TinNiE's Guestbook

5th December 2014

Our Culture Defines Us
I'm happy that you were able to witness one of our traditions. Something that we should hold dear and shouldn't fear to impart to the younger generation. My ancestors mostly came from Sagada but I grew up knowing more about my roots in Masla, Mt. Province (our family mostly go to Masla for the Christmas or Summer Break). As my aunt told me before, their are two Dap-ays in Sagada. One for the men and one for the women. It's like the "tambayan" for them before. My mum told me that the men and women stay in the "dap-ayan" during harvest time, and they wake up early to go to the fields. The whole town will be giving food to those who are staying in the dap-ay because those who stay there will not just be harvesting their own rice field but also will be helping the others. Typical "bayanihan". And that is one of the reasons why we have the Begnas.
27th May 2014

getting kick out out of the clubs, tsk tsk.... love this photos and great photos. Waiting for your Japan blog, hope you had a wonderful time here.
From Blog: Haste Ye Back!
16th January 2014

Isn't it amazing?!
Thank you for the rather detailed itineraries!!! Keep it up! ^^.
From Blog: Trip Itineraries
16th October 2013
Scottish Highlands

Tad Surprised
Tad surprised to find you working in Manchester...or am I not up to date? The Scottish Highlands...getting kicked out of nightclubs...next you'll be playing bagpipes.
From Blog: Haste Ye Back!
17th October 2013
Scottish Highlands

haha it was just a short work assignment at the client site Dave =D i'm back at home now. oh those bagpipes need a lot of skill!
From Blog: Haste Ye Back!
15th October 2013

Inggit much!
So this is work for you ha. :p Really nice pics of the cathedral.
From Blog: Haste Ye Back!
16th October 2013

thank you! well, believe it or not I was doing a lot of work while I was there :-P
From Blog: Haste Ye Back!
14th October 2013

Stunning & spectacular
We love Scotland. Looks like you are getting around a lot. Sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope it does not last long.
From Blog: Haste Ye Back!
14th October 2013

Thank you MJ & Dave, all good now no worries ;) it's just late blogging as always. x
From Blog: Haste Ye Back!
5th October 2013

I love okra!
How nice to hear you and Shane met. And thanks for that hug! Like you, i would have been shaken to watch a man assault a woman. Sorry to hear it somehow spoiled things for you. But hey, there's the okra!
5th October 2013

oh yes, always trying to find the smallest reasons to help cheer things up ;-) haha thanks tita. hope shane finds his way to Manila so we can all meet up again!
1st October 2013

Hi Tinnie, so nice to read your blog again. Although, you're not having the best travel moment, its still an interesting read. And you should come by here sometime, okra here seemed to taste better than back home although, it is imported from the Philippines. :)
2nd October 2013

Thanks Kuya; I'm missing your blogs too! you've been slacking as well =P yes we're planning for Sakura in Japan but the plane seat sale has been so elusive, we might end up in Korea for the Cherry Blossoms :( we're still hoping it'll be offered soon because i really really really want to go to Japan :( and i'd like to taste that Japanese version of okra, imported from PI ^_^
1st October 2013
The Prime Minister's Office

Connecting with a place
That incident at the start must have been horrible! Sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy KL that much, but good to hear you met Shane. And that okra sounds delicious :)
2nd October 2013
The Prime Minister's Office

yes, thank goodness for the okra!
oh it was bad, to see a man physically assaulting a woman made me feel quite angry that time. can't take it against KL, must have been that bad start really. it will be great to meet you two as well, one of these days :)
29th September 2013
Shane Dallas a.k.a The Travel Camel

Great to finally meet you!
After reading each other's blogs for several years, it was lovely to have a meal with you in KL. Glad that it was a pleasant way to finish your day. Look forward to doing it again in the future, but hopefully we'll have more time next time!
1st October 2013
Shane Dallas a.k.a The Travel Camel

indeed it was :) and yes, hopefully there will be plenty of time for next time's meeting!
29th September 2013

Meeting the all mighty Travel Camel
We are so jealous. We really want to meet Shane and hear his stories. You are fortunate to have crossed paths. Sorry you didn't fall in love with KL. Next time you go let us know and we will recommend a couple of places. Also you should check in with Ali since he lived there for 4 years. As you said you may not have been your best traveling self. Happy travels will come your way soon enough we are certain.
1st October 2013

you'll probably 'bump' onto Shane one of these days as he seems to be going everywhere! and KL, i guess i simply didn't have enough time to really get to know it and the ugly start wasn't helpful either. really hoping for a huge travelblog gathering someday. x
8th April 2013

Upay im blogs uday, first time ko kumita :)
2nd April 2013

I hate that they were messing with the turtles
Some people just can't abide by the rules. Sounds like you had a great time. Love that you continue to explore. Sorry we missed it but keep telling us about great places as we might get back. Who knows.
2nd April 2013

Thanks MJ and Dave. Yea I pretty much hated that too but I was relieved that the guides were serious about looking after the turtles and were always quick to intercept :)

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