john williams

john williams

john williams

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu March 24th 2016

not sure if you can see the power lines in the photo. this is what it looks like through the city. the mountains are from the plane over the iran border... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu March 24th 2016

Supper tonight, bacon double cheese burger... not saying its beef, dont know since it is sacred through most of the country, but there are hundreds and hundreds of dogs that just roam the street all day. Walking by them as they sleep, never sure if they are dead or sleeping.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu March 23rd 2016

This was supper tonight. prosciutto and funghi pizza, bottle of Mt Dew (terrible) and bottle of water. It was about the same size as a Caseys large pizza. It was 880 rbs, plus 88 service charge, plus 125.84 tax, so ended up being 1092.84 rbs or about 7 dollars.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu March 23rd 2016

The building next door, being redone, but in the meantime there are close to 60 people living inside it. Kind of standard, you find where ever you can to live. Some of those working here in this hotel live here, went downstairs this morning early and they were sleeping on the couches in the sitting area, and in the little dinning room.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu Valley March 23rd 2016

Tried to take some pics from the back seat of jeep. Show you the driving.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Bhaktapur March 23rd 2016

So took a taxi today about 30 miles and it took almost 2 hours. The mountain driving suprises me more then even in town. Went to Namo Buddha, it is a place where the son of a king offered his life to a mother tiger so she could keep her babies alive, in doing so he became a Buddha. Came back, and built this temple up on the mountain. After this we drove to a statue of Shiva, it is 144 ft tall, the largest Vishna statue, made out of copper, cement, tin, i guess whatever they could find. It is under reconstruction so wasnt much to see. Then to Bhaktapur, one of the oldest cities in Nepal, the Royal palace still standing, made of just rock and teak wood, all hand carved.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu March 23rd 2016

So yesterday was the Holi festival, the festival of colors, or just to mark when spring time is. Here are pics I took while around, it gets really messy as you will see... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu March 22nd 2016

Well I think I am finally here. Long trip, longer night last night. No power, no internet, no umm nothing in my hotel, I decided to get another hotel today then, after booking, and going to 4 different motels, finally found the one that i had booked at, and again no power. Normal here, they dont have power between 10-14 hours a day. but today wont matter too much, tired, no sleep last night. Dogs started barking at 11pm, stopped barking at 4:15.. think I am almost asleep, and at 5 the crows wake up, so that is all you hear from then on. The traffic is bizarre, it seems like there is no right way, wrong way. No sidewalks, so people walking in the streets. You go down the road and watch as cars are ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu March 10th 2016

9 days to go and have packed and repacked 10+ times, dont know why, as long as I have money, passport and computer, I should be ready to go. But its always on my mind that I will be forgetting something. Suitcase is filled, but with items I am just leaving, have 13 Iowa State hats to pass out, then papers and pens for kids and whoever else might want or need them when i am out in the middle of nowhere.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu March 7th 2016

Getting ready for the trip, just wanted to see if this site will do what I am looking for, to keep messages and pictures along the way. You should be able to just click the buttons at the top to go to those pages, maps on the bottom of the page is where you will click to pull up a close up There is an app called Flightview free flight tracker. (thanks bob) it follows the plane from take off on.. states the altitude, the speed, times.. Can use this for any plane flight you are on, or following.... read more

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