
The Sapir Family


We are now back in our beautiful country Israel. In this blog, we have recorded our wonderful experiences from a year of travels and backpacking in South america as a family.

When we left for the trip these were our mission team members:
Tal (41) is leading the way.
Lilach (38) is taking care of the organizations.
Nitzan (10) is in charge of making sure mom and dad do not loose it...
Omer (7) is in charge of the curiosity
Shachar (4) is responsible for making us all laugh

Upon our return, and to help others, we have created a new web site about travelling with children. Visit us on YeladimBeTarmil

Visited Countries Map

This is the map of our trip.
Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

South America Trip

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande July 27th 2010

Hi all, These are the last 10 days of our trip - though a long one, suddenly the end arrived quickly. Our flight from Manaus to Sao Paulo was very tiring - it started at 2am and not only that we fly through Brazilia, we also had a layoff in Brazilia of about 2 hours... eventually, we landed in Sao Paulo in a rainy morning. We somehow managed to find a family hostel in the town of Guarulhos located near the airport without entering Sao Paulo itself. The rest of the day was spent on shopping in one of the shopping centers located in the northern part of Sao Paulo. The next morning, we headed to Parati - a beach town located about 7 hours north of Sao Paulo. Unfortunately, upon arrival at the bus terminal, ... read more
Ilha Grande beautiful beaches
The kids building sand castle
days count

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Tabatinga July 13th 2010

Hi All, In my last entry, we have boarded the river boat going from Lagunas toward Iquitos. All in all it was a calm boat ride. We learned how to sleep tight in hammocks (best way is to lie diagonally in your hammock, this way your body is almost completely horizontal like on a bed). We got used to the boat routine: porridge for breakfast, rice with a small unidentified piece of meat (chicken maybe?...) and a fried green banana for lunch, and the same for dinner... The kids have spent the time reading, drawing and making some bracelets with 2 other tourists that were with us on the boat. We also played some cards, enjoyed the views of the river and especially - the sunsets. After two nights and a full day between them, we ... read more
On board our river boat to Iquitos
Another Sunset
Getting used to sleep in hammock

South America » Peru » Amazonas June 30th 2010

Hi all, We are nearly entering July, meaning last month of our journey, though we still need to traverse a huge mileage before we reach our final destination - the city of Sao Paulo, some 4500 km away from our current location. As you remember, we recently visited the Chachpoyas region in Peru, and today we are starting to move to the far eastern part of Peru, toward the Amazonas on which we intend to travel and cross into Brazil. We first have to get to a city called Yurimaguas - practically this is where the roads end in the region. From here onward transport is only fluvial. We spend a whole day on the roads, managing to reach only to Tarapoto, and loosing on the way our beloved Nintendo console, while hurrying and changing bus ... read more
Amazing sunset over the amazon basin
On board the Cargo Moto Taxi
Canoeing down the river

South America » Peru » Amazonas » Chachapoyas June 26th 2010

Hi all, We leave the coast region of Peru, heading to Chachapoyas, situated more than 14 hour ride east from Trujillo, in the mountains. We intend to spend a couple of last days exploring another aspect of Peruvian ancient cultures. Our goal is the fortress of Kuelap. We arrive at 0530 in the morning, but no worries - Peruvians are early birders so there is no problem at all to find a descent hotel, adjacent to the Plaza del Armas (main square), and set a guided tour to 2 interesting archeological sites, not far from Chacha' (local nickname for the city). Pueblo del muertes ('city of the dead) and Karajia, are 2 burial sites, located in the remotest places one can imagine. Both burial sites are clinging to sheer cliffs, and it took us a 2 ... read more
Walking on the edge...
Karaija Sarcophags
Back on the Horses

