Lisa and Joe


Lisa and Joe

Travelling is our passion follow us wherever we go...

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Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto October 13th 2015

Day 1 We got up at 5am from our hotel in Tokyo and checked out, we then headed to the train station to catch the amazing and world famous Bullet Train, we were early so we grabbed some sort of breakfast before getting on the train. Like excited kids waiting to get on "its a small world" at Disney, we ran up and down taking photos and admired the awesomeness of the train! I popped in to a shop to pick up drinks, Joe a coffee and me a tea. Coffee is easy, Tea on the other hand, well, she kept pointing at what looked like bottles in a fridge, I said "no, Hot tea" and she kept nodding and in the end took a bottle of green tea out of the fridge and guess what? ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Minato October 9th 2015

Promised photos... There are more on my Facebook page too, please enjoy... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Minato October 9th 2015

we have been super busy the last few days, so much that I forgot to blog so here is a quick run down of what we have been up to.. Photos will follow at some point to prove we are actually here and not really just in Skegness ? On wednesday (7th) we returned to the senso- Ji temple, we both found this temple calming even though it was really busy. Before entering a temple you wash your hands and mouth and then wash the ladle. We then headed off to one of Tokyo's biggest attractions, the tokyo sky tree. The queue was huge so we waited a long time and finally went up in the lift and as the doors opened the little Japanese ladies made a noise of delight that sounded like the aliens ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Minato October 6th 2015

Yo sushi and wagamama is not a good representation of Japan whatsoever, power puff girls on the other hand... Visit Harajuku and you are bound to see them. We stated yesterday with breakfast at a chain cafe called Jonathans, toast and jam seemed the safest option. We then headed into the world famous Tsukji fish market with huge tuna fish, red snapper and other sea creatures being sold to restaurants across Tokyo. Avoiding the fast forklift trucks we wandered the market enjoying the atmosphere and watched as the men cut fish with what looked like swords. After this we went off to Shibuya to visit the shops and have lunch. Shibuya is a great people watching place, we watched as some kids were being interviewed for a local tv show and took pictures of the famous ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Minato October 4th 2015

I write this Joe is taking a nap, it's been a long day for us. We got up and encountered a dodgy looking breakfast, (cold egg omlette??) and then we were met by our lovely guide who I had booked in advance to help us with orien in the city, she was marvellous. She took us the the information office to get city photos. We then visited the senso-Ji temple which is the spiritual home of tokyo's ancestors it is over 1000 years old. Getting in on the action I said my prayers to Buddha and shook a little wish ton and out popped a number which meant I opened a certain drawer to be told my luck. My luck for housing is to become very good - let's see hey ? At this point my ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Minato October 3rd 2015

We arrived in Heathrow Terminal 3 clutching our champagne glasses clearly blissfully unaware of how hard the next 22 hours was going to be. We were lucky to have a spare seat next to us flying into Dubai so we stretched out but had difficulty sleeping so watched a few movies, heads up people, me and earl and the dying girl - the girl dies in the end - there I've saved you the trauma of watching it, I don't think I have ever sobbed so much over any other film! We were late getting into Dubai so time to grab a quick drink and then run for our next flight where again we were lucky to have yet another spare seat. We both got an hour or twos sleep each and chose the western breakfast ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Slough January 15th 2014

Yesterday I heard the devastating news that my Role is at "Risk" The Health and Safety Coordinator Role no longer exists and I must justify reasons as to why I should stay in the business. The justifications will be considered however at the end of the next 3 weeks redundancy looms, If I am lucky enough to be kept in a role then I will no longer travel to Africa with this company and I feel very sad about that. The last three years have been amazing, I have walked through markets in Lagos Nigeria, I have stood on beaches in Freetown Sierra Leone, Seen a group of wild Lions in Nairobi, I have driven through the beautiful countryside of Ghana, slept on a boat in Tanzania, witnessed the source of the Nile in Uganda, had ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Wokingham May 25th 2013

So here it is, the end of yet another successful trip, 13 passed first aiders and 52 people trained in risk assessment. on the way to the airport I had in the car with me two other people from Slough, Charles and Antonina, after the usual getting fondled in security we headed straight for the lounge and cracked open the beers and smirnoff ices and toasted Lee Rigby and the end of our successful trips. Antonina's flight was called so she went first, Charles and I watched the news in the lounge as the lounge emptied out until our flight was called. we headed towards our gate, we had of course another security fondle to go through and then they went through my bags to see what I had in there - all they do is ... read more

Africa » Nigeria » Lagos May 22nd 2013

When I stay in Lagos I stay in the expensive area of Lagos its called “Victoria Island” you get to it via a bridge, there is a high expat community here but the hustle and bustle of traffic is still there on the streets with all the cars and people selling Chinese junk. There are no motorbikes in Lagos anymore as they have been ruled out due to them being dangerous – so anyone riding a motorbike gets arrested now. On leaving Victoria Island and driving across the bridge I looked around at the sights on the left handside you have a huge traffic Jam which is everyone who works on Victoria Island heading to work and in the water is a slum city on stilts, a bit like what you see in china, my side ... read more
Miss Nigeria
James Bond of first aid

Africa » Nigeria » Lagos May 21st 2013

“There is a visitor in your training room” is what I was told when I arrived on site this morning… so I apprehensively walked towards the door thinking who could it be? A few of the lads had dressed Annie up – it was “Gangsta Annie and her crew” that was waiting for me, it was brilliant. Today we talked about medical conditions, including Diabetes and Epilepsy. I have picked these out because these are the ones that had the most interesting discussions. Diabetes led on to a big discussion about healthy eating, many had not realised that diabetes could be linked to poor diet. Diabetes is on the rise in Africa due to the big rise in fried food being available, a few suggested but we eat yam and plaintain – when asked how they ... read more
she wants my mummy
Gangsta Annie and her Crew

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