Walter Manuel


Walter Manuel

Where to start... Where to start. People who know me say that I am sincere, dedicated, and I always do what I say I am going to do... So this trip will allow people who know me to see a side of me that they never knew, although they know that we like to travel. So hang on to your seats, Wawa is taking you for a ride!!!!!!!!Visited Countries Map

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province October 15th 2018

The Lion Hunt The light started to wane as we meandered through the Acacia Thorn bushed trail at about 5 kilometers an hour, hoping to spot one last time, before the dimming light made it impossible, one of the big five from our perches that we were seated in the back of the canopied Land Rover. Our driver Michael, and our spotter Eric, two Masai warriors had their eyes glued to the task at hand. In the conservancy, the roads and trails twisted and turned, so that quite often, we would encounter game crossing the road in front of us, always trying to get out of our way. One time, our driver and spotter, but not on this particular drive, each had their eyes glued each one looking to the left or the right, with actually ... read more
Cradling The Cub
Mr. Buffalo
Out for a stroll

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth September 10th 2017

Arriving in Perth was anti climatic. I did not know what to expect. Leaving the airport, of course, was a deal and a half. This was because of construction like in Montreal. Not nearly the pot holes or the inconvenience, but still unexpected delays.Trusty GPS, and the day was merry as usual. The next morning we set out on our traverse to the Pinnacles. See Below: Published description: A set of unique circumstances produced the pinnacles. Firstly the huge sand dunes stabilised. The rains which fell on the dunes leached down through the sand carrying the calcium. This resulted in the lower levels of the dune solidifying into a soft limestone. As this stabilisation occurred a layer of soil formed on top of the dune which allowed plants to grow and further cemented the limestone below. ... read more
Pillars of the Gods

Oceania » Australia » Tasmania » Hobart September 6th 2017

Arrival was very late on the 3rd. Just before midnight. I was depressed because my luggage somehow got lost in Melbourne. It was supposed to be a simple flight, 55 mins. NOT. Of course if anything can go wrong when you check in a luggage it happens to us! We never check in luggage because of the nightmares. Sure enough, flight delayed, Everyone's luggage gets put off the cancelled plane but mine, which sleeps in Melbourne while I take off to Hobart Tasmania and arrive after midnight. How bad can it be? I start taking inventory about what I lost. Medication, second pair of glasses, 2 x GPS's, cables, clothes, sigh.... Not to mention 16 hours in transit. Next morning. I get up with no news about the luggage, so I head off to the local ... read more
Time to ponder
Grand Beauty

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland September 1st 2017

Our flight left Tahiti at 9 AM and we arrived in Auckland NZ after 6 hours of flight, but because we were close to the International Date Line, it was the next day 1 PM which was 22 hours later. Do you follow? The afternoon of arrival was occupied by going to the botanical Gardens which was walking distance. The Tui's were in full force with their unique voice pitches and eerie screeches. These birds feed on nectar and yell out what sounds like obscenities. Actually they were birding in delight! Since the weather was suspect, we stayed only a couple of hours, and then meandered lost, back to our lodgings before dark. Yes lost!. As we were lost, we hit an Indian Depanneur, and managed to pickup some stuff and ask for walking directions. Made ... read more
Ugly Duck, or Beautifully elegant? Eye is in the beholder.
Through the flowers

Oceania » French Polynesia » Tahiti » Papeete August 30th 2017

We arrived at 5:00 AM in the morning at the Meridian Hotel fully expecting to be ferreted into a day room. Little did we know that our room was ready,. Naturellment! After all, we were in French Polynesian Isle!! Petit Quebec with a slice of parisian accent, is how I would describe it.Our hotel greeter was a superb greeter who we tried to accentuate with our situation and succeeded. We told her that it was our 40th wedding anniversary, and would like le "speciale" . and we got it! We were upgraded to a full front view suite of le "ocean" with an overview of the over the water bungalows.We managed to secure le "breakfast" which included le 'Sushi" as well as les "2 cocktails" at 17.50 $ chaque, and a free ride into town to ... read more
Over water Bungalow Another iew
Sunset Strip
Layered review