South America » Peru » Trujillo June 23rd 2010

Hi all, Our Galapagos adventure came to its end, together with Ecuadorian experience. We are about to return to Peru, only this time we are about to explore the Northern part. After a week of endless wildlife and beautiful scenery, we are changing “atmosphere” into desert like views, and shifting to a bit more emphasis on cultures & archeology, abundant in this part of Peru. True, the ancient pre-colombian cultures prevailed in the northern part of Peru are less famous than the world-wide glorious Inca culture. Nevertheless, we learnt that these cultures - Chimu. Moche and Lambayeque, to name a few, were not less sophisticated, organized or creative than the Inca culture. I believe the reason that these cultures are less “famous” is due to the fact that the Spaniards who conquered the continent in the ... read more
Staffed Condor - For Good Luck
India?No... Lambayeque main street
Fishing Rafts made of Reed

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos June 17th 2010

Hi all, Day 5 - We're landing early morning on the shore of North Seymour Island. It is named after an English nobleman called Lord Hugh Seymour (if you really need to know...). As we learn, this island was created by a seismic uplift rather than being of volcanic origin, like most of the archipelago. A tiny forest of silver-grey Palo Santo trees is spread just above the landing point, usually without leaves, waiting for rains to bring them into bloom. The island is teeming with life, as it is home to a large population of blue-footed boobies and swallow-tailed gulls, the only nocturnal gull in the world. I think this is one of prettiest gulls - as you can see in the photos attached. We also observe a fraction of one of the largest populations ... read more
Galapagos Flamingo
Fur seal
What a wonderful view!

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos June 14th 2010

Hi all, As a kid I always dreamt about exploring the Galapagos Archipelago as did Charles Darwin some 180 years ago. I knew by heart the amazing story about Darwin and his glorious journey of the Beagle to the Galapagos Archipelago, after which he concluded his famous study and far fetched perceptions as described in his famous book - “On the Origin of the Species”. Years passed by, I traveled in so many places on the globe - none of which were even close to the Galapagos, but have never forgotten my dream. I always promised myself that one day, I will follow Darwin, and stride in the very same land as he did. And that day has finally arrived! No stories told by other travelers we met on the way, no photos shown by them, ... read more
Galapagos Giant Tortoise
Can't move it...
Gardner Bay

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca June 10th 2010

Hi, Cuenca is a lovely city, located 6 hours south of Banos, with a very nice old colonial center. It is considered one of the top cities in the world for retiring to, though we must admit we have not seen many foreigners in its streets, but I guess in few years it will be more like in Panama. We have not done much in Cuenca, actually the only attraction we went to see is the local production of the famous 'Panama Hats' - well, why Panama hats if they are made in Ecuador in Cuenca? Apparently the called like that due to historical mistake! The French company that was digging the Panama Canal have bought these hats for its workers in Ecuador, and that is how it got its name. The truth is, that the ... read more
My 'Street Boys'
Should I adopt this new style?
Petting an Iguana

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Baños June 6th 2010

Hi, It is Nitzan, and I am going to write about Banos. Banos is a small town and close by is located an active volcano, called Tungurahua. The volcano is always active but this week it was erupting and spraying lava and not only smoke. When we arrived to Banos we went to an Israeli hostel and there we stayed. On Arrival, we thought of going to a place in Banos to maybe watch the lava but the staff in the hostel said it is too cloudy to see something, so we did not go. Next morning we ate a yummy pancake breakfast. After breakfast we stayed in the hostel until the afternoon. In the afternoon we went to a bridge in Banos to try and see the volcano erupting, but we did not manage to ... read more
From Tagua seed to an ivory elephant
Jumping from the bridge

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Quilotoa June 3rd 2010

Hi, By the title, you can already understand that this time it is Lilach. Be patient with me, and by the end of this entry you will know what is round and hard, and no, it is not for adults only.... Quilotoa Lagoon is located inside the crater of a sleeping volcano. It is a very remote area in the midst of the Ecuadorian Andes. To get there, we took a bus from Quito to Latacunga, the main city in the region. Upon arrival to Latacunga we learned that on the next morning (Sunday) there is a market day in Pujili, a small town not too far from Latacunga. We have decided to slightly change our plans, go first to Pujili and from there continue to Quilotoa - sleep the night in Quilotoa and make the ... read more
Pujili market
Pujili market
Quilotoa Lagoon

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