nancic123's Guestbook

22nd March 2019
Amalfi Church

Was thinking about going to Amalfi Coast
When my mother turned 70 she wanted to take the entire family on a vacation. I tried to direct that trip to Amalfi Coast but we ended up in Greece. We still had a good vacation so I am not complaining. /Ake
From Blog: Finding Home
22nd March 2019
Amalfi Church

It is a nice place to spend some time even if you only had a few days. Nothing wrong with Greek Islands, though. Thanks for commenting, Ake!
From Blog: Finding Home
14th March 2019

It helps to visit the Amalfi Coast at low season...
I visited last Sept and decided never to return...too many tourists and too much traffic on the roads. Perhaps I will return in March/April someday.
From Blog: Finding Home
15th March 2019

Ease of access and cheap prices have really made some places too crowded during the prime season. Many things weren't open during our visit, which might ruin the fun for some visitors. We are happy to give up some things to have the place to ourselves. I've seen pictures of Venice, Cinque Terre and the Amalfi Coast in season, and it would not be to my liking. We had all three of these places virtually to ourselves and absolutely love them but were in big coats most of our visits. I guess people have to decide what works for them. Oh for the days of undiscovered places....Thanks for commenting, Bob. We appreciate it!
From Blog: Finding Home
14th March 2019

Home sweet Italy
As always a very thoughtful approach to the writing and stunning photos. Italy has captured a piece of you and we understand why. Years ago before our first trip to Italy a travel agent told us to divide the country into North, Central and South, and do Italy in 3 trips. It was great advice. Our first trip was two weeks in Central Italy exploring Tuscany. Our recent trip was a month in Northern regions and we've yet to see the south. We will use your blog as our guide when we go. Italy has so much to offer.... the foods, the people, amazing landscape and oh yes those donkeys.
From Blog: Finding Home
14th March 2019

Indeed, one of our favorite places and worth several visits for sure. We did not visit enough of the north and there are still things in the south we would love to see. Hopefully we will get a chance to return. We would love to do it with a little bit better budget. Maybe one day....Thanks for the nice compliments as always!
From Blog: Finding Home
25th February 2019

The Land of Tea
I'm so glad you went to Sri Lanka! Your fantastic pictures alone were a nice walk down memory lane. By far my most favourite place in this world!! Hey, planning isn't all its cut out to be. Reading your blog, it looks like you did well and took in the best bits. I can almost guarantee, you'll get home and think, wow, I really want to go back and see more. I know I did!
25th February 2019

Tea Lanka...
Sri Lanka is so far from "home" that I know it will be hard for us to get back too. It's unfortunate because we saw plenty to like in the country, but felt so disorganized half of the time that we didn't get to just relax and enjoy it as much as we should have. As with all destinations, I'm sure in time we will only remember the good parts! Thanks for reading and the nice comments, Andrea. We really appreciate them!
12th February 2019

Don't over think it
Go with the flow and don't over think it. Glad you jumped on that plane with short planning. Love the trains and plantation photos. Sorry you felt your lack of planning negatively impacted your time there. it does sounds like you did some backtracking and that can be frustrating. I'm glad you went. Overall sounds like a nice experience with those good memories.
12th February 2019

We definitely didn't think for long! All is well, that ends well. It was fun for the most part but a lot of work when we never had much of a plan each day. It is nice to be back to our normal slow pace now. Glad to hear from you guys. Hope all is well. Thanks for reading and commenting!
11th February 2019

Spur of the Moment Travel Decisions
I thought your spur of the moment decision to travel to Sri Lanka not be the best, but in reality it sounded wonderful though possibly a little short on time. Considering everything, you certainly saw and experienced so much and your photos were superb! If your trip to Sri Lanka was the result of your "Worst Laid Plans," then your "Best Laid Plans" must produce travel that is heavenly inspired!
11th February 2019

Best of the Worst...
For the amount of time we put into planning, I guess we did pretty good in terms of seeing the country. The whole time we were there it seemed we were backtracking or spending time figuring out what to do next. Not enough time to just relax and get to know the country. Live and learn, I guess. Thanks for the compliments and for reading and commenting!
10th February 2019
Nine Arches Bridge

