Leo Kelly


Leo Kelly

Asia » India » Kerala January 18th 2020

It's Saturday afternoon and cold here in Cyprus. Gas and electric heaters on. Looking forward to our Wednesday flight Larnaca-Bahrain-Cochin. This entry is just to test the 'trip/blog' outcome in preparation for some real information.... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi January 16th 2020

Thursday 16 Jan 2020 Preparing for our trip - 6 days countdown - should we start packing? So tempting to get those backpacks out.... read more

Asia » Laos » North February 26th 2018

The last two days of our trip, both traveling days. Having negotiated a private boat to take us from Muang Ngoi back to Nong Khiaw, we six (including Frank, Joanne, Julie & Alan) breakfast together on banana pancakes, baguettes, eggs, fruit and plentiful Laos Coffee before sailing from the jetty at 8.30am. The cloud is very low and all those spectacular views are hidden, so not too many photo opportunities. We were fascinated to watch villagers wading up to their waists collecting river weed, which is a local delicacy, hard cold work on this day! The plan on arrival at NK is that Frank and Joanne check into their new accommodation for one night, whilst us four head the one and a half kilometre route to the Bus Station to bag seats on the 11.00am minivan ... read more
Plenty of room for our luggage.
Relaxing in Muang Ngoi.
Gathering River Weed from the Nam Ou River.

Asia » Laos » North February 24th 2018

Up early today for our local trek, estimate roundtrip length, 15kms. We are delayed due to the low cloud, so our early breakfast intention becomes a late slow one, as we sit with our newly acquired friends. This is actually a bonus as Paula books us an exclusive private river boat for the 4/6 of us for our return on Sunday at a time that suits us and only £30 between us. We leave after a very average breakfast, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, bread, or pancakes, although Leo, having a sweet tooth, did enjoy his banana and custardy pancake. We set off along the only road out of town, to walk through the Mountains Via ? Caves where the Villagers used to hide from the B 52 Bombers then on to the tribal village of Ban ... read more
Muang Ngoi Main Street
Main street, 9.30am, Muang Ngoi Village, no rush hour traffic here.

Asia » Laos » North February 23rd 2018

What a storm last night. It raged on throughout the night with long growls of thunder and cracks of lightning. Paula says it was a very long night, Leo was enthralled. Big difference of opinion, clearly! Packed early, popped along to restaurant for breakfast. Lots of fellow guests looking a bit damp and in need of a good, hot breakfast, which is exactly what we got. Maybe the best breakfast yet on this trip, and we've had some good ones over the last few weeks. We have a ten minute walk to the ferry terminal for our 10.30am trip north east this morning, so ask housekeeping for a couple of large plastic bags to cover our backpacks, as the rain is starting to drizzle again, and it's likely we will get wet. With our tickets pre-bought ... read more
Morning Mist

Asia » Laos » North February 22nd 2018

Rising early at 6.30am, we need to pack smart today. We are spending three nights and days further North/East and only want to take a small backpack each, plus Leo's Tilley Hat and one walking pole. We will be returning to our Luang Prabang Guest House on Sunday for our final night in Laos, before we head homebound to Cyprus, and the Manager has happily agreed to store our main 14kgs larger luggage pack until our return - yes, we will have travelled Asia for 6 weeks, with only this amount/weight of stuff, very commendable, we think. So, having purchased our minivan tickets yesterday, we are breakfasted and sitting out in front of accommodation, awaiting pickup. As usual, things are running a little late, but we expect nothing less, that's experience for you. A Jumbo Tuk-Tuk ... read more

Asia » Laos » North February 22nd 2018

Awake early and anticipate breakfast. Walk into main street and book tickets for Kuang Si Waterfall, 30kms out of town. Just the mini-van, no tour guide or cave add-ons, thank you. Leisurely walk around town, and picked up 11.30am as stated. Bit of an interesting journey, and we eventually arrive at the fall at 12.50pm which took longer than anticipated. We reckon we had the two most interesting seats in the overfilled mini-van, Paula next to driver, Leo front passenger. a bit cramped for two tall Westerners. This road adds a whole new dimension to potholes! The traffic is relatively light so we navigate most without damage, but we agree this route would be a definite 'No No' at night. Driver says 'back at bus by 3.30pm. This is great news, as we only expected two ... read more

Asia » Laos » North February 21st 2018

Bit of a restless night, quite humid and hot, in spite of fast-speed fan. No complaints though, remembering we are here partly to escape the brief but cold Cyprus Winter. A light breakfast later, and we make plans to spend the day in town. First stop, Mount Phousi, a top 'must-see' tourist recommendation. Meaning Sacred MountIn in Lao, it's the best-known landmark in Luang Prabang. Again, it's teeming with visitors, but we decide to start the ascent, fighting for space to climb the 378 steps to the top, where "That Chomsi " sits, a 24m high 4-sided Stupa. We guess its about 200 meters high so not really a mountain, and bearing in mind the Monkey King Hanuman carried it there from Ceylon, guess it's just as well. Cameras out to admire the views, not the ... read more
View over Luang Prabang
Relaxing before the descent
The last tier down of the 378 steps

Asia » Laos » North February 19th 2018

Trying to keep up with what day today is... oh yes! It's Monday! And we're in Luang Prabang, Laos, and life is good! Good nights sleep and no mozzie nets required, as altitude too high for them. After breakfast in our quaint guest house we explore the Old town getting our bearings. There are lots of Wats here but we avoid them, concentrating on admiring the lovely architecture and exploring the narrow interconnecting streets with their many shops. We decide to give a miss to climbing up Mount Phousi today as far too many Chinese clambering over it. With it's river borders, the Old town is effectively a Peninsular so fairly easy to navigate but we still take an age to locate the restaurant we have arranged to eat at this evening, called The Tamarind, highly ... read more
Tamarind restaurant, booked for Wednesday!
Banks of the Mekong river.
Leo alongside the Nam Khan river.

Asia » Laos » North February 19th 2018

We leave our hotel a bit later than scheduled this morning, as our Canadian traveling companions, Frank and Joanne, are staying on the other side of the river, which entails a two way trip across the wooden suspension bridge, which having a one-way flow takes almost an hour. It's the only route out of town. Nevertheless, we are on the road before 10am and after thanking our hotel's very helpful Manager for his help in liaising with our transport and driver, we are on our way to Luang Prabang, the cultural capital of Laos! The official distance is about 185kms and by booking a private minivan between the four of us, and taking the 'new road', route 14, we hope to shave off 2-3 hours from the average journey time, arriving after around 4 hours. We ... read more
Waiting our right of way on Route 14
Mist-covered mountains, Luang Prabang range
Queuing on Route 14

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