The Ts


The Ts

Back in the November of 2008, we embarked on an adventure that would take us out of everything that we were so familiar with, a comfortable life in the UK, friends, family and the English countryside. Some call it brave, others thought that we would be back, but above all, most people helped us embrace the challenge that lay ahead of us.

Weary of corporate life, we emigrated to Australia, with the notion of buying a 4 wheel drive and camper trailer and a 12 month trip to explore our adopted country, Not an easy thing to do as we had to start from scratch, simple things like knife, fork, spoon etc.

A lot has happened since then, we achieved our initial goal and had the most amazing time on the open road, which can be read in our blogs, we have lived in Canberra for nearly 3 years, which is roughly 2 years and 9 months longer than anticipated, but work beckoned and even that was an adventure and afforded us more challenges in travelling around Australia.

Along our journey we have been to the most amazing places, and met the most amazing people (and the amazing people we have not met), but we feel have come to know so well because of the blog) who have given this journey its colour and we thank you for that.

The Journey has been unimaginable, and never in our wildest dreams did we ever think it would have developed the way it has. We built a new life and in in our adopted country, and in February of 2013 we achieved another goal to become Australian Citizens and to hold Australian Passports.

What next? You may well ask, despite having travelled a fair proportion of this huge country and discovering this new continent together, there is more to be done.

Happy Travels!


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth Hills August 20th 2016

Well, it had to happen one day and let's face it, it's been a long time coming and I know for some of our regular readers we have been very remiss in publishing blogs, which is not for the want of doing it, we just have not had the time and life got busy, work got in the way and our social life is pretty hectic nowadays. Today is a big day for Andy and I, huge as a Matter of fact and for the past 6 weeks we have been living with anticipation and what felt like constant paper work and phone calls. So, the waiting is over and as I type this in 22 minutes time we pick up the keys to our new house. Yes, "our new house" which of course will be ... read more
A piece of Australia to call home!
A piece of Australia to call home!
A piece of Australia to call home!

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia May 17th 2016

Hi all, Yep here we are again, for apologizing for not blogging, but we have been flat out since Christmas and we could not keep up with everything that was going on, so something had to be sacrificed and it had to be the blog. We have lots of photo's which we can use to fill the missing gaps, all the way back to the 5th January when our friends went back to the UK, but we will do our best. We are both well and have been house sitting sitting since early March and complete ,this one on the 18th June when we go to another one until the end of September. Roobie the camper has had lots of work and we have been away on a few great trips so we will do our ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Yallingup February 20th 2016

It's 5.00 am on Saturday 27thFebruary and I am up and at ’em unfortunately, we are miles behind on the blogs and are still trying to finish the sequence from Christmas. For some strange reason I woke up thinking about this blog that happened last Saturday and the only thing to do was get out and type it. Two words that don’t play nicely together are Australia and fire and not long after Christmas when we were in the middle of our summer and the days are scorching at 40+ degree’s we were saddened to see there were terrible fires in Yarloop, a pretty little town not too far from here and a town we have been through many times. In fact we were in Yarloop for our friend Andy’s birthday when we all went to ... read more
Burning Passion
Burning Passion
Burning Passion

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Banjup February 9th 2016

This is not going to be a huge epic blog that we usually write, but possibly one of those aid-memoir’s really. We are more than 2/3rds of the way through our summer and the temperature is Hhhhhhhhhh Hot ! and has been officially recorded as the hottest 4 days over 40 degree’s in 80 years. The morning have been spectacular really warm with that beautiful feel but the nights have not been down below 26 degree’s so sleeping on top of the bed is the order of the day. Today Wednesday (10/02/2016) was recorded at 42.3 Degree's C which is just gorgeous as long as you do not spend to much time in the sun. The hottest temperature we have experience in Australia was on the and was covered in a blog called All aboard the ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Forrestfield February 6th 2016

As most of you are probably all aware we were house sitting over the Christmas Break in the east of Perth for some friends we know through the Toyota Landcruiser Club. We have house sat some great properties and they all have there little quirks that make them unique and this was no exception. Our brief is usually the same, but it depends what is important to the house owner, this time this time we had some added responsibility with two dogs, two horses, two chicken, seven Weiro’s and a cage full of budgies, far too many to count. Now the horses were no bother and I just love horses, there is always something so calming about horses and these two guys were no exception. Oscar and Spirit did not belong to Trevor and Ria but ... read more
Calling for back up !
Calling for back up !
Calling for back up !

