Kirsty M


Kirsty M

Accidentally on purpose travelling. Just the way it should be.

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City November 5th 2015

Just a few pictures from the city and the canal :) ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Boquete November 2nd 2015

I wanted to visit Boquete to go white water rafting, apparently it's really good and cheaper than in Costa Rica. We put our names down for the next day on our first morning, and then crossed our fingers - the activity only runs with a minimum of three. It didn't look hopeful for a while, but eventually two more signed up and we were good to go! At 8am we headed off to the river, which is in Chiriqui, but about an hour or so from Boquete. The river is used to generate electricity in the province, and luckily it was the last day before a three day holiday in Panama, when the dam wouldn't be opened it the river wouldn't be good for rafting. After getting our helmets and life jackets on, our guide Teeny ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Limón October 31st 2015

Getting to Puerto Viejo was pretty straightforward, bus to San Jose and then another bus from just around the corner. We arrived to beautiful sunshine and a much more familiar climate (hot!) On our first morning we headed to Bread and Chocolate for breakfast - and it was super delicious! My mocha came deconstructed so I could make it exactly how I wanted, and Sam and I shared eggs on a homemade bagel and French toast. Very homey food. Afterwards we headed to the beach for an afternoon in the sun, stopping on the way to save little fish that were getting washed up (a futile mission!) We chose a good time to visit, as it was their annual chocolate festival, so our evening was spent sampling delicious chocolate, chocolate ice cream and chocolate brownies. The ... read more

Grace had a flight booked for early Thursday morning, but we convinced her that if she came to Monteverde it would be totally worth it. So, our mission was to fit in as much as possible in 24 hours. Our bus from San Jose left at 6.30, and is supposed to take 4.5/5 hours - but the roads are good (dry) at the moment so we were in Santa Elena at 10.30! The whole area is beautiful and green, and although it was sunny it was much cooler than we've had since arriving in Central America - still warm, but much nicer! We checked into El Tucan, and our mission began - we had until 2pm the next day, when Grace needed to be on a bus back to San Jose. Our hostel was very helpful ... read more

It has been incredibly hot for the last few days, and by the time we arrived at the ferry port all I could think about was having a lie down near a fan... The ferry from San Jorge to Moygalpa, Isla De Ometepe takes just an hour, but I'd seriously underestimated how big the island is, and our bus to Merida from there took another two hours! We arrived at Hacienda Merida in the dark, but were welcomed into the loveliest room (with a double bed - my turn as Sam had the double in Tikal). I think they advertise the rooms here as dorm beds to get backpackers in, but they're not - just very nice private rooms! Or maybe the dorms are being refurbished... Not that I've seen anything that looks like it might ... read more

Granada is a beautiful colourful city, and we arrived at our hostel just before dusk. Sam and I bumped into a couple of guys from England in the communal area, and they came with us on a hunt to find Radio Shack (an electrical shop) for some essentials. Unfortunately we had a very out of date location (turns out it's just round the corner from the hostel!) but we had a lovely walk anyway! On our way back we had dinner in the plaza - chicken, rice and beans, naturally. The next day Sam and I had to wait for our laundry to come back before we could do anything- we hadn't done any since Antigua(!), and my phone being stolen in Leon meant we hadn't done it then, so basically everything we owned was out. ... read more

The journey to Surfing Turtle Lodge involved a 2.5km walk in the midday sun with a heavy backpack, to a bar to get the boat across the river, then horse and cart took our bags while we walked behind to the lodge. Once we arrived and we're checked in, we were asked if we'd like to help release today's turtle hatchlings - big YES. Surfing Turtle Lodge works with local people to save turtle eggs from being eaten, buying eggs at above market rate and reburying them in their sanctuary, releasing them into the ocean when they hatch. Since they opened they have released over 15000 turtles (mostly Green Turtles), and by protecting the eggs from poachers and predators, the chance of the turtles hatching and reaching maturity is increased tenfold. On the beach, watching the ... read more

The main reason I wanted to visit Leon was to volcano board Cerro Negro, and it didn't disappoint! We set off at 9am to the volcano, and on arriving at the park and paying the entrance fee we were shown given the chance to hold a blue boa constrictor that is one of the snakes used in their repopulation programme, and shown baby green iguanas. Green iguanas are the only completely vegetarian iguanas and are apparently very tasty so their numbers are very low. Luckily now eating them has been outlawed so hopefully their numbers will keep climbing :) Moving from the entrance to the base of Cerro Negro, we were given our boards and jumpsuits to carry to the top, which wasn't too bad a climb, with a good couple of stops! Cerro Negro is ... read more

Central America Caribbean » El Salvador » Western » El Tunco October 16th 2015

We arrived in El Tunco to a pretty cloudy but hot town, and had to try a couple of hostels before finding our base - as they're full! Not something we've encountered so far, as it's low season. About an hour after we arrived, the heavens opened. Big time. I've never heard thunder and lightening like it!! The next day started sunny and we thought our luck might have changed...But jus as I was about to get in the pool it started again! We spent the afternoon taking sunny pictures in torrential rain haha! Hopefully we will have better luck next time we try a beach... Given the weather forecast (no sun in sight for five days!) we booked ourselves onto a shuttle to Leon, Nicaragua - leaving at 7am Friday morning. We were there early ... read more

Central America Caribbean » El Salvador » Western » Juayúa October 14th 2015

Arriving in Juayua at about 5pm, in torrential rain (bringing the number of times rain has been annoying to the grand total of 2!) we made our way to Casa Mazeta to check in, and I instantly hopped into the shower to get the remaining gravel out of my arm. After ending biking on a high, nothing hurt too bad, but bruising is out in force now, a couple of days later - I think I might be pretty stiff and achy for a few days. The cuts and grazes on my arm are now joined by an impressive rainbow of bruising all over one leg and shoulder, but still - maybe it will be a fun conversation starter! It turns out that maybe Juayua might have been a better first stop, as at the weekend ... read more

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