Hans Klausmann


Hans Klausmann

We looked at each other there and then but I don't seem to remember where and when.

Lost between worlds, lost between cultures, lost between people, religious feelings forcing an endless narrative inside my Farang skull, feeling best when on the road with my greasy old faded jeans, my sweaty T-shirt, my bulky backpack containing my woldly possessions.

Sleeping in third world rock bottom hotels, drinking cheap liqour with the locals, always in searching for a spiritual answer to my quest for peach and understanding.

Shunning away from camara hung tourists but having no problemo with the western alternatives living in self made huts on the beach of an impoverished nation.

Not really bothering to walk across the globe or move around on a rusty old bicycle with my tent and sleeping bag tied to the back wildcamping in the forest, chicken buses with roosters in cages underneath wooden benches while local passegers snort their noses openly, is the mode of transport I prefer instaed of a VIP with built-in toilet, reclining seats and a video screen showing the pirates latest releases.

An extract from one of my blogging entries on www.heraclio-heraclio.blogpost.com - I also publish most of my artwork on this site/adult plus only by the way!!!

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » San Cristóbal Island December 24th 2009

Islas De Galapagos, Isla Santiago, 19-10-1990. It only takes a bottle of Pampas Red Wine to get me happy, courtesy of Maria and Juan who kept it hidden in their backpacks untill El Momento Magico which I presume must be now, sitting on top of the boat in a small bay called Buccaneer's Cove at the west side of Isla Santiago, a beautifull bright sunset adds to our mellow mood though the flamingoes in the bay seem keener on getting a last evening meal before retiring for the night then admiring Mother Nature's last wonder of the day before darkness will descend... The first bottle of Pampas goes down Gringo throats like they are lubricated with fig oil and gets our moods open and happy, exchanging travel stories as backpackers the world over do, experiences on ... read more
Muslim lady

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santiago Island December 18th 2009

Islas de Galapagos, Isla Bartolomè, 18-10-1990. Every waking moment of my time here touring these magnificent islands full with endemic life forms, animal species totally unconcerned with the camara toting foreign humans invading their cherished home, I am reminded of how the wortld would be without the presence and consequent demands of the human race, the impact we have on the world around us... Sitting here on top of our boat, hot mug of steaming java warming my hands, waiting for the first rays of sun that will herald the beginning of a new day...a brand new day in a natural world only slightly contaminated by the world of mankind...philosofical matters concerning the place of the human race in this world rule my mental thinking No big mega cities where the dregs of the human species ... read more
scenic photo
scenic photo
The fearfull one

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santiago Island December 7th 2009

Islas de Galapagos, Isla Santiago, 17-10-1990. Braving the cold crisp air of early morning I peek out of the porthole, a silver line at the horizon and growing fast in intensity, promises me another clear day with great vistas and a sunny waether though the draft of cold air trying hard to invade the warmth under my moth eaten blanket is trying hard to convince me otherwise. Life on a small boat that claims the grandiose title of "cruise ship" and carries four passengers and two crew men plus the by National Park obligated guide, can be claustrofobic and tension high at night when entertainment is is at its lowest and the happy mood brought about by the consumption of King Alcohol is non-excistent due to the empty fridge in the cook's rat dominated kitchen. Or ... read more
mating turtles around  our boat
mating turtles

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santiago Island November 30th 2009

Islas De Galapagos, Isla Santiago, 16-10-1990. Curious prehistoric-looking reptiles eye us, approaching us easily and unafraid while we disembark from our dingy, shoes in hands since we invade this animal kingdom by a so-called wed landing. Slowly they shuffle closer over the black lava bed with its eroded shapes and small pools that house black-colored crabs - perfect camouflage in this volcanic landscape. All around our dingy huge sea turtles awkwardly work their way up the beach, their progress is slow and difficult. Out at sea they might be in their element but here on the hot beach they are being tested to their limits. Together with countless gulls, no doubt aware of what is about to take place, we sit around watching them find a suitable spot on the beach, go through the even harder ... read more
Me on the beach
More tortoises on the beach

