Craig & Jen


Craig & Jen

We have quit our jobs and are heading West until we reach home a year later. Having got a world map and ticked off must sees we are finally traveling through far flung places...

Asia » India May 15th 2014

1) Carry a roll of toilet roll in your day bag- this could make the difference between a good day and a very bad day. In India, you rarely will find a clean toilet let alone one with toilet us, you don't want to get stuck without after a blight of Delhi belly! 2) Deal with the fact your going to be stared at early on.... You will be glared at, ogled at, pointed at and probably laughed at on more than a few occasions! Deal with it and smile back, or in my experience if two certain things are being stared at its ok to acknowledge you know they are being starred at and embarrass the person so they stop. On the other side you will be asked to be in lots of pictures, ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum May 8th 2014

I was filled with excitement and slight nerves about heading to the ashram..what would it be like?....would we leave with a new perspective on things? would we spend our time?....would we ever leave?....would we be allowed to leave?....what would the other people be like? I had first heard of this particular ashram from a hippy I was traveling with when I was in Sri Lanka and the place had been etched in my brain as somewhere I needed to go and see for myself at least once in my lifetime. An explanation of he ashram from Ammas website; Amritapuri (Which is the name if the ashram) is the headquarters of Amma’s worldwide mission and the spiritual home for Amma’s monastic disciples and hundreds of householder devotees. All the residents have dedicated their lives for realising God ... read more
Amma's pink Ashram
Amma poster in the surrounding area
The main temple at the site.

Asia » India » Kerala » Varkala May 3rd 2014

So sometime at around 7am listening to some more Bollywood singing we saw a sign for Varkala (our destination)-so with the help of a kind man who was singing along to the Bollywood music having a whale of a time we asked the driver to stop here rather than our intended stop which was further down the road (we didn't know this when booking and were obviously sold any old ticket going in a southernly direction). We were dropped off in the middle of nowhere and definitely paid white faced people price to get to where we were staying via a tub tuk. We had chosen to go to Varkala as we wanted a few days resting In a bungalow on the beach to catch some rays before heading to the ashram and onto vietnam. There ... read more
Following the red brick coastal road
Backgammon championships

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi April 29th 2014

We last minute decided to go to Hampi, we weren't going to bother as its a pain to get to but we re routed ourselves and could get from Hampi to Bangalore and from here we could continue south to Kerala, we also looked at lots of pictures on the internet and decided we had to go if we were near it. Hampi itself is a small village built as close as possible to the sights and literally there to cater for the tourists, all the locals live up the road In Hospet near the train station. Hampu itself is a UNESCO heritage site as the ruins within it are from the Vijayanagara Empire. The historical sights can be dated back to 1343 - so VERY old. There are many Hindu temples, military buildings (including an ... read more
Roaming around the beautiful sights

Asia » India » Goa » Morjim April 14th 2014

We met Kate with only one difficulty. We met Kate, but a Kate minus her backpack...This had been lost in transit at Mumbai airport. There seems to be a theme running here with trying to leave with stuff from Mumbai. Mumbai seems to like keeping things of other peoples/trying to keep people from leading. But we had Kate and that was the main thing. We stopped in a little youth Hostel at Morjim beach for a couple of days, Morjim was lovely, we spent some time sunbathing, ate lots of food (Kate had her first Indian Birianyi of many) and we drank beer and caught up. Lovely stuff. Our next stop was the magical Anjuna beach, and somewhat a spiritual home for us trance heads. Anjuna Beach - Where trance music began. To be excited to ... read more
Arjuna Beach, my spiritual home
Loving life on Anjuna beach, listening to trance and drinking cocktails
Being shown how to do it properly from the expert

Asia » India » Goa April 11th 2014

We spent the one night in Delhi before saying our good byes to our two week travel buddies. We had a train booked from Delhi to Mumbai, this was an overnight train and lucky for us we'd splashed out on first class again!...why not!? for all of £25 pound each we had our own room and despite the steward asking for tips and trying to add on money we had a lovely sleep and were fully rested when we arrived into Mumbai the following morning. We stopped in a decent room for a couple of night to take in the sights of Mumbai. Mumbai, to us was a totally different side to India. It was modern and ld say almost had a European feel to it. There was of course LOTS of traffic and LOTs of ... read more
The 'gateway to India'
Dharavi Slum
We are ALL one

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra April 6th 2014

Day Eleven.... The next day (waking up to see that the squirrel from last nigh was in fact, a bunch of plastic we were free to do as we pleased, Danielle relaxed by the pool, Rhys kept on the computer and Craig and me had a go slow morning and headed to Pushkar to look at the Brahma temple. We met with everyone for lunch then had a stroll round the ghats, where we thought we had lost Rhys to a cult when he was cornered by a priest and ended up reciting prayers with him. Luckily we weren't too far away before things got too cosmic. We walked around the ghat and went to a spot where you could watch the sunset, but they didn't sell beer. Hmmmm..what to do. After a nice juice ... read more
Jantar Mantar observatory
Tired travellers
En route to the cinema

Asia » India » Rajasthan April 3rd 2014

Day Seven...... We awoke to find Raj cleaning the car again and upon taking out our bags we were met with Ashok! A lovely friendly guy who informed us he would be with us to continue the tour. Our bags were not squashed inside the car, but on the roof rack we didn't know existed and we had even more room. Ashok sat In the front and as I was head organiser had to speak to Ashok uncomfortably about the tour so far and what the problems were....awkward!!! Ashok then told us that Raj was going though some family problems, our email had broke his heart, and he had to cancel a trip with other customers to come and see us so he was not given a bad review on trip advisor by as you ... read more
Mawar festival
Mawar festival

Asia » India » Rajasthan March 27th 2014

Our next stage of the trip was a two week taxi tour with Ashoks taxi tours. A few of my friends had highly recommended this trip and said it was a highlight of their time in India, As did the trip advisor reviews. It is a trip where a local drives you around rajasthan, showing off the beaten track sights, local cuisine, and generally chats away to you about Indian culture. We could not wait. Day One.... Having slept like a dream in ac tier one on the train we were kind of alive and awake at 8am to meet Danielle and Rhys at the New Delhi central train station. As per in India, things never go quite to plan. We did find Rhys and Danielle quite easily, as I said to Craig just look for ... read more
Danielle as the puppet master
Royal family crematorium
Inside of Junaugh Fort

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Varanasi March 23rd 2014

Having been to India previously on my own 10 years ago, its a country which divides opinion, you either love it or hate it. l knew what to expect and l was looking forward to being there with someone else and sharing the experience as it is something like l have never experience before, l was also very much looking forward to eating, lots and lots of eating. We decided to ease our way in we would pre-arrange a taxi pickup with our hostel, which was great as we didn't have to deal with hundreds of taxi drivers all wanting our fare. The hostel is an hour from the airport and it was great for people watching from the safety of the cab, although we did make a couple of pit stops - one to pick ... read more
Life on the river
Doing his magic

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