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province October 14th 2016

Did a quick last game drive before heading out to the Porini Lion camp, which is our last stop before heading back to Nairobi. As usual we awoke at 5;30 to get the most time we could out of the day, so it was a 2 hr. game drive which we asked to be added onto our itinerary because the wife was sick the second day of the third leg. We had to find the sunrise fast. It was coming up and a backdrop was necessary, so off we went searching.... We came upon a lonely tree, a fitting beginning to another spectacular day. Lots of Hyenas around this time of the morning searching for half eaton carcusses so that they can steal a leg or two. They love to eat limbs. Usually they follow the ... read more
Super Best of Piorini Camp 2016 (5)
Super Best of Piorini Camp 2016 (69)
Super Best of Piorini Camp 2016 (96)

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province October 13th 2016

Onto camp #3. Il Keliani. Not part of the Porini Camps. However, same principle. We arose at 5:30 AM for a 6 AM departure. The airfield was not far. As we drove along the road we passed a motercycle heavily laden with crates of supplies it seemed. A real balancing act that I am sure has been well rehearsed over time. I wonder how hi it could go before the balancing of the bike was affected. lol.No security. Check-in was easy. Just stay clear of the animals meandering about and stay close. Remember that we are the prey. As we drove towards the airport, the sun was rising and we were able to stop and take pictures of Mount Kenya again. It was clearer and added a peaceful moment to the beginning of the day. Game ... read more
Super Best of Il Keliani Camp 2016 (55)
Super Best of Il Keliani Camp 2016 (13)
Super Best of Il Keliani Camp 2016 (71)

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province October 12th 2016

The day started off unpredictable. We were supposed to have a picnic breakfast out in the wilderness. These breakfasts are always a smorgasbord of a dozen or more items that have been carefully prepared by the kitchen staff. Boo Hoo. The wife was sick or had a reaction to the malaria pills. It turned out she was not drinking enough water. I can understand the need for R &R but I did not come all this way to spend in a camp, but out side the camp. I liked being the prey. I decided to do a bird watching tour with a senior Maasai named Wilson, who jumped at the chance to go out with me. As knowledge goes, Wilson has an abundance of this. He was able to do bird calling, and point out to ... read more
Super Best of Il Keliani Camp 2016 (188)
Super Best of Il Keliani Camp 2016 (194)
Super Best of Il Keliani Camp 2016 (198)

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province October 10th 2016

Day 4: Chimps. White and Black Rhinos and Lions. Began with the sunrise of Mount Kenya. Perfectly positioned, we were treated to the sunrise slowly materializing until all of its glory. We took off from there and went to a watering station area and came across a pride of Lions . Our driver Benjamin followed along the plain as they loped off. The Lions were irritated,. One had blood on its face. They fed well over the last night. A picnic breakfast later in a beautiful scenic area by a river allowed me to capture amazing shots of the tamer wildlife , of birds in a tranquil setting..After eating away at all the food we were interrupted by a German tourist that said he had a permit to be where we are and that we should ... read more
Super Best of Porini Rhino Camp 2016 (237)
Super Best of Porini Rhino Camp 2016 (300)
Super Best of Porini Rhino Camp 2016 (320)

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province October 9th 2016

Day 3: We had to leave early from the camp as we were to catch a flight. Before that however, I woke up to bees buzzing in the back ground. At first I thought it was noise from a radio, so I unzipped the tent to see where the ruckus was and then realized the buzzing of the bees.I looked around expecting to see a swarm but to no avail. I rezipped the tent to have my amazing filtered coffee that the Maasai brought to me earlier , and got dressed quickly to go on the bee hunt. Walking around, as I drew nearer to some trees the buzzing got louder. I was , as I said, expecting a swarm so I tiptoed ever so carefully up to the tree. As I was getting closer the ... read more
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