nancic123's Guestbook

11th September 2018

Spectacular photography!
Like you both, my wife and I love to discover new experiences,
29th August 2018
Eiffel Tower Sunset

We love Paris
We love Paris and it sounds like you do too. Also it is a large city with so much history and culture everywhere that you can easily find new things to see and places you had no idea that they existed. I have been to Paris at least six times and, it sounds strange perhaps, I still haven't been at the top of the Eiffel Tower. There have always been so much else I wanted to see and I just haven't bothered to stand in the long queues. /Ake
29th August 2018
Eiffel Tower Sunset

Eiffel Tower...
We have now spent two months in Paris and also have never been up the Eiffel Tower. Strange when, judging by the lines, most visitors go straight to it. There are so many things to do in Paris that we seem to never run out interesting things to see and do. Thanks for reading and commenting. We appreciate it Ake!
24th August 2018

Those that desire difference and change, always seeking the unique ....
We are your brothers and sisters in travel. Travel opens the mind and heals the soul. We have good friends who like the comfort of the familiar and like going to the same place over and over. That has never been for us. We share your love of Paris. We've been twice, once for a week and once for a few days. We long to stay for a month like you have done. The neighborhoods are so different it feels like different cities. We've talked about staying in Montmarte but have not done the yet.
25th August 2018

We like the feeling of discovery that you get when you first see somewhere new. Probably most people who travel a lot do and perhaps that is what drives you keep doing it. Paris will go back to the top of the places we like, but this year we really are going to try to shake it up and go to some "different" places. Montmartre is great but we liked it better the first time without the summer crowds. Thanks for reading and commenting. We appreciate it, MJ!
24th August 2018
Notre Dame Sunset

Stunning photography
I love this one.
25th August 2018
Notre Dame Sunset

Notre Dame...
Thank you! It was one of the better sunsets we saw in Paris and what a perfect location to watch it!.
23rd August 2018

Just realised I'd missed this blog of yours... It's such a gorgeous part of the world. Was this taken from the White Tower?
23rd August 2018

The old days...
It took a search of Google Maps to answer this one. :) It seems like a long time ago now. It is from the White Tower. I remembered taking the picture but didn't remember the name. We lived in a tiny apartment right next to the Black Church and walked up here several times during our visit.
22nd August 2018

Love your photos and writing
Also love your style of travel. Not so different to mine, but for the moment, I have less time. I am one of those people that are never ready to go home at the end of the holiday. I hope one day, I will get an opportunity to stay for a longer period, if I will then be satiated? I don't think I could take a European city in the summer, apart from the crowds (of as you pointed out, often miserable sightseers), I just can't enjoy it in such high temperatures. Now I am itching to return to Paris, your post has whet my appetite. I really admire you both, the last minute cheap flight, coping with the heat and crowds, the shared passion for travel. Just one final thing, please tell me your building had an elevator.
22nd August 2018

Thank you for the nice compliments, Faith! Yes, we had an elevator. We travel pretty bare bones, but that is definitely a necessity. The Paris summer was not pleasant about half the time we were there. The heat was awful. I liked it when we were younger, but now it is extremely uncomfortable. The crowds were too much, but there are ways to avoid them. It helped that we had seen the big sights on past trips. Thanks for reading and commenting. We appreciate it!
22nd August 2018
Sinking Montmartre Houses

Sinking house
A friend of mine wrote a whole blog on capturing this photo, and I really wish he hadn't. So much nicer not knowing :) I would love to spend a month in Paris, and in fact, I'm putting it on my 'big birthday wish list' right now... thanks for the inspiration!
22nd August 2018
Sinking Montmartre Houses

This house is pretty famous from local postcards. We walked by this apartment every day on our way up the hill. While catching our breath one day we snapped this. Not my favorite but kind of funny for those who haven't seen it. Hope you get all your birthday wishes! And thanks for reading and commenting.
21st August 2018

Spectacular writing an photos...
as always! I could just imagine myself enjoying Paris as it should be enjoyed...far from the maddening crowd. And thank goodness for Norwegian Airlines fares!
22nd August 2018

Maddening Crowd...
Thanks, Bob for the nice compliment! One day while fighting the crowds along the Champs Elysees we walked just one block over and found the most beautiful tree lined street with a quiet bench to take a break. That's the Paris we will remember. It is easy to only see the other, more crowded side though. We are glad we have time to see the good parts, too.
3rd August 2018
Point Cabrillo Light

Sounds like an interesting place to visit
This sounds like a very interesting place to visit. We really want to go back to the US again and California might be our destination when we do. Perhaps we head in this direction then. Very nice pics an always. /Ake
3rd August 2018
Point Cabrillo Light

California has a great variety of things to see, probably as much as most countries. I would definitely include the Northern California coast in any itinerary. Thanks for reading and the nice compliments, Ake!
25th July 2018
Point Cabrillo Light

Location location location
Kinda proves a point doesn't it?
25th July 2018
Point Cabrillo Light

Location location location
Great pic
25th July 2018
Point Cabrillo Light

Thank you, Dave!
24th July 2018

Near home again
Your word pictures tell the story of Coastal California. Glad you are back in your neighborhood for a while. Sitting, pondering, wandering the coast and woodlands sounds just perfect.
25th July 2018

Mendocino is less than 3 hours from home and we had never been before. It was such a change from Palm Springs last month that it was hard to believe we were in the same state. We are happy we went. So peaceful and cool. We loved it. I know we will be back. Thanks for reading and the nice comments!
24th July 2018

I think you have finally found the place you want to plant your roots...
I will miss your stories of living months at a time absorbing the cultures all around the world.
25th July 2018

Mendocino should be high on anyone's list of perfect retirement places, Bob. It is stunning and we had a great month there. We decided to stay out for at least a bit longer, but maybe the end is in sight. We're already off to a new continent so there are a few more stories left. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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