights, a 7 hour and a 6.5 hour. Both were nearly empty too. Could lay down over 4 seats in the middle on the 2nd flight, that is why I didn't spil ... read more

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