The oldest backpackers in town

Two Vines

The oldest backpackers in town

Campervan travel in the land of ice and fire

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 15th 2022

Its 5.30am and the alarm is buzzing annoyingly. Oh well at least its buzzing. I have had another disturbed night dreaming that we missed the plane because I couldn’t find anywhere to park our hire car? What! that was returned a week ago! We get up for a breakfast if our left overs…coco pops, choc au pain and orange juice! We are only 15 minutes walk from the bus station which has a very efficient airport bus. In fact all the Spanish buses have been very efficient. If only we could replicate this in the UK people just might start using public transport. Over the cobbles we go…we are again cursing the ‘never to see the light of day again’ suitcase that loves to jump all over the place. We have opted for the 7.50am bus ... read more
Crocodile Door
Clear skies over mountain lakes

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 14th 2022

Today us our last sightseeing day, we’re in the morning flight home tomorrow. We don’t get up early as we could not secure tickets for the cathedral until 11.20am. I expect it will be thronging but it can’t be helped! A leisurely breakfast in the kitchen where I meet a couple of Danish people who arrived last night. they also had difficulty working out how to gain access to the building…so it wasn’t just us then! they are on their way to Marbella (can’t think of anything worse?). We set off and find ourselves at the cathedral an hour early. Unlike the Alcazaba there are strict queues so there will be no sneaking in early. We go for a wander around the shady streets of the Santa Cruz area. Ian is amusing himself mocking the tour ... read more
Cathedral roof
City view
Tomb of Christopher Columbus

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 13th 2022

The alarm buzzes annoyingly and we both turn over. But this wont do, we have 9.30am tuckers to visit Seville Alcazaba and we have been told to arrive at least 20 minutes early to clear security and to make sure that we don’t miss our time slot…if the clock says a minute after 9.50am we will be denied access with no refund on our tickets! We shower and eat a hurried breakfast then its off through the relative cool of early morning on the route we have come to know quite well. Passing the Cathedral and the Archive of the Indies, we arrive at Lions Gate at precisely 9am. We are the first to arrive, closely followed by a Filipino gentleman and his two American friends. We have started a queue. Hmmm, looks like we didn’t ... read more
Plaza of Handmaidens
Alcazaba tile work
Pottery Art

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 12th 2022

Today is Christopher Columbus Day, a national holiday to celebrate the discovery of America. As a result nothing has been formally booked for today as it’s unclear what is and what isn’t going to be open. The kitchen is unusually busy today too. A French couple are at the table, suitcases at the ready…they must be leaving. Then an older German couple come to use the kettle. They are on their way to Cadiz with their son who is at Madrid University. We eat a quick breakfast then head off in the direction of the mushrooms. Despite the thirty degree forecast for today, it’s still feeling pleasantly cool outside today. We are heading for Santa Cruz, the Jewish quarter. Here we find interesting narrow wiggly streets full of architectural detail. By 10.30am the place is crawling ... read more
Carmen flees authorities through this passage (film)
Staircase - Indies Archive
Photo of Bullring - Indies Archive

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 11th 2022

I was having one of my sleepless nights last night - possibly due to having siesta’d too long yesterday. It was hot and muggy and then at 3am we had one humdinger of a thunder storm. Hopefully it will clear the air but more likely it will send the humidity soaring again. Plus we’re not terribly set up for downpour weather! Our plan today was to visit the Alcazaba but I’ve been a bit remiss in my planning and not pre-booked tickets. It looks like we may have to wait till Thursday as all the online tickets have gone. Wednesday is totally unpredictable because it’s a national holiday and every sightseeing place in the city is being suitably vague about whether they will or will not open…you’d think they’d know by now! I suspect they do ... read more
Bear pit in amphitheatre
Roman Road

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 10th 2022

It’s nice to have the luxury of a kitchen and we breakfast ‘at home’. Unfortunately the long life milk makes my coffee taste disgusting but it’s OK on the cereal. Note to get fresh milk on our way back today! We’re going on a general orientation tour of the city today so won’t be going inside the two major attractions: the Cathedral and the Alcazaba as we have five days here and we want plenty of time to appreciate them on their own. It rained early this morning so the streets are wet and it’s a pleasant temperature as we set off at 9.30am. Navigating our way through the narrow streets we make our way towards the river an iconic 19th century bridge, Puente de Triana. A little further on we find the Nao Victoria, an ... read more
Torre del Oro
Plaza de España

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 9th 2022

This morning we have time for a lie in. We don’t need to be at the bus station till gone noon. We check out at 11am, walk to the bus stop (literally two minutes) and our bus arrives precisely three minutes late. Not bad even so! There are even spare seats although Ian decides to stand in the luggage bay with our cases. The bus does an extra loop (because it is Sunday) so, after almost 10 minutes, we end up a few yards down the road from where we got on. It can’t be helped…it’s the one way system! Thirty five minutes and we are at the bus station. It’s noon so we eat a sandwich, use their facilities and buy a cold drink for the bus. We can drink but not eat on the ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba October 8th 2022

I could have done with an extra hour in bed this morning but equally we can’t handle the heat later in the day so we’re out of our hotel by 9am and walking down the cool narrow streets of this photogenic town. Ian has worked out a walking circuit and we start off at the old Roman Bridge and the town gate. It’s still a pleasant temperature and there’s not too many others hanging around. We had hoped to beat the crowds to see the Mezquita, the highlight of the city, but today they are not opening till 10am so we decide to visit this later when the majority of tour groups will be at lunch. Well that’s the plan anywa IAN’s ACCOUNT OF OUR CIRCUIT Córdoba was established in 125BC as a Roman trading post ... read more
Mosque arches
Market Place

Europe October 7th 2022

It’s another early start. We need to have the hire car back by noon and google maps says it will take an hour and a half to get from our hotel to the car hire place, plus a minor detour to fill the tank up so, according to my calculations, we need to allow four hours! OK, I don’t trust Google’s calculations…especially having seen how the route past all the major holiday resorts including Marbella…so I want to leave earlier in the day when traffic will be potentially lighter. After all who, apart from us, would be mad enough to want to go to the beach at 8am? We go down for breakfast at 7am and have a good fill up. It’s a really nice continental breakfast. OK, they do also do scrambled egg and sausage…but ... read more
Stepping inside a DC3
The original terminal building

Europe » Gibraltar October 6th 2022

Another early start, we need to catch a bus to the Spain-Gibraltar border, but not before we have taken advantage of the ‘free breakfast’ that Holiday Inn is offering its guests. I’m sure it’s not really free as the rooms cost double what we’d pay in the UK. :-) It’s only a five minute walk to the bus stop but that’s not easy in the dark. They do have street lamps here but they are not switched on…energy saving? We’ve arrived at the stop about 15 minutes early, but that’s nit a bad thing as the bus does arrive 10 minutes ahead of schedule. Google’s assessment ‘crowded’ is thank fully incorrect and we’re glad we didn’t rush to get the earlier one. We could have driven of course, but the bus us so close and cheap ... read more
St Michaels Cave
Amazing views
British pub

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