Nichola Wallace


Nichola Wallace

I love travelling. Started years ago in my early 20's and got hooked on the adventure and the amazing people that you come across.

I've written most of my previous travels at another website (mylifeoftravel and look for Nicky J on the home page) but it's getting harder to add photos so from now on I'll be using this site.

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 28th 2014

Tuesday Well today I packed and spent the morning in and out of the pool and reading on the sun lounge (in the shade of course). When I arrived in BKK I assumed that my red belly was from the heat, till I saw the pattern on my chest of my bikini top. Sun burn, darn it. But not serious. I had a few more photos taken with mine host, Manu. He was always taking photos of me. And the girl from down the road, who spoke good English confirmed my decision to return by mini bus rather than the train. Quicker, cooler and cheaper. At one point we were held up for a short time by an accident. As we slipped past I saw it involved 3 cars. The last car, a large ute had ... read more
the pool and the colourful cabins
one of the tree stump cabins
the Asian pied starling

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Kanchanaburi February 24th 2014

Monday Today was the train to Hellfire Pass. The host’s mother and her friend were coming as Thais don't usually do these things but they can ride the train for free. We arrived at the station over half an hour early and the train arrives over half an hour late. They sat in the free cars while the rest of us sat in the 100THB cars (tourists and their guides). I started chatting with the guides near me and they arranged for a car to take me to the cutting which was about 15kms further out from the end of the line. The train rattled and clacked thru the countryside with the windows wide open for over 2 hours. Generally you risk serious injury or death if you put any parts of your body outside the ... read more
Manu's mother and her friend
rice paddies
country road

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Kanchanaburi February 23rd 2014

Friday I took my first tuktuk ride from the guest house to the sky train saving me a ten min walk. It's amazing where vehicles squeeze thru in the narrow allies. I made it to the mini bus rendezvous with time to spare then waited another 30 mins to be picked up and taken by taxi half way across town to the mini bus. Wow, taxis are very cheap. Saturday I'm eating breakfast, a tasty soup with rice and probably ground pork, looking across a small canal to a field of sugar cane and the rugged hills beyond. One man is cutting cane by hand. I think all the cane is cut by hand. They were loading it into the trucks late into the night last night. The other cutters are now returning to work. Some ... read more
how to vote car
the evening view
my host, Manu

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 21st 2014

Thursday First treatment at the dentist was not pleasant. No wonder people don't like dentists. The day was lovely and coolish (below 30), so the Thais bring out the light sweaters and jackets. I have a temp crown while the perm one is being made. I was brave and didn't go for the needle (maybe I should have). It was nearly 2 hrs of drilling, grinding and poking. She was very nice and chatted in Thai with her 2 assistants while I kept an ear open for 'bite' and 'open your mouth'. My jaw often had trouble obeying the bite command. When it was over I wandered around the shops and found somewhere to eat but didn't have quite enough cash to pay the whole bill. My Qantas cash card wasn't working. I'd sent an email ... read more
camping in the streets
protesting in Asoke Rd
street stalls under the skytrain

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 18th 2014

Tuesday This was a dental trip and I travelled cheap via Air Asia from Gold Coast via Kuala Lumpur. The food was a little dry, the red quilts leave your clothes red (don't worry, it washes out) but all flights were on time. I arrived late in the evening, picked up a free sim card and got on a local bus, transferred to the skytrain after a minor detour to the subway entrance, then walked down through the narrow streets to my accommodation. I also had a few detours here as I took some wrong turns. It was quite a distance and by now after 10. I'd chosen Baan Sathorn because it was cheap and the reviews were excellent. It was a good choice and I returned here after my excursion out to the Death Railway. ... read more
Busy River
The King of Thailand
Living on the river

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema July 26th 2011

Now we are at the end of our holiday which has been so good. We booked 2 different places to stay in Rio....the bad and the good. Our first 3 nights were up past the Sheraton near a favela (slum) and it looked so much better on the had a pool and our delux room had sea views. In reality, our room contained a double bed and a broken DVD player. The pool was an empty jacuzi and breakfast was a toasted cheese and ham sandwich. Now we are at the well recommended Mango Tree. We ate one night in the favela and went there for's quite safe if you don´t go too far. Tuesday The prettier side of Rio was seen with a city tour which included Corcovado (Christ the Redeemer), ... read more
Christ the Redeemer
Christ the Redeemer
Rio harbour and Sugarloaf

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty July 19th 2011

Tuesday The river that flows over the falls at Iguazu is also the border between Argentina and Brazil. As we crossed the bridge in a taxi, the driver pointed to a car parked by the road and being unloaded and said ´Contriband´. For border smugglers, they didn´t seem too concerned about being caught. We flew out of a foggy Iguacu 2 hours late (now that we're in Brazil, the spelling is a little different). The clouds thinned as we crossed the Amazon jungle but came in again when we neared the rugged, forested coast. What we saw of Rio was not inviting - untidy and covered in graffiti. We caught a late bus and drove into the night to Paraty, 4 and a half hours down along a stunning coastline. Rugged, rocky, heavily forested hills dropping ... read more
Paraty's old centre
old town
lots of art and craft shops

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú July 16th 2011

Saturday and Sunday We'd booked a flight to Puerto Iguazu in Argentina with Aerolineas Argentinas - avoid flying with them. Our flight was delayed 3 hours and we missed our connection in Buenos Aires. Another nasty surprise was the $100 entrance tax to Argentina (only for us Aussies). We were sent to a hotel in downtown BA after being yelled at by the airline agent because we couldn't understand her English directions. We were joined in the taxi by a mime artist from Rio going to perform in Lima and a Bolivian engineer. They'd also had delayed flights. Every thing was paid for, including phone calls, and for dinner, now really late, we had the most tender grilled veal I have ever eaten - the menu was in Spanish and the waiter didn't have enough English ... read more
truck through the jungle
the flood marker reads 30m
down river, Brazil on the other side

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department July 11th 2011

Monday Late morning we take a very short flight over the mountains, still rugged but now thick with jungle and streams. As we near Santa Cruz the land begins to look very's flat and green and tropical and at 450m, Santa Cruz itself is big and sprawling. The residents know they have plenty of land and have spread out on it. We joined the throngs in the streets and square, eating ice-cream and window shopping. We had the crappiest hotel so we booked across the road for when we returned from the jungle. We also wanted to leave our winter woollies somewhere. After walking all around town and searching high and low for a super cheap bag to store them in, we walked into a baby shop, found the owner spoke good English and had ... read more
At Sucre airport
waiting at Sucre airport
crossing the Mamore River

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi July 9th 2011

Saturday From Uyuni we drove across the mountains to Potosi at nearly 4000m. Some of the road was almost brand new but the engineers had underestimated the amount of water that can flow through a dry gully and most of the culverts under the road had been washed away with the result that every few kilometres we drove off the road and around a gaping chasm. The rest of the road wound over mountains, through gorges, across and along sandy valleys. The wind is howling and any snow is streaked with dust. Dust follows the bus and runs down dry river beds. Rocks, llamas, cattle, sheep and donkeys flash past the windows. The bus stops for lunch and a loo break. I edge around the side of the building to the toilets and when I emerge, ... read more
lunch stop somewhere between Uyuni and Potosi
road between Uyuni and Potosi
that's sand, not snow

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