There is more for us to see in Sri Lanka
We went to Sri Lanka a few years ago. We then only saw a little bit of the south and we loved it. You have now shown us that many of the best places are still there for us to see. /Ake
10th February 2019
Nine Arches Bridge

More to see....
Sri Lanka does have a lot to see. Even in 3 weeks, we didn't get everywhere. The highlands were nice and a good place to get away from the heat of the coastal regions. Maybe we will get back some day. Thanks for reading and commenting, Ake!
8th February 2019

Winging it
A trip that was decided and booked within 45min and a flight caught within hours of that booking - I'm impressed! And even though it probably wasn't as immersive an experience as you wanted it to be, you covered all the major sights in the centre and south, and didn't really have any major I'd say you did amazingly well :) One of the regrets of our trip was not allocating time to stay within the fort walls of Galle, and from your experience there, it sounds every bit as good as we thought it would be.
9th February 2019

I think we saw a lot of things in the areas we got to but it constantly felt like we were backtracking or having to do things twice to accomplish them. With all the conveniences of modern travel, it is pretty easy to just make it up as you go, but we literally had never heard of 90% of the things we saw until we were in the area. We just weren't mentally prepared very well. Sri Lanka is so far from home that we probably won't get to go back and this was our only shot to get it right. We are pretty exhausted from 2 months of aggressive travelling and are looking forward to getting back to the snail pace we are used to. Galle was the most interesting part of Sri Lanka we saw. The fort was like visiting New Orleans before it was discovered. A very pirate vibe, maybe. Thanks for reading and commenting. We appreciate it!
7th February 2019

Time to plan doesn't always mean things turn out the way you expect. I didn't realize that the date of Ramadan, being set according to the lunar calendar, moved by eleven days every year. So, when I went to Morocco I had restaurants and places I wanted to visit all planned out, I found many of them were closed for the month. And the "luxury bus" that I booked to take me from Singapore to Melaka ended up taking four hours longer than advertised due to traffic and road construction. So, "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” (Robert Burns, from his poem "To a Mouse.")
7th February 2019

To a Mouse...
It's true. We have had some of our best adventures with little or no planning at all. Sometimes the surprise of not knowing what is going to happen makes everything more exciting. This trip was so spur of the moment that, unfortunately, we didn't get as much out of the country as we should have. Oh well, live and learn I guess! Thanks for reading, Karen.
7th February 2019
Jaisalmer Fort

My dream is travelling
Its very expensive otherwise my dream was to travel the world and see all the creation .
22nd January 2019

Indeed Magical
I'm entranced by this blog and it's pictures, I would love to go there myself. :)
22nd January 2019

We expect some places we visit to be easy and they turn out to be difficult. We expect some places we visit to have great ambience and sometimes leave unfulfilled. We expected India to be difficult and overbearing, and it was neither. The people were helpful, the food was delicious, the prices were great and we came away with nothing but great memories. It was indeed magical. Thanks for commenting and reading!
19th January 2019
Jaisalmer Lake Sunset

A lot of great photos
That was a lot of great photos from a wonderful country. I really want to go back to India and see some more. I have only scratched a little bit on the surface of all that there is to discover there. Thank's for blogging about and showing us India. /Ake
19th January 2019
Jaisalmer Lake Sunset

I know what you mean about scratching the surface. Even in a month of travelling we really only saw Rajasthan. It is a huge country with many interesting things. Hopefully one day we will be back. Thank you for the nice compliments and for commenting, Ake!
16th January 2019

Eating all that food, some shared with strangers...
and no Delhi Belly. Good for you! I read your experiences with interest and your positive outlook despite some difficulties. Linda wants to visit India someday. After an unpleasant experience there as a child, if we do go, it will be first class all the way...the basic bubble.
16th January 2019

We travelled by ourselves but with a tour on our first trip to India in 2006. We saw lots of sites but did not have the magical experience we enjoyed on this trip. I understand (and appreciate) the desire to isolate yourself in the safety of the first class luxuries, but we found it easy (and cheap) to travel here. We stayed in smaller hotels and booked all of our travel ourselves or with help of guest house owners. Like you, we were full of fears when we got here, but suffered none of the issues that are so often written about. I hope you get the chance to come, we found it to be truly "Incredible India".

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