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island November 24th 2009

Islas De Galapagos, Islas Plazas, 15-10-1990. Swallow-tailed gulls shriek loudly at our progress up to the top of the cliff, a perfect vatage point for watching the multitute of birdlife around us, tropic birds shear by us at alarming proximity, landing nearby on a rocky outcropping to feed its two hungry chicks. Out at sea I can see pirate birds and brown pelicans slashing it out over a scaly body pertruding fromk the pelicans baggy beak. Aerial arcobatics free for the watching and prying eyes of human visitors originating from the other side of Planet Earth. Both the twin volcanic islands of Islas Plazas are absolute wildlife watching sites with huge colonies of sea lions, the males lumbering around on the beach trying to scare away possible male competition from his personal harem of dozing females. ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » San Cristóbal Island November 18th 2009

Islas De Galapagos, Isla San Cristobàl, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, 14-10-1990. A small eatery on Puerto Baquerizo Moreno's quay with the fitting name Comedor Comida Rica - tasty food in the local lingo - is a perfect place for a meal and getting to know our new passengers - a spanish couple in their early forties - while we wait for the crew to load supplies. It takes but a few hundert human steps to get away from the village though, where black eroded lava forms strange and mysterious shapes in an otherwise barren landscape where small cactus roots have found cracks and crevices, pools with herminite crabs, small inlets and rocky caves harbouring a varied marine sustained wildlife, all ot it so unique to these isolated patches of volcanic rock. I walk alone now and without ... read more
resting sea lions

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » San Cristóbal Island November 13th 2009

Islas De Galapagoa, Isla San Crirstòbal, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, 13-10-1990. Huge volcanic sub-marine eruptions take place pushing boiling hot lava out into the realm of unsuspected marine life, fish getting barbequed on the spot, crabs and anemones burried under the onslaught of the lava gliding across the sea bed leaving behind death and destruction, teutonic plates deep inside the earth's crust shift adding more mayhem and anhihilation to the ever continueing cycle of sea life... While enormous quantities of rain torment the sea'a surface, bright flahes of lighning splitting the dark night's sky, high and powerfull waves rolling away from the emerging lava, the first small cones are visible of what will eventually be the volcanoes that are the nowaday barren and rocky island of Las Islas De Galapagos, stretched over an inmense fast fifty thousand ... read more
Lobo de Mar
Marine iguana

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island November 3rd 2009

Islas De Galapagos, Isla Hispañola/Española, 12-10-1990, afternoon. Reading the world famous "On The Origin Of Species" by Charles Darwin, I can't but wonder how much mental turmoil must have gone through this great man's mind before throwing overboard the Genesis Concept, Holy Rome's own version of the creation of species, an overnight introduction of life to an otherwise barren planet by an omni-present Deus Ex Machina, a bored higher devine being who felt lost and alone in an empty universe so he/she created Man, so God could amuse himself watching the antics of Man... Isla Española's main attraction is the colony of waved albatrosses and the main goal of our little hike that leads us through a two kilometers stretch of blue-footed masked booby colonies. totally unperturbed our feathery winged friends go about their business, territorial ... read more
Albatros chick
Albatros chick

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island October 27th 2009

Islas De Galapagos, Isla Española/Hispaõla, 12-10-1990, Morning. Having an early morning swim while my fellow passengers are still recovering from their first encounter with high waves and green Galapagos vomit, I'm having my first encounter with the Gapagos Islands' fearless animals...sean lions defy me to participate in their sub-aqautic play, their slender seal-like bodies all around me, dark shadows shooting past my snorkle, their acrobatic actions in their salty liquid realm would put any human professional swimmer a blosh of shame to the face... Though these stunning islands have been a favorite anchor place by an succession of human fortune seeekers like buccaneers and pirates, whalers and maritime traders using the Galapagos islands as a safe anchoring place, fire wood and fresh water, giant tortoises that could be stacked in the ship's hold in their hunderts ... read more
sea lions

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Española Island October 21st 2009

Islas De Galapagoas, Isla Hispañola, 11-10-1990. I spit out a big blob of red colored pleghm, the taste of metalic blood foremost in my mouth while my body is trembling, big spasms of muscle cramps rippling through my shivering body. I am covered with the red earth I am lying on, my pinkish flesh shining through the rivers left on my skin by heavily perspiring pores... I am learning a lesson here and surrounded by a crowd of locals it is humiliating, the cops who have become my friends these last few weeks, dressed in their tight-fitting brown police uniforms daring me to get up again and the Thai spectators called in from the street, see the farang from Holland fight and leave a few Baht notes for the police retiring fund on the way out... ... read more
Our "cruize"  ship

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