


Asia June 8th 2016

28-29/5/16 - Shanghai city centre - Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai Tower - Pearl Tower - Shanghai Bund - Wedding Dinner 30/5/16 - 西湖 - 灵隐寺飞来峰 31/5/16-2/6/16 - Huangsan (different peaks, the grand canyon) 3/6/16 - 宏村 - 木坑竹海 - 黄山市 4/6/16 - 卢村 -西递... read more

Europe » Iceland April 12th 2016

Hallgrimskirja The famous church in Reykjavik. Very modernistic. The organ inside the church is impressive. The sound that it makes reminds me of the songs from Phantom of the Opera. The view on top is pretty, but the tickets are weirdly pricey (compared to all the other museums). National museum Tells you the history of Iceland. Which I thought was very interesting. Kaffi brennslan (smoke salmon and egg salad grilled sandwich-yums)... read more

Europe » Iceland April 11th 2016

Old reykjavik There was a protest going on when we went to see the square. There is an old church next to this square called Domkirkjan i Reykjavik. Kjarvalsstaðir (art museum) Showcasing Kjarval's work. Exhibition was titled Mind and World. Hafnarhús (art museum) Pop art. Some of them were creepy, but all very well thought of and well drawn. Harpa (concert hall) Next to the sea. Interesting stru... read more

Europe » Iceland April 10th 2016

Kerid Lake was semi frozen Silfra (Þingvellir national park) snorkelling So cold but amazingly blue and clear. Met three australian girls, one of who's mum came from Seremban! What are the odds? And one of the staff of dive.is has family in shrewsbury. What a small world! The north america tectonic plate and euroasia one are 5 km away, so the place we were snorkelling in (silfra) was technically in no mans land. Geysir, bruarfoss, gullfoss Didn't see bruarfoss. Gullfoss (gold... read more

Europe » Iceland April 9th 2016

Núpsstaður (waterfall/mountain)foss a sidu and dvdrghamrar (dwarfs)Fjardrargljufur (canyon) Didn't go! Dyrholaey and Reynisfjara (beach) Saw reynisdrangar (rocks) from vik Solheimasandur plane wreck Long trek. But worth it. ... read more

Europe » Iceland April 8th 2016

Diamond beach It was opposite the glacier lagoon. Glaciers had washed up against the black sand beach, so they look like diamonds. It was a sight to behold. Very cold though. svinafellsjokull (glacier stop) We walked a little to see the glacier next to svinafell (mountain). Basically, along the entire road, it was sea to our left, and glaciers or mountains to our right. And we were driving in between greeneries. It was very bizarre and awesome! Skaftafell - svartifoss (waterfall) in vatnajokull national park (stay) ... read more

Europe » Iceland April 7th 2016

Seydisfjordur Very quaint pretty town. Suggested by lonely planet and a lady from the information centre in egilsstadir that we should stop there. Good call. Reydarfjordur Stopped by on our way down. It was a nice place too. It was so sunny and 'warm' it was amazing. Jasmina even 'sunbathed' for awhile. Faskrudsfjordur- cafe Sumarlina - Eftirlaeti joe's Stopped here for a seafood lunch. Yum! Had amazingly delicious danish pastries too. The town here is apparently a combination of french architecture and ... read more

Europe » Iceland April 6th 2016

Godafoss It was cloudy when we woke up. It started snowing as we were heading towards godafoss (it was in the mountains). It was such a beautiful sight. Gushing water accompanied by frozen water (snow). I find that very mesmerising. Lake myvatn (fast furious 8) We found out that fast 8 is filming in this lake! We got so excited. The entire lake was somewhat frozen and its surroundings were covered in snow. We had to alter our plans when we found out that some of the things we wanted to see were not accessible due to the snow (viti crater and the other one). I was quite disappointed. We also opted not to hike up ... read more

Europe » Iceland April 5th 2016

Stykkishölmur (buy cooker) Drove all the way (ok only 30-40 min drive) to this town to get the portable stove from olis gas station. They didn't have it in stock because it wasnt summer. Of course. But icelandic people are so friendly and helpful! She offered to call the car company for us and sort everything out. All we had to do was go to akureyri and call a number to pick up our gas cooker. Yay. So off we went. Hvítserkur (basalt rock) and lunch We had to drive on a gravel road for a bit. It was a bumpy ride. The day was perfect. It was cloudless and sunny. There was a platform to ... read more

Europe » Iceland April 4th 2016

Glymur (waterfall) 3.5-4 hours of hike. Definitely worth the hike. The scenery starts out quite plain, kind of like a scene from LoR. Then you start seeing cliffs and a river. You have to walk through a huge boulder-cave thing and down to the river. You have to meander along the river for a bit then the cool part starts. You have to cross a seemingly innocuous river. But as it is still spring, the log that allows us to get across isnt yet put in place, so we have to climb across the river using a rope. It was so cool and fun! Then its quite steep, scrambling all the way up. But the views of the cliff and the waterfall is worth it. It ... read more

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