Page 3 of TinNiE Travel Blog Posts

Asia » South Korea » Seoul October 20th 2010

We initially wanted to stay in Incheon for a day or two but … ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tinnie dials ... Girl : Yuh-Bo-Seh-Yo ~~ Tinnie: Hi! Do you speak English? Girl: Yes ~~ Tinnie: Do you have an available room for Oct. 18? Girl: October Eighty? Tinnie: No. Oct. 18 … one … eight … Oct. 18. Girl: sorry … fully booked. Tinnie: Alright, Thank you ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tinnie dials ... Girl: Yuh-Bo-Seh-Yo ~~ Tinnie: Hello! Can you speak English? Girl: Ok Tinnie: uh, do you have a room for Oct. 18? Girl: %+@&*^8o$^#~@ Tinnie: Sorry? Ehm, do … you … have … a … room … for … Oct. 18? Girl: De… ??? *dial tone* Tinnie: … ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... read more
Gamja Jeon (Korean Potato Pancake)
The popsicle with the sweet red beans filling
Budae jjigae

Asia » South Korea » Seoul October 17th 2010

... Meanwhile, we were back in Seoul by six in the evening after another walking day in Nami Island. We went back to Sunshine Guesthouse to get Martin and Dell’s stuff and had dinner at a restaurant nearby. We have told the guys about our disappointing discovery re our next hostel HEY backpackers and gave them options, if they want to spend the night there anyway or look for another place to stay at. They opted for the latter, so after dinner we went to Hongdae Area and looked around for hostels. We eventually found one with friendlier owners and tidier environment, but then it also meant that Janet and I have to make a story up – yeah, lying was a better option for us during the time *evil mode*. After the boys settled at ... read more
Seoul Guesthouse
Seoul Guesthouse
Ssari : Seoul Guesthouse

Asia » South Korea » Seoul October 13th 2010

Janet and I arrived at Incheon International Airport at around 09:00 in the evening and after going through the usual immigration process, we were on our way to Seoul. We took the subway and went through the Gimpo Airport route which led us to Jongno-gu where our hostel was located. It was around midnight when we finally arrived at Jongno district, and after getting lost for a bit, we finally found Sunshine Guesthouse. We immediately saw Martin puffing on a cigarette, already hungry having waited for us; he and Dell have arrived a day earlier. We were in dire need for food at this point so we headed to our room to dump our backpacks and went out to hunt for restaurants. Before the restaurant search, Janet and I got introduced to Sophia, a Korean girl ... read more
The Seoul of Asia
First night in Seoul
Korean Barbecue

Asia » Philippines » Corregidor August 21st 2010

Being from the Leyte-Samar provinces, I am well aware of the annual url= Landing celebration which commemorates the return of Gen. Douglas McArthur to the Philippines. Who isn’t familiar with the line “I Shall Return”? He is probably one of the most loved expat in our history books, and our fascination to the American culture may as well be associated to him. Whilst the Spanish brought the Roman Catholic faith, Americans on the other hand brought chocolates, McDonalds, Pepsi, pizza, the American English language, and our fascination to ‘state side’. As it was a long weekend, we’ve decided to make a weekend trip to the Corregidor Island. I usually get seasick and the one hour ferry ride was the least of my favorite. Back on its glorious days, Corregidor was a Military pa... read more
Tram Bus

Asia » Philippines » Illocos Region June 15th 2010

We were supposed to be on a Super Deluxe bus with a toilet and supposedly more comfortable seats but we ended up on a regular one. And since we are generally tolerant to a lot of things, and it was already an hour past the scheduled departure time, we didn’t argue anyway and just got on. Unexpectedly, the 9 hours bus ride didn’t turn out to be so bad at all. We arrived at Laoag at around 07:00 in the morning with the driver of the hired van waiting for us at the bus station. After getting some takeaway breakfast, we made a couple of short stops, and then headed to Pagudpud. Our first stop was the Cafe Bojeador Lighthouse which was built back in the 1800s but is still working and is still in use ... read more
Blue Boat
Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte
... the water so clear

Asia » Philippines » Cavite May 1st 2010

"Do you remember passing through this trail?" I asked wondering why I don't remember walking through a wide rocky trail. 'I'm not sure' stare. We went on. "What are these cobwebs doing here? Are these mountain spiders really fast with making webs!?". I felt more cobwebs constantly on my face later on. "The soil feels unfamiliarly soft", Janet added. We went on. "This fallen tree doesn't look familiar, does this look familiar to you?" A shrug. We went on. "There are piled bamboo poles at the side of the trail ahead! I definitely don't remember those!", I exclaimed. That did it! We were lost. It was a long weekend so we decided to do a one-day climb up Mt. Pico de Loro and do camping at a beach somewhere the next day. We hired a taxi ... read more
Early part of the climb
Taking a break

Asia » Philippines » Luzon » Zambales » Anawangin Cove April 17th 2010

Right after work, me and two of my co-workers went straight to the bus station to catch the last coach scheduled for Iba Zambales (San Antonio), just to find out that it was all fully booked and that even the last bus for the alternative route had already left. We've planned for (my) Birthday/Camping trip months back so not proceeding with what was planned wasn’t an option. We decided to take our luck as chance passengers and got lucky, only that we had to stand for almost the entire three hours overnight trip to San Antonio. Our contact even seemed to have forgotten about us and made us wait for an hour at the side of the road. He finally came after lots of texts and bugging and also after getting a 'who are you?' reply ... read more
View from the hill
Anawangin Cove
Janet's side of the hill

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kinabatangan February 1st 2010

The guide who was to drive us to Kinabatangan picked us up from our lodging house at around noon, it was another three hours drive from Sandakan to Kinabatangan River, the second longest river in Malaysia. We shared the car with an Irish couple who were also supposed to stay with Uncle Tan's and who are just as disappointed as we were. Oh well, we did share a different tour together just the same. The river was flooded indeed. There were fallen trees by the river bank and our guide have told us beforehand that the probability of sightings would be low since the water level is high. During our first 30 minutes, we only got to see several monitor lizards. I was very much more interested with seeing the proboscis monkeys because I've never actually ... read more
stop over
Hotsprings cottages
The freshwater pool

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah January 28th 2010

We were supposed to go to Sapi Island yesterday because Alice, my roommate was there but we bumped unto a Malaysian-born (w/ Filipino parents), tagalog speaking guy who was able to convince us to go to Mamutik instead, so we were like "Sure, fine". It was about 15 minutes ride from the Jesselton Point Ferry Terminal to Mamutik Island. It was an exciting ride, the speedboat would go bounce bounce bounce then it would slam back down hard unto the water. If these things go the same way everyday, then these must be very strong pieces of boats. I wasn't expecting it that way, it felt like white water rafting again, only worse. The rain caught up with us on our way back and you know how the raindrops feel when you're on a speedboat; they ... read more
Quiet Time
our spot ...

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu January 26th 2010

Three days ago I got an email that said "We are currently experiencing a flood at the the Camp and all visit for the near dates have been cancelled (up to 31 Jan presently)" ... that was for our 3D2N trip with Uncle Tan Wildlife Adventures in Sandakan which was half of our itinerary! Me and my little brother was so looking forward to it and more importantly, we don't have plan B! Oh well, we are still going to hope that evertyhing will turn out okay or maybe we'll just replace it with a series of picnics. We arrived last night at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport and immediately noticed that the lights are dim, everything is smaller (buildings, the road, the cars) and the place is unexpectedly quiet in general (compared to Manila, that ... read more

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