Emily and Corey


Emily and Corey

Corey and Emilys UK, Ireland and European 12 month backpacking adventure :-) Please leave us a message on the message board when you visit!

Emily is studying at the University College of Cork in Ireland until December for one semester and Corey is Working as a Sales man at an awesome Jewellery shop in the centre of Cork also until the end of December.

We will be spending Christmas with Emilys family in Ireland and then spending a few weeks in France (including New Years) and England where we will be living in a holiday flat for a week in London with Emilys Parents.

After Christmas we will be embarking on another Irish Journey to Dublin to live and work until April 2012.

After April 2012 we will be doing some serious backpacking through Europe to bring us home to Sydney Australia in August 2012.

Happy Reading! x x x

Europe » Ireland » County Tipperary » Cashel November 19th 2011

We hopped on the 9am bus from Cork to Cashel on a wet and miserable day. We were very excited to see this very popular Irish tourist attraction in County Tipperary so the rain wasnt going to ruin it for us! We arrived in the centre of town around 10.30-11am and decided we would go and see this amazing castle! We walked for about 5-10 minutes in the rain following the distant view of the Rock of Cashel. After a small hike up a small hill.. that felt like a big hill we were finally there! We paid our entry fees and ran through the rain into a small cinema room to watch a short 10 minute film about the history of the Rock of Cashel. Once the film was over and we had eaten our ... read more
Amazing view
Corey and I

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork November 12th 2011

It was such a beautiful day in Cork so Corey and I thought we should wander Cork a little bit more. We made our way past the Heineken Brewery in Cork and up to Shandon, Which was just across the River Lee. We walked down the main street and up small alleys following the Shandon Tower in the distance, until we reached the bottom of Shandon Tower. We payed our 2 Euro to the lady at the front door, who also gave us ear muffs for when we were up beside the bells. We climbed about halfway up when we reached the floor, where we could actually ring the bells of Shandon Tower. It was so much fun, pulling the numbered chords to create some amazing bell sounds. We followed directions in a book to play ... read more
Corey & View of Cork
Heinekkin Kegs
Shandon Tower Distance

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Midleton November 5th 2011

The day started with Corey's delicious waffles and maple syrup. We decided since it was a wonderful day outside wouldn't it be nice to spend it inside at a distillery! So off we went both the Corey's and I hopped on the bus to Midleton, a 25 minute bus ride out of Cork. We stopped for lunch at a cafe styled restaurant to re-fuel before we hit the distillery. We walked down the main street taking in this beautiful small Irish town, actually I don't know about the boys but I did. We reached the front gate of the Jameson Distillery and a huge amount of excitement hit my belly! I couldn't wait for the free tastings! We arrived just in time for the next tour, so we quickly browsed the shop gazing at the different ... read more
3 best friends that anyone could have!
The sniffing process
Jameson Gates

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork October 25th 2011

This awesome Jazz week of October 2011 started with our very first pumpkin carving on the Tuesday 25th. Corey and I were very excited to carve pumpkins for Halloween. Not know what to expect we made our way downstairs to our very good friends Mariah, Corey aka sexy bottoms and Amy's apartment. We cracked some drinks and got the music pumping as we drew our designs on the pumpkins. I was going for a happy pumpkin where Corey went for a more scary looking one. We started to hack into the pumpkins carefully carving around our designs and scooping with out hands the insides of our creations, saving the seeds of course for my room mate Sam's grilled pumpkin seeds - which surprisingly tasted really nice and salty! After a few drinks and more craving we ... read more
Sam & Mariah Carving Pumpkins
Corey and My Pumpkins
Street Jazz at Jazz Festival

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork October 24th 2011

Ok so this isnt much of a Blog but i wanted to share with you some pictures around Cork. When I get a chance a walk around town and capture some pretty cool stuff! Including: Grafitti Occupy Cork Random outings Enjoy! Em :-)... read more
Corey walking around Cork
Front gates of UCC

Europe » Ireland » County Waterford » Waterford October 15th 2011

After a long week of University work and Corey working hard at his new job we decided it would be nice to head out of Cork for Saturday the 15th October. We hopped on the bus at 8.30 in the morning to Waterford after a quick stop at a coffee shop for some breakfast and some caffeine to wake us up. Once we arrived in Waterford (after the 2.5 hour bus trip) we ran through the rain to Waterford Crystal! We arrived just in time for the 11 o'clock tour. It was quiet exciting to see behind in the factory how they made these amazing crystal objects! The tour guide showed us each of the steps they used from heating the crystal glass to blowing the crystal to cutting and the crazy designs to how they ... read more
Corey Blowing Glass
Reginald's Tower in Waterford

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Kinsale October 8th 2011

After a rush to the bus stop at 9am in the morning after sleeping in from watching an amazing band called Cellar Door from the night before at Cyprus Avenue in Cork we were on our way to Kinsale. We had visited the small seaside town only 2 weeks ago but we desperately wanted to visit Charles Fort! After the 50 minute bus trip and a long read of our Music & Film magazines we were finally there. We walked the small brightly coloured streets that were filled of pubs, cafes, small arty shops and the cliche tourist shops for about an hour with a small pit stop to the supermarket for some late breakfast - which was a delicious sausage roll for me and a minced pie for Corey. After enough discussions and disagreements we ... read more
Cooking our Chicken infused with beer
Part of Charles Fort Kinsale
Corey and I inside Charles Fort Kinsale

Europe » Ireland September 23rd 2011

Once the hangover was over from Arthurs Day we headed to Corey's parents hotel as they had finally arrived to spend the weekend away with us! We had a few drinks and talked a lot and caught up on the goss back home. We headed up to their hotel room to check it out and receive a few presents and letters from back home which was well and truly needed! The next day we were up nice and early and made our way down to Cobh (pronounced cove) This seaside town was so beautiful! It was like cork, it had different coloured houses and the streets were a little hilly. We visited a MASSIVE cathedral named St Colemans Cathedral. We also visited the local heritage centre where they had the Queenstown Titanic exhibition as Cobh was ... read more
Cobh Ireland :-)
Corey and I at dinner at Ballyseede Castle
Ballyseede Castle where we stayed!

Europe » Ireland » County Cork September 3rd 2011

After our 16 hour bus trip to Cork we arrived at 11am and headed from the bus stop to our apartment with no idea where we were going!! After a 5 miniute walk we spotted our street and our apartment building! I could feel the butterflies in my tummy and the thoughts going through my mind thinking that this is real!!! After a 20 minute wait we finally got in contact with the landlord Alicia who showed us up into our apartment! We were the first to arrive so we had the place to ourselves! Which was good for a change! It was alot better than sharing a room with 8 other people! After dumping our bags and a well needed shower we headed to the supermarket - Tesco where we grabbed some essentials to get ... read more
Oliver Plunket Street
Blarney Castle
farewell my bearded friend

Europe » United Kingdom » England August 31st 2011

We said goodbye to Oxford and made our way to Cambridge to be greeted from my Great Aunty Heather, My cousin Charty and my Uncle Cameron. After a 2 hour bus trip and a small panic thinking we had missed our stop we were greeted from our distant rellies. We gave Uncle cam a hug goodbye as he hopped on his bus back to Heathrow Airport to head to Hong Kong and then back home to Brisbane Australia. (we timed it well to say goodbye!) We headed back to Aunty Heathers home on the River Cam. She has such a beautiful cosy little home! After catching up about each others lives and giving her the gossip of everyone back home we had a first proper home cooked meal since leaving home! She cooked us a whole ... read more
Corey and I in Cambridge
Kings College in Cambridge

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