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth January 9th 2016

Our hearts go out to the people in Yarloop and Waroona, townships south of Perth who are at the hands of mother nature due as a massive fire that has ripped through their towns At present 121 homes have been destroyed and 68,000 hectares of land has been burnt, which is 80mtimes the size of Perth The fire front as of last night was 200 kilometres long and is being fort by many amazing men and women who are trying to contain this monster, these are the worst fires Perth has seen or 50 years. We are right in the middle of summer and the W.A ground is tinder dry and this fire was ignited by lightning As a precaution we have hitched Jack and Roobie together and put a grab back together if we need ... read more

Look closely, you might think I made a spelling mistake, but this is no mistake. It's New Year's Eve and we had big plans for today and a night out with friends to celebrate the New Year ahead. The week so far had been pretty exhausting, the heat had been tough on all of us, not to mention that one of the bedrooms was so hot, the one without the air conditioning so we had to move a mattress in the living room for our friends to get the benefit of the air conditioning. Meanwhile we spent the night in Roobie to take advantage of the built in air conditioning. Back up at the house we were greeted by the dogs that we have been looking after, a Rottweiler and a Beagle, an unlikely pair of ... read more
Hilary at Hilary's
Hilary at Hilary's
Hilary at Hilary's

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth December 30th 2015

Calling on the Cops 30/12/2016 Jim one of our UK visitors is a PCSU which is basically a community support officer, in the West Midlands, I think Briefly Hill rings a bell with me and Jim if you do read this blog I do hope it is accurate. Basically a PCSO is a uniformed civilian member of police support staff in England and Wales. They are non-warranted but are provided with a variety of police powers and the power of a Constable in various instances, by the forty-three territorial police forces in England and Wales or the British Transport Police which is the only special police force to employ PCSOs.(Thanks Wikipedia) So Jim worked with a lady PCSO in the UK who came to live in Australia and strangely enough ended up living in Mundurah Jim& ... read more
Calling on the Cops
Calling on the Cops
Calling on the Cops

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth December 29th 2015

For whom the bell tolls? I love the nights when they are balmy and you can hear the crickets cricketing in the bush, but last night I gave in to the air conditioning. I don’t usually like air conditioning on overnight if I can help it, but trying to sleep in over 30 degrees heat was just not happening. We all met up in the kitchen to a breakfast of fresh fruit and toast, I think we all looked a bit exhausted from the heat, but we have touristy things to do so after breakfast, tidying up, getting washed and dressed we all piled into both cars and headed to the train station. Yes the train station today, not that we are going on a big journey we just figured it would be a bit of ... read more
For Whom the Bell Tolls !!
For Whom the Bell Tolls !!
For Whom the Bell Tolls !!

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth December 28th 2015

There was no doubt about it, we knew that today was going to be a scorcher, already we were sleeping without a quilt (or doona), last night was a really warm night and a real indication of the day ahead of us. Andy will already have told you yesterday about their journey so far, we hope to continue that Australian adventure for our UK visitors, we have an itinerary to fulfil for our friends from England to make sure they had the best possible view of our life in Perth. We ate our breakfast, already feeling the heat, but keen to get out as today our itinerary scheduled Caversham Wildlife Park, located in Whitman Park at the entrance to the Swan Valley, which holds the largest private collection of native wildlife in Western Australia. We set ... read more
Spotted Quoll
Stretching out on the cool grass
No Wombats in WA, only in the Zoo

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