Tina Kearney

Tina and Rob

Tina Kearney

Tina and Rob from Glasgow. We love to travel (in short bursts) as much as we can. We love our home comforts and we love travel, its a difficult combination but we try to make it work as well as possible.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”Mark Twain

“I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” – Mark Twain

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Rovaniemi December 19th 2023

Tina Writes It was a big day so we have split this blog into two. Rob didn’t mention it was my birthday. Having already gone on the Huskey sledding in such amazing surroundings, it was already one of the best but now it was time to go to Santa Village. You could say this was the reason we came here in the first place. To meet the big man himself (this is as close as it gets id say). Maybe some of you don’t know this about me but I LOVE SANTA!. Santa to me is like what I think people who are religious think about God maybe. I am a believer. I still hear the sleigh bell ring. So it was shaping up to be a pretty good birthday. The bus dropped us at the ... read more
Santa Village
Santa Village
Santa Village

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Rovaniemi December 19th 2023

Rob Writes Coccyx not sucking (chortle). We were up early today as we had a pick-up arranged to take us on the Huskey sled tour at 7:45am. We had found a hostel that served a buffet breakfast right near where the pick-up was, so that was the first port-of-call. We jumped on the tour bus and after a 30-minute journey we were at the Huskey farm(?). After getting suited up in the provided snow overalls we were directed to the tutorial sled, where the tour guide gave us a run down of what to expect. This briefing was quite a lot of take in and the guide was quite intense (another robot – Tina). By the end I felt like I was about to take control of an unruly rocket ship with a mind of its ... read more

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Rovaniemi December 18th 2023

Tina Writes After a terrible night on what I thought was a hard bed and waking up a lot due to extreme hip pain, we eventually got up and wandered out looking for a brunch place. It was Monday now so everything looked a lot more open. I had marked a few places on my google map for brunch/dinner, so we checked those out. There’s a real lack of places to eat I think, certainly for breakfast which seems non-existent. We could have bought food to cook in the apartment but we’re on holiday and like eating out. We eventually found one of the places I had marked. It was quite busy. We ordered some waffles. Rob had a savoury one with crayfish and I had a s’mores one along with a couple of hot chocolates. ... read more

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Rovaniemi December 17th 2023

Rob Writes: There wasn’t a lot of excitement the day prior to this jaunt. It had been my work Christmas night out on the Friday night, and despite only having drank ½ a pint of lemonade and a couple of shots of spring water (honest) I was extremely ill the following day. Don’t know what happened. In hindsight this worked out in my favour. I never slept much Friday night and spent most of Saturday morning heaving into the lavatory. But what finished me off was trying to fix Tina’s mums (Jean) WiFi on Saturday afternoon. Where is this going? Well, we had to be at Edinburgh airport for 4am on Sunday morning, which meant getting up at 2:30am. The carnage detailed above allowed me to sleep like a baby from 9pm on the Saturday night, ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Eastern Thailand » Koh Chang August 28th 2023

Rob Writes Day 10 We decided that the day following the scuba dive would be a day off. We had as long of a lie-in as we could without missing breakfast and then just hung around the hotel and watched a bit of TV until mid-afternoon. Apart from the stroll up and down the beach front I don't think we left the hotel all day actually, as we ended up in the hotel's restaurant for dinner too. The dinner was memorable because it was the most expensive meal we've had since we left, a couple of drinks, a beef massaman and a pad thai came to about £40. Ouch. Day 11 The following day (now Wednesday) was a great day. We hired the motorbike again and rode all the way around to the other side of ... read more
Koh Ngam

Asia » Thailand » Eastern Thailand » Koh Chang August 22nd 2023

Tina Writes Day 7 I'd like to apologise for Robs blog. He is all up for bringing the terrible ancient notebook and writing a blog because we have regretted the times when we haven't but when its time for him to write it he complains endlessly and then writes a terrible blog, which he sits sniggering at as he writes it. I think I will be firing him soon. Please place your vote in the comments. Yes for firing, No for keeping his shit blogs. It was time to leave Bangkok and head for Koh Chang. Our flight was at 11.40am and we decided to get the MRT/Airport train. It takes a bit more travel time but is way cheaper and doesn't put me in a bad mood dealing with the taxi drivers. Plus it is ... read more
Koh Chang Ferry
KC Grande Paradise Villa
Sunset Koh Chang

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok August 19th 2023

Rob Writes Day 4 Hang on to your tits people. I don't remember Tina actually wanting to buy the Aliens watch because it wasn't quite the right one. I didn't stop her from buying anything. She can buy what she liked. She's a lair. OK, it's Wednesday now. I had to lookup my pictures to remind me what we did, because it's already becoming a blur, or my brain has turned to mush. I suspect the latter. So, Wednesday we had planned to go to the Maeklong Railway Market, a market basically situated on a railway line, the highlight being, the market stall owners have to dismantle their shops every time a train comes past. I don't know why, but that's the way it is, and that's the pull. There are three or four trains passing ... read more
Maeklong Railway Market
Maeklong Railway Market
Maeklong Railway Market

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok August 17th 2023

Tina Writes Day One I think it was 2019 the last time we came to Thailand. I remember saying to Rob it was the last time. I think I felt we had done it enough times now and I have always said I wouldn't travel places more than once while I had other places to see first and we had been to Thailand three times already. Over the past 4 years though my love of Thailand has gone through the roof. I watch YouTube after YouTube of Thailand vloggers everyday and my longing to come back is rather strong. Last year I forced myself to go to Mexico rather than Thailand again and as much as we enjoyed it, I couldn't shake regretting it a bit because I so desperately wanted to come to Thailand again ... read more
Dead Bat
Chatuchak Maket

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen September 12th 2022

Tina Writes Once again I am writing this blog because Rob is once again threading the eye of the needle with perfection. We are home now. 24 hours after getting home and Rob has developed yet more food poisoning. It has to be delayed from Mexico cause the chances it was from our local Thai restaurant is too much of a coincidence, plus we had the same thing from the Thai place and so far, I am fine. So he must have gotten it from something he ate at the Platinum Yucantan Princess 5 star hotel. So yes. It was time to drive to our 5 star, adults only resort in Playa del Carmen. I had been looking forward to this for literally years. For the past 4 or so years I have considered Mexico as ... read more
Platinum Yucatan Princess (34)
Platinum Yucatan Princess (19)
Platinum Yucatan Princess (17)

North America September 8th 2022

Tina Writes There's nothing more annoying than being at an amazing place such as Chichen Itza and the thing I'm dying to get to is the car for the air con. It was the same at Ankor Wat. These are places I've dreamed of seeing and ended up fairly quickly saying 'I don't care about these stupid monument's, get me to the air conditioning'. So the lovely air conditioned drive to Merida was easy enough until we got into the large town and the roads became pretty chaotic. Our hotel was right in the centre too. When we finally found it, we discovered the on-site parking was in fact off-site, so Rob went with the reception guy to the parking lot (car park – Rob) about three blocks away while I checked in. I asked them ... read more
Merida (5)
On my tod
Celestun (